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On awakening, ascension itself and current cabal tactics

We live in a big deception, the big fake, some call it satan's grand delusion. Though no 'normal' human will find out about it in detail until it is too late. If you still believe that the system you were born in on Earth is normal and that there is nothing strange going on, you are still doing what they want you to do. As long as you do what normal people do and think of everything not presented in the media as strange stuff, the cabal will surprise you with the truth at the end of your life (in a most cruel way though). The programming chain is your childhood, then education by your parents, then education in school and from some time on pretty much all media you consume (Cobra also mentioned pre-natal programming, which is definitely true but hard to understand for many). The cabal will not wake you up and until you do wake up by yourself, you will be used without knowing for their goals. Once you actually do ascend or even choose your path to 'God' or the 'Goddess' or at least heavily against the cabal decisive enough, you will see soon that it is and always was a fake setup you lived in.

From the point in your life on when the cabal sees you as lost for them, they will deny you everything you wanted in life. Whatever you wanted to achieve in your life simply won't be achievable suddenly. The cabal will sabotage, boycott and deny every path to your fulfillment instantly. If you had a business or a product that was successful, suddenly it will drop to no income or you will even lose all the money you got to strange lawsuits rolling in. If it is a business too big to fail, you will be replaced, either by someone else or (quite unbelievably for some) they push you out of your body.

As the cabal are right now increasing the people they push out of their bodies (due to energy problems), those people who were not on an ascension path will have a shock wakeup which rarely works out in a good way for them. Most normal people do not even understand that 'they' (or rather part of them) can be pushed out of their bodies and what takes their place is rather working for the cabal from then on. And even on the ascension path few are ready for what happens then. If they are really good 'souls' the cabal might even do very sinister things after taking over the body, like using it for murder or other cruelties. Just to drag those pushed out back into negativity and getting some of the problems they cause with the overtaken body through to them to hinder their ascension (without body) to a safe haven.

And pushing humans out of their body is easy for the cabal in most cases. They configured the human body especially for that. The cabal are cowards and like their prey helpless, unaware and easy to attain. As most humans have not yet reached a height in which the soul takes place in their body, they are usually pretty ‚small‘. That means the part in their body which can be seen as alive on the soul-level is small, think of a fist sized part in your body which actually is alive in that higher way. The rest of your body is alive as well, but on a much lower level and will therefore be working against you, as soon and only if the cabal decide so. If humans in these cases have no big helpers among the Lightforces established on Earth who are available at that moment, the cabal will flush those humans out of their bodies. So this is pretty much what aquiring a lightbody is for, you will let your soul take place in your body and it won’t be possible to be flushed out. However what happens after humans are flushed is even more cruel for those who have little or no helpers. They will be surrounded by what humanity called demons in biblical times (many times actually Zeta Reticulans), who pretend they are nice people but they will lead them down into what was called the abyss, if those humans are falling for their tricks. And humans usually do not understand that nice looking people with nice child-like, innocent voices do not necessarily tell the truth. Though what show they try out with those freshly flushed humans differs from case to case, it is always just to nourish from the little fist-sized life energy. That nourishing for the cabal feels like absolute torture for those who left their bodies though.

However before they push people out, it might get pretty heavy as well already. Right now, as the cabal is losing the Earth, they are getting nervous and push more out of their bodies than ever before, to harvest their energies, to fight against the Lightforces who are getting closer and closer. What it means on the streets is that those people who are still alive can in some cases be surrounded by 'replaced' people, who have already been pushed out. It is therefore the cabal itself (or rather their minions put into humans) surrounding the living. The most cruel concept they establish in this scenario is one-to-many (there is also one-to-all which is when the whole city or area is overtaken but that is rare). One-to-many means that they surround the living humans solely with overtaken people - all their friends or acquaintances that they usually go out with or party with are already taken over. Like predators, the cabal then circles its prey. And the one left does not know anything about their friends having being replaced of course - there is even a psychlogical term for people thinking/telling that the people around them were replaced called ‚capgras delusion‘. So some people might have been very well correct with such observations but classified as mentally ill by design. Those predators however behave most normal (as they have access to all memories before the replacement took place) towards the one left until they think they got him/her in a trap. If they think they win, the cabal-replaced friends will then suddenly act very strange towards the one left. They will try to drive the one left insane with a for the predators funny plot they agreed upon before. And how many humans stay stable if all their friends suddenly are speaking of the same thing and are reading/using their thoughts against them? Humanity was tested in social environments and almost no one stood his/her ground on their own. Those overtaken friends will suddenly say something that makes the one left feel very uncomfortable to say the least - it will be heavy psycho-tricks that just intensify if the victim does not leave. They conspire against the one left and they sometimes play with their victims in that way for months just to build up a plot that makes more sense and the defeat more cruel.

As we are at the end of the cycle (progressing into the age of aquarius) anyway and more and more people are being pushed out, the cabal will be able to apply the one-to-many situation much more often. This situation might intensify until compression breakthrough or the Event finally happens. Such a scenario like one-to-many is pretty much a festivity for those Zetas who have replaced the humans around the one who is left. And no, it is no initiation or anything, these predators will definitely not stop torturing the one who is left alone (not even after they were pushed out). And from some point on, the one left will not be able to leave his/her now predator-friends as they simply won't let him/her anymore (if no one else is around they even will get aggressive). It usually ends in the one left being pushed out of their bodies as well and then the other cruelties explained above will begin.
And while these predators work on their one left friend, they will attack anyone who could interfere on the etheric levels and more. That means if someone who is already ascended (to some degree) coming along, he will hear the predators making fun of him and trying to scare him away. The predators are then working on the ascended one with those parts of their bodies (usually etheric/astral/etc. ) that are not busy with getting the plot established towards the one friend left. This is pretty much a more detailed description of what is already written about on this blog in the posts about quarantine Earth earlier. Also details about those predators are given in the article on Zeta Reticulans, part of those alien species who are belonging to the Cabal/NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) on Earth who established those parasitic systems of siphoning life energies.

Humans have to travel or ascend through several layers of what some call the veil until they can get free of the deception and those ugly, parasitic predators. Sounds easy but for some it takes years for each layer and these layers are pretty much set up by the cabal, in biblical terms people would say that you got to ascend through complex demonic setups and soul traps (even if you never died/left your body - which is pretty much the plan of the Lightforces this time). If you ascend, by now you usually go through that whole setup in your lightbody as we are lucky and the Lightforces have finally arrived to liberate Earth. There are people who are specialized in keeping the ascension most stable but they are still few on Earth. So usually such an enormous service of a 100% stable ascension is reserved for the very highest souls as there are just a few people capable of stabilizing such complex situations on Earth. Those humans who do not have the luck of such an extend of stability might sooner or later experience problems which are comparable to hallucinations and nightmares. As those kind of instabilities are always caused by the cabal, these hallucinations are extremely disturbing and frightening. They serve as hooks into the consciousness of the ascendant, as you won't forget easily what they did. Then, each time you have to think about those hooks, the cabal gets back to you and tries to disturb the ascendant further. Those hooks are like a radar-signal the cabal get and when they find the ascendant, they try to establish even more nightmarish hooks each time - dragging him/her back down. Depending on how far the hallucinations reach, it will be like dropping to hell for the ascendant in some cases. Getting rid of such evil memories may take years and is hard to accomplish and therefore the ascension path is usually taking much longer than people think in first place. So, until the ascendant really arrives at a state in which he can experience some form of fulfillment, years of going back and forth through hellish experiences may be the hard daily routine for some. But everything is better than dropping into their hands or into their ‚abyss‘ mentioned in several holy scriptures.

If you are already on the ascension path I would advise you to absolutely stay away from drugs, even legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes can become a big problem. Consciousness-altering, psychedelic, illegal drugs might shoot you out of your body without anyone able to help you fast enough and intensify those hallucinations and ascension problems mentioned later on. 
If you experience people behaving strange around you already (similar as described above), go on your own and stay alone as much as you can. Cut most social channels except those who could help you in emergency situations - and even keep those as distanced as you can.
Train your body daily, it really strengthens you all around, builds life energy (Chi, etc. ) and that strength will be helpful later on.
Meditate all day long if possible and quieten your mind completely until you can keep quiet for hours. The predators really do hear your thoughts and react to them/use them against you (as crazy as that might sound for 'normal' people). The longer you can stay quiet, the more the Zetas (and other alien species belonging to the cabal) will lose track of you.

Be extremely sparse with all kinds of energy. Do switch off most electronic devices in your house, keep all power used to an absolute minimum. Only use devices if you really need to use them - you do not know how these devices are constructed, do you? Of course they were created by other people than yourself - just that those others on Earth were pretty much the cabal or at least people partly working for the cabal. Therefore those devices really are very 'expensive' to use and to keep positive for your ascension as they usually work parallely in several ways for the cabal in ways humans do not understand yet (ways which need to be blocked to keep you ‚clean‘ of negativity).

These are pretty much the things you can do to make the work of the Lightforces and your own resue easier.

From some point on the ascension path on, you will actually help caring for those who are pushed out of their bodies and have a hard time. You will help and lift as many souls as you can out of the cabal fake-setup on Earth. Everyone carries as much as he/she can for the liberation of Earth these days.

Always remember: the fulfillment after you ARE through with ascension (at least through the veil set up on Earth) is pretty much unimaginable for humans who are still living in the system on Earth and think everything is normal and working fine there. Those humans who get through will have abilities that are certainly god-like, etc. - pretty much everything that was described in any spiritual scripture as human powers in the history of humanity.
They will live a paradisic life, once they are fully free (which certainly was rare on Earth up to now and rather was happening in the inner Earth). There was never a better outlook for those who choose ascension than now, we are on the verge of turning the cabal structures upside down. It‘s just that millions of years of contamination takes some time to clear up.

However you might understand the predator mind a bit better, just in case it comes to such a situation in your life or during your ascension.


  1. definetly needed that information, thanks a lot. now the last years make a lot more sense

  2. Thank you for this information. As a Pleiadian Starseed, this explains a lot of the attacks and my "absences" during my youth. I must add that it's true that one can be expelled from his body, but it's also true that one can reintegrate it. This is what I managed to do with the help of my guides, the increase of my vibratory level and the one of Earth. Thank you for your good work and please continue, you give hope and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel despite everything.

  3. Question: Thank you for sharing your insights! How can we actually help those that have been pushed out? Nothing seems to help and I even got attacked for trying. Are our friends in the skies able to take care of them (Command 12 21)?

    Answer: that is actually the skill of rescuing souls someone would need for that. You will acquire that skill sometime during ascension. If you notice something going on with which you cannot help (yet), just call for help (in your mind).
    So you are perfectly right there already.

    Just meditate on someone of whom you think could help. Sometimes it is better to call on help by someone who was stationed on Earth than the galactics, since they usually know all the evil tricks the predators do. Cobra mentioned a few big ones, also angelic beings will help (also mentioned with details on the Portal, just re-read the posts).
    But the Pleiadeans will definitely do as well and they will in the worst case contact those spiritual people who are capable of helping fast in such situations.

    And yes, as I said, you will always be attacked while on the ascension path, even for just noticing something strange going on (or just out of envy/choosing the LF). But no worries, that is right now a sign that you‘re doing the best thing you can do, ascending. You will also get to know more spiritual people who will then listen more closely to your calls and are with you faster while you ascend.
    So it‘s natural that you first become a channel for help and at a later height, you might be able to help yourself.

  4. Agree on to keep going alone and clean of drugs, but what about psychedelics (cannabis, mushrooms, LSA seeds) occasionally? I think it helps to process the negativity as a psychotherapy...

    1. It is pretty much virtually all cabal engineered on the surface. As you do not see positive big scale happenings or the event, it means that they‘re still more or less in control.
      That means they also monitor and control especially psychedelic drugs. And you certainly do not want these monsters to manipulate your consciousness.
      While some drugs were gifts once, the cabal heavily ‚invaded‘ the reception and effects in the last thousands of years.

      Some people will take drugs to begin to do the ‚real work’ in lower realms but if you do not know what you‘re doing, you might not ‚return‘ (and most people certainly do not know what they‘re doing).
      So, especially in this stage of the cabal‘s defeat, while they‘re getting more and more aggressive, I would advise strongly against psychedelics.
      They just need cannon fodder and in fact even the idea to take those kind of drugs oftentimes gets into your head through cabal influenced thoughts most of the time.

      So in conclusion: if you think psychdelics help in psychotherapy, it is actually the cabal doing the psychtherapy with you - so DO NOT do it.


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