As the first Starseeds are already uniting with their Soul-family on the mental plane, it is a topic that is getting more relevant to the ascendants right now as well as the Goddess herself wants to shine Light on the topic.
This unity will slowly drip through all Starseeds and ascendants in accordance to the natural order which is pretty much proportional to the size of their Souls.
Right now this is already happening on the mental plane which is a preparation for unity on the physical plane. All members of these Soul families are right now getting to know each other in depth - which is pretty much all their life and incarnations. This is a union which encompasses all the minds of the corresponding family. They are getting to know everything about each other, their past, their present state and the plans of the future for each other.
While the family consists of many male and female Souls (most Souls have a tendency for gender), the union usually is reserved for one male and one or more female Souls.
Remember that the male is oftentimes symbolising singularity, while females are oftentimes symbolising multiplicity which is mirroring a universal principle of male and female energies.
The male is usually the one providing the female with energy (also correspondent in the sexual union) while the female is the one turning that energy into something beautiful - in sexual union this is the children, also mirroring the multiplicity of the female principle, in this example multiplying themselves.
So, while the cabal-programmed Earth heavily promotes marriage of one male with one female, universally, one man providing for rather multiple women is much more natural and common.
The same is happening on the union of Soul-families, it is usually one male oriented Soul and several female oriented Souls uniting, while other male Souls of the family are rather supporting the union from the distance.
However in these unions it is nevertheless one female Soul who becomes the main 'wife' of the male Soul, which are more or less the main partners and taking the lead of the uniting Soul-family.
EDIT: some people might have assumed that this union then takes form similar to a harem but is actually not the case. As it is a whole Soul-family uniting, all members of that Soul-family are preparing themselves for a love relationship. This does not mean that all females will be present physical at once for example. Those ascendants who prefer a monogamous relationship will definitely get exactly that. The Soul-family decides the best format of love-union and sexual-union for all members of the family of course. So, in the physical, this could take pretty much any format of love humans know of, but it will definitely be the most fulfilling format every participant could have wished for.
As you can see in figure 1 above, the cabal send parasitic spirits to intervene with such unions. Basically they try to clog up that union by sending their spirits and minds. In contrast to the depicted white minds of the Soul family, the black, parasite minds lack a Soul-connection, that means they are limited to the spirit without support of a Soul. You can imagine those black depictations of their minds in the figure as cabal anti-souls, sent to intercept the union. Most of these anti-soul-minds were humans once and fell into joining the cabal. They intercept by analysing the union and trying to mimic the minds of the Soul-family to lure the members of the Soul-family apart to join the cabal instead. As you can see, most of their minds are much smaller than the minds of the Soul-family, which poses the biggest problem of the cabal upon interception. The mimicking most of the time stays faint compared to the strong communication among the Soul-family itself. Though that faintness is something even higher ascendants might not notice fully at first.
Basically these minds communicate via ideas, thoughts and imagination. You will actually hear your Soulmates speak in your mind during the union. Voices in your mind however are easy to fake for the cabal-parasites. That means the parasites, the smaller black minds, will speak to you similar to the communication of your true Soulmates. Intensity is not that graspable in communication via thoughts, you might notice the faintness but it will be subtle to the perceptions of most current ascendants.
Other perceptions regarding communication via imagination will be much harder to fake for the cabal, but usually require higher ascension and higher senses which are slowly developing naturally via the implant removals - the higher the ascendant, the finer his/her senses regarding those higher communications.
The white smaller minds inside the main minds indicate helper Souls, smaller participants of your Soul-family who help out in the union and might or might not stay in your family. You can also see in the figure that the bigger cabal-minds usually stay at a certain distance and rather lead the attacks, they are synced with all the smaller parasite minds and know everything these smaller minds find out about the union and communications. These bigger cabal-minds and spirits are the ones that then plan further attacks to separate members of the Soul-family and lead them astray.
Your Soul-family is consisting of exactly those Souls on Earth which suit best to your own Soul, oftentimes, these are Souls of a certain size of your own Soul-monad (monads are pretty much Soul-trees). Sometimes also Souls of a different monad will join in due to highly suitable qualities. These Soul-families will mainly consist of Souls who where on Earth but are not limited to those.
The Souls in the union are the perfect love-partners every human could have ever wished for. These unions will be the absolute perfect fulfilment of love for every participating human Soul in the end.
Minds and images of minds
Your mind is pretty much the absolute measure of your intelligence. Every mind has a certain size, which, in addition to its speed, is a good representation of your true intelligence in the given system - which is Earth in this case. This is basically what your spirit has found out about life on Earth and its connections to pretty much everything, all those connections you need to act intelligent take place in your mind.
Higher ascendants will be able to see the minds of any human they encounter. Like in the figure, they will just perceive a sphere of a certain size at will and will be able know about the humans they meet.
The bad part about minds is that the cabal and especially the lurker see the mind as well at least to a degree. It gets even worse here, the cabal is able to take images of at least medium sized minds and will be able to run simulations upon those images. That means the cabal is able to predict the behaviour of medium sized minds pretty well.
What is even worse is that the lurker and several top-cabal, can actually replace the minds they captured with modified images. That means whatever you tell those cabal-minds is irrelevant, because the cabal will delete that information for the minds and spirits they captured.
They could even use your own mind against yourself and send you humans who are basically operating on an image of your own mind. They actually did that throughout the ages for torturing humans, creating an opponent of themselves which is then made superior by supportive artificial intelligence of the cabal.
For bigger minds, this was not a problem, as the cabal could not make correct images of them.
The good part about images of minds is that the Lightforces can do the same and have much higher abilities in pretty much everything the cabal can do. So they can restore lost minds and provide them with truths which might help them out and join the Lightforces sooner or later.
However these images and more are the reasons why many smaller minds fell into serving the cabal, they could not win against them and their technology. The cabal could predict every of their actions and could easily outsmart the smaller ones, then giving in to the illusions.
What is unique and certainly unpredictable is the Soul-connection of the mind. This is what made even smaller minds win against these measures of the cabal and enabled them to break free in the end - the Soul is not part of those images.
Though even that unpredictable part of the positive minds is just as big as the Soul itself. Usually the size of the mind also is also proportional to the size of the Soul - time is what can make a difference to the development of the mind. That is why many smaller Souls fell for the illusions of the cabal throughout the ages, and some of those are right now attacking the union of Soul-families.
Depending on how long these minds serve the cabal (usually the Soul connection is lost upon joining them), some of these spirits and minds are beyond healing and will be deported to the Central Sun. Also, many such minds do not have a physical body anymore and are just doing the will of the lurker, who captured them in first place.
Many of those attackers are however evacuated upon attacking the Soul-families, these are those minds who are still able to understand fundamental truths and still show reactions on being told about what they do wrong. Their ability to heal is usually waning according to the time they are in service of the cabal.
All of these battles on the mental sphere are constantly serving the advancements of the Lightforces and therefore the later unions will be much safer than the first ones are right now. Additionally, the parasitic spirits are deported all along, making later unions even more smooth.
Therefore it might actually be in your own best interest if you are not yet united with your Soul-family as the biggest Starseeds are still in the process of paving your best possible way.
This was an unexpected surprise thank you sebastian
ReplyDeleteThanks Sebastian. Lots of pieces of spot on puzzle description. All our fantasies are quickly sucked back into sizzling feedback loops now. I'm learning to place both fears and desires at the feet of the Divine. Yes, voices and subtle intuition can be faked, but not true heart shine or real love. Just gonna be patient...
ReplyDeleteGreat article! We were so bored without cool alien stuff to read. Another problem with relationships as you've touched on is the inability to control pregnancy. People get with another who is totally incompatible and then you're stuck because you made babies. Then the kids have a crappy life, continuing the cycle. Or even worse there's divorce and shuffling around of parents and making new bastard half children. I know a woman with two kids 8 and 12. She left their dad and immediately hooked up with a new guy and they just had a child. "Sorry kids, I'm getting rid of your dad and replacing him with gross trucker guy who will now be sleeping in bed with me. And we're making a new bastard child that will sort of be your brother and sort of not." So fun! Could you imagine your mom getting knocked up by other men, fucking disgusting. That would destroy your sense of stability and safety forever, not to mention kill your view of what love and relationships are. It brings up the concept of free love communes. It's touted they heal people's sexual trauma and frees them from the "artificial construct" of monogamy. Yeah right, let's see how healed those women are when they keep having babies of men who don't give a shit about them. Let's see how those kids turn out when their mom is the harem slut to be abused. See how stable and safe they feel having a bunch of random siblings who aren't really their siblings. All anyone can do to defend it is scoff at being so "uptight" or even deny unwanted pregnancies happen. I have a friend who is obsessed with the idea everyone should be banging everyone all the time and that a nuclear family is terrible. It's deranged. It's honestly the worst thing I can think of. It keeps people in a savage mentality like the Middle East and Africa. Generation after generation in a cycle of abuse, rape, theft, organized crime, and sadistic behavior. People become nihilist freaks because random dudes come over to bang their mom. It's terrible for the men who do it. The women and children deal with tough conditions, but the men ARE terrible and have to live with that on their soul. It's no coincidence Christian societies flourished relative to the rest of the world and their "free love." People need a mom, dad, real siblings, real biologic family, period. None of this shit "a family can be lots of things." Those are just broken people pretending, living a fake fantasy life to soothe the trauma. Surrogate parents, what an abomination. "We got pregnant from a stranger, who is actually your real parent you'll never meet, but we'll pretend the person who lives with us is your parent."
DeleteI theorize getting pregnant is not as simple with the aliens than it is with us. Remember, WE are, essentially, genetically raped. The darkies wrecked our DNA, giving us ONLY TWO STRANDS, enough for one main purpose: Reproduction.
The darkies want to make sure the supply of slaves/cattle remain strong, hence why it's so damned easy to make babies on this planet.
Very suitable quotes here, thank you Libra.
Delete@Patrick Monogamy as well as the nuclear family is definitely not natural and is a matrix construct, as confirmed by COBRA, here are some quotes from Budapest soul family workshop of 2019:
Delete"The main programme is monogamy. The key for men and women for liberating themselves from this programme is to strive to connect their heart with their sexual energy and vice versa. Men need to become aware of their Twin Soul connection whereas women need to allow themselves to have more connections. Keep in mind that there is a difference between having a committed connection versus an exclusive connection. In a committed connection the partners let each other free. They choose consciously to not make other connections. They do not feel they are each other’s property. About 10% of the awakened surface population has reached this level of committed connection. In an exclusive connection women control the life force of men through biological exclusivity. This unhealthy way of connecting between men and women is the only way to control human DNA and was imported from the Orion star system to Atlantis 25000 years ago. We have been in this patriarchal system forever since. When you control a society on DNA level you have a perfect controlling human slave system. If you control the sexual energy of your partner, you are under programming of The Matrix. Putting a psychological fence around your partner is acting out of Matrix programming. An extreme example is found in the Middle East where women are still property of men. If you bond through love and let the other person free, there is a spirit or soul connection. That is healthy and okay."
"In Soul Families monogamy will dissolve: Dedicated couples will stay together because they want to be together. It is because of their Free Will and they are not limiting each other. No control. No drama. It is their purpose to stay together."
"The natural soul signature is to love freely and more than one person."
"You must unlock programming and heal own sexual trauma… which helps heals separation of heart and sex chakra. Programming will be triggered if not dealt with. Implants are always triggered in a group, whether it takes 2 days or 2 months. A healthy group dynamic is not possible if this healing is not done. The nuclear family program denies this healing. This unhealed energy manifests in violence or war."
@Audenis: very suitable and supportive quotes as well, thank you.
DeleteSame, once I become an alien girl once again, I am gonna look for other alien girls to hook up with.
ReplyDeleteHey, I found out a quick video about what happened February 4/5 2023, the day the earth lost the yellow ray and ben turned into AI quantum energy then we all turned sleepy with brain fog.I guess it is related to the 1st ascendant/1st tormented guy out of ten actually active on earth "true" all the ages belly removal... Well this video was made quick and it look like it was unusual because he never made a video so quick thrue all the ages.
I´m afraid, monsieur le doctor, that the longed missed pink/yellow ray that probably you refer to, was kidnapped by the descendants of the 2nd Lurker, now deceased.. Specially by those of them that had been much bastardized by a faction of the Chimera, when the Goddess had been trapped on Earth by the first male/traitor and female/tormentor, therefore the mind foggyness and even more feared consecuences.............................
DeleteIt´s easy to make fun of all this, but what if it´s true, at least in part? We´re dealing with concepts and events that our minds can´t wholly embrace or understand, we could be easily misguided, a lot of nonsense can be generated, it´s easy to make a parody of it, but the ultimate truths are somewhere in there. I trust the big picture of it, the details time will tell, but meanwhile I think it´s better not to judge..
Off course it is not a thing to make fun of it, it is just the circonstances that need a little bit more clearity... Some peoples (spiritual) think that he have ben betrayed by Mary Magdelaine and now stuck between 2 dimensions witch is not really possible as the reality is not as we see on tv. In my opinion this guy was implanted real hard on the 2 eyes, each sides of the head (frontal) with implants thiner of the size of a dust and behind the right ear so he got distorted from all multi dimensions and that reach each of his incarnations and even maybe some familly elswhere... So it can be seen as a betrayal instead of a hack... The thing is just that there is a droïd not long after that wasn't born from a mother and a father that came out with a special belly supervised by the order of melchisedech and that look suspicious all those circonstances... Well as usual things like that are not really understandable of our point of view because of we missing the part of all those galactic intrests upon human race, not to say that it is a bad thing to having humans robot into some planet it can be really usefull and they look good, other interest is to make human going to the blue race (evolve) and offcourse some of galactic races who are involuting wants some biotechnologie to avoid going that cold as we are and i understand why but there is more than just a mario and a wario, it is a situation where most of the investor wants what they worked for...
DeleteYou say the circumstances need a bit more clarity.. in this context at least yes, I agree. We´re a lot of non native English speakers here and in 2012blog, and despite our little mistakes and sometimes picturesque ways of expression we are clear for the most part. Cobra, who seems not to be a native English speaker as well, is always very clear and precise in this language. With the type of information we´re dealing with in this context, even being very clear things can get fuzzy, let alone if you if you are not.
DeleteIn Spain there´s a writer who sold a lot of books (and had good reviews) from the 70s on, E Mendoza, who creates a similar atmosphere, a nebula where all the absurd is possible and which gives place to the most hilarious situations. Also many people don´t get that El Quijote is about the same, absurd sense of humor (and a bit more..).
But this should for literature, for planetary liberation "intel" the language should be like that of intel briefings, clear, precise, concise and aseptic, like Cobra´s idiom. Otherwise things go crazy, inmho
Indeed, information get quickly subjective when it get delivered to human mind and multiple point of view of the same subject and can get really funny for a creative mind to write story's and creating worlds. But into any intelligence delivered into this world it need a certain level of desinformation just like a wise man once said : Do not drop good seeds along the way because bad bird can take it. Meaning in someway that i prefere to be around mumbleing gold theeths gangster and short temper vaccine fingerpointer than having to be aware of grimoir sorcerers hanging at each corner. Fashion is somekind of safety into this world until we change the pixel.
DeleteIndeed the compound you mention, if I well understood, consisting of bad seeds wisely or randomly intermingled with great subjectivity, culd be the much needed medicine to combat the malady or sickness of impatience. Which was bought to us by the awarenes of an almost imminent Event that would put to an end our innumerable miseries, the latter bough to us by the Earth dwelling demons and other species.. This knoledge or awareness, like that of good and evil, and others pertaining the upper realms, is a duble edged sword for us mortals. For if on one side bestows and provides us with some hope and pulpose, as a kind of conclusion if there could be such, I wuld say on the other chastises those afected with all pervading and merciles impatience, for which the aforementioned medicine well could be a suitable balm...
DeleteDr. Sickboyardee
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by saying ,,the day the earth lost the yellow ray and ben turned into AI quantum energy then we all turned sleepy with brain fog" are you referring to the not anymore yellow sun above our heads ??? Yeah The sun has becoming White but that was not since this year but rather 15 - 20 years back . By the way interesting that nobody cares that our sun looks now different . I don't know why but there are no statements to this topic at all whether from Cobra nor from anyone else therfore only view people have managed to noticed the change 🌞🙄 .
Every human is related to a specific ray of energy depending on the soul vibration that we can notify by how they are bending the light. Yellow ray or the nazareen ray had nearly 500 human run by it...This way you can figure why Jesus had 12 apostles for establishing 12 ray.
Delete@ Sickboyardee
DeleteNo offense but your Jesus is fake . It is a invention of the dark side created to siphon your energy by extracting your emotions what happens during your prayers to this egregor . What happens during this process is You calling your advisor which is an AI and you get basically nothing sollid in exchange ( Jesus says thank you you for your faith you are a good soul so you have to still believe and waiting because I'm coming soon .... I would say the Next 2000 years or so ) but you must paying for the call with your own energy anyway . The often you doing this the often this connection will be stronger so that they can controlinng your thoughts and your behavior even easier also it is the reason why you will not give credit to what I'm claiming and even feeling upset because of my words and this happens because you are already to addicted and drugged to Jesus . . your believe system is playing here the role of the jab center WHO knows also world hell organization 👼😷👹thay will telling you (what's wrong) with you as well that you are Infected so you need a jab because otherwise you will not survive but in reality you are full of energy however it will change once you will starting to doing what they saing . They doing this to making you smaller so that you are away from your true powerful nature being the creator of your own destiny that's what you are . They saing you are nothing and without Jesus or another deity you will be completely lost . When they advising you to repeating 24/7 bla bla bla this bla bla bla will becoming finally your Amen ( Amon ) and you will becoming a faithful worshipper of the holy bla bla bla teachings . this is how it works the truth will set you free Jeah but before this happens this truth will pissing you off that's for sure . In order to feeling better after reeding my words you need to pray 10 times not 9 nor 11 no because it must be 10 times . Beside that cutting the connection with me and reeding the Bible 3 times the day will helping you a lot at least according to them because you should reastablish the connection so fast as possible before is too late and before they loosing the control over you so you can do this or you can also throw the Bible away and getting your energy back but it is your decision . You can choose between remaining to be blind 🙈🙉or being blinded by the new light ( this is what happens when the eyes are getting open for the first time 😳) its up to you
Yes, it's true, first of all, his name was not Jeshua Ben Joseph... We never knew his real name, only that he was born in the middle of summer. And then this guy wasn't very good with people, I mean, he could be really arrogant around people when the energy around him got stupid, and nervous depending on the threshold of his energy. This guy was a Melchizedek and what he was doing here was not to teach, he came here to do the work. The complexity of his work is really very difficult to understand. Also, in all this we must understand that the soul of the one we call Jesus and Melchisedech are 2 completely different entities but who used the same vehicle, and even "Jesus" was in a way dangerous but necessary, because that evolving/merging so quickly leaves gray areas in the lower mind and makes things very complicated in a cooling world like ours... If you want to know more about Melchisedech teachings just look for the TaoTeKing and you may realize that you were right about evolving, it has NOTHING to do with beleiving... ⚜
DeleteAll this Trans agenda is definitely the work of the dark side . I'm a former dark being from Orion so I know this Modus operandi hehe . They doing this step by step generation after generattions . First there was a gay trend including gay hating ( because they want those opposite energys eeeeemotions . When they enough they go forward with the next step which is trans gender trend and curreo forced gender change agenda . the next step will be trans Borg . It is not about your sexuality guys . they want literally to splitting your souls by playing with your desire they creating connections with their agends of deprevity . Evertime you change your gender you will be more and more cut from the source 💔once that happened you will become even more convenient suit to the dark entities whom are living in your energetic body already . But what they actually want is not you they want your children they want the new generation of Borg . For this reason they like to installing not only exiting trends like war games VR and so in ( this is also preparation
ReplyDelete) but also hot honey traps to the light workers are the plan so that they get a part of you and part of their agend lover combined together in order to create a kind of voodoo puppet so that they can now manipulate the energy field of the light workers parents even more easier . Jeah guys Your children are you plus someone else and they like to changing you and making you to one of them 👹. This is the reason of all this fast food relationship portals like tinder . They have created a perfect environment to luring and literally injecting you with the dark energys ( poison ) because when a light worker meets a dark trap and they getting closer we'll you will be not so of light anymore this is how thay run this show guys . this is what you see because you will be blinded by the artificial light 👼🙄and this is what you actually get 👹👿🙄. After a while your spicy lover will show you the real face yeah the masks will be dropped and this also part of the plan because they want you to be dissapointed you should creating emotions . In the meantime you will have already your troyan horse called children ( my, yours and ours ) yeah from now on you will be forced sharing your life your Energy with those agends of the dark side and they will making you crazy , lost and finally darker and darker because you will loose the control over this spawn . Yeah folks that's why many star warriors here on earth are constantly alone without any partners but these are the greatest lightwarriors of all kind . They instinctively know that a child or even worse children on this world means mix of you and not anymore you . The other topic is those of the dark side like to doing abductions in order to change the DNA of the parents especially mothers so that they creating one of their kinds and Gray's are playing here the role of the date doctors . The dark side knows exactly what is interesting to you what are your desires and that will sending you someone who will be almost perfect So be careful while enjoying your life and living for a moment ( so to speak ) because beautiful roses can also hurt and we are all living on a kind of field of roses 🥀🙄🥀
DeleteOnce the aliens get here, and first contact is underway, I'm getting MY gender fixed. I'm a feminine alien soul, who was forced to incarnate as a human, and worse, a man...and an unidealistic one at that, to add salt into the wound. And I NEVER wanted to be on this rotten gulag of a planet to begin with.
DeletePay attention to that You are by far not the only one of the light team who struggles with the own gender . This is part of the agenda of the dark side to altering your soul by splitting and adding some parts of your soul there where they should not been . What they doing is creating trauma during your incarnations for the purpose of splitting the souls after that they will taking parts of those splitter souls from let's just say your past incarnations where you ware a woman and than adding these old pieces to the current state where you are a man . This alterations are the reason of the problems with your identity and sexual behavior of many lightwarriors because these not coherent views are going hand in hand with strong emotions and remember they want your emotions because they are not able to be emotional at all . However they do understand that the emotions creating the reality so they want to take control over your emotions and pushing you to the direction you should going according to them... humans are like bees creating a kind of honey they extracting from you 24/7 ) . I don't have any problem with my gender but with the still existing dark side inside of me including dark thoughts and strong emotions I'm am creating all the time . As a former dark being I was a kind of soul eater and what you eat you will become in some form ( that's why they want the population eats bugs ) after a while these new attachments started to growing inside of me and to living through me I have become to change and transforming my self and inoeci see that it was the best thing that ever could happened to me . Now I'm a person with many personalities . because of my menu of past incarnations I understand many things the dark side is doing because I get now a view point from many perspectives simultaneously . One side of me the red Draconian warrior ( Raktarion) wants to revenge on enemy's , the other teaches me how to stay calm and how to controlling my emotions and another Me wishes to bringing light into everything what may exist even to my enemy's . I know that every relationships are staged and playing some role for a while and after that these friendships must fall apart so I can deel with this temporal difficulties . But from time to time the battlefield which is taking place inside of me is to heavy to stay calm and when this happened I can be very unpleasant so it is better to avoiding contact with anyone ( especiely in those red days ) . This is how they want me to becoming dark once again but it will never happen because I already realize that destroying the universe meens self destruction and I am aware that with every good deed I create a world in which I want to thrive . That's why I'm calling my self Dreammaker
For sure, the rapid downward spiral of gender ideology has been shocking. Of all the attacks on humans, causing gender dysphoria is just about the worst thing they've managed. A horrific brain disorder that makes people think they're in the "wrong" body, and have an uncontrollable obsession with it. I can't think of much worse. It's so all encompassing it goes beyond feeling like the other gender. The biggest part of the delusion which I've seen in every single trans person, is that they WILL somehow become the other gender some day. That's the part taking it to a whole other level that's really sad. Everyone has a different way depending on their worldview. For some it's surgery, others aliens will help, others it's achieving Tibetan Rainbow Body, still others don't even know how but they're convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt they will become the other gender somehow. It breaks my heart to see this level of damage. Somehow the Dark is able to consistently change the brain to cause this delusion and it's eerie to watch it play out. It's like Shutter Island where he really thinks he's an investigator and everyone is spooked watching him act out the false life.
Delete@ Patrick Kehoe
DeleteCongratulations you seems to be the only one here who does understand the point of this Trans agenda . The others choose to living in their sweet convenient lie . The difference between Nature inspired trans- formation and cabal generated trans formattion of the population only existing in the heads of the trans affected human subjects because both agendas are basically the same . The dark side likes to creating many different kinds of similar traps working like a stairway . The victims should be thinking that the first steps of this stairways are completely harmless and just going excited forward right into the point of no return . It is like a fly wants to visit the spider web only to see how far she may jumping on the spider web because it funny and no spider to see around the corner . The true is they are masters of deception their nature is to masking everything covering darkness with light traps creating sweet poison making you constantly laughing during to be attacked because when you are laughing you are week and defenseless ( in this moment and can not fight ) it woud be the ultimate weapon I would created if I still ware part of the dark team 🤡 imagine this scenario during a war one switch and the enemy can not using his weapon because he must loud Loughing so that I know where he is hiding themselves . Within minutes every human would be so tired and completely powerless that a combat fight would not be possible anymore . you can see some of this what I'm referring to in those stupid tik tok movies and Hollywood comedys . All this is a pychological weapon invented against humanity a kind of drug and nobody cares 🤗 . Pay attention how they dancing and jumping during somebody must fight for life how they selling suffering as something which should be so funny to the audience . this is exactly this distorted sociopathic nature of the dark side I know very good but in the meantime this behavior discussed me to the extreme because I know what they doing they need mix of emotions positive and negative because positive emotions are in nature more powerful so they using both ingredients to cooking their mixture 🤡
This is the moment when you realize that you see more then the others do but the more you know the less you can say and once this happened to you there will be no return to normality 😳
@Dreammaker & @Patrick
DeleteBULLSHIT. I've felt like this since childhood during the 1980's, LONG before any 'agendas'. And I KNOW I've been an alien girl before this life, and NEVER was human before this so-called 'life'.
And I can assure you that I have no 'brain disorder'.
Here's a lil food for thought for you. --->
I'm getting myself restored first chance I get, REGARDLESS what you two think. So, spare me any Matt Walsh inspired lectures, mmmkay?
Don't like it? TOUGH ROCKS.
@ LIBRA .... MAN
DeleteTo all those Sissi lovers ( anagram of Isis 🙃👀 ) YESS you are throwing heavy stones but on your self but also on the goddess energy because by embracing the Trans agenda the dark side is pushing currently everywhere you are becoming a tool of the darkness as well so you are becoming a part of the problem and not the solution . This world stays under control of the dark side since many millennials but it was allowed to you to be here only for a moment so you are existing basically like a fly who is living for around two weaks ( max ) and in this time she is attracted to everything what is full of dirt and 💩 . Yeah This is unfortunately your life (and my as a human because I'm not an Raktarion anymore ) on this planet so you can't not even imagine what could be possible somewhere else . They do weaponizing your sexuality and turning it all not only against you directly ( more attachments ) but against everything what could be considered as true nature as well . What you obviously do not want to understand is that if you embracing this distorted agenda you are giving the dark side ok to go forward so that they can not only pushing this agenda and luring you into this trap they will later get permission from you to even enforcing this scam upon minorities . Your participation will turning into multiplication of the same distorted consciousness and this is the reason why the dark side is using you Sissi seeds to continue what they have began because they know that you are also part of the meditation team so by distorting this energys they achieve to making your participation on the meditation much less reliable because they using you as a kind of virus 👻. Understand this Your contribution to the mass meditation was getting deranged because your sissies energy is not equal to the energy of the goddess but Cobra will not telling you this because he realize that many light workers has this ( mutation and that kind of chip sticks in your brains like tick to the skin of his prey ) and he don't want to offend you or loosing your support . I'm an Orion seed we are the wrecking balls to the current system . We are here to saing what must be said to doing what have to be dun like it or not but we are not here for likes so we dont care 😑. This topic is to important so it must be stressed . Consider this Many of you are still into this Jesus worshipping . fine in this case try to find something in the Bible or somewhere else ( holy scriptures ) where it was said that you should change your gender and throwing your temple which is your natural body your natural appearance away . I don't want to offend you but What you trans sissies are is basically chimeras ( one of many) so you are feeding the lurker with your own energy and this entity uses now your power of manifestation and your abilities to creating reality in order to twisting the nature and to killing everything what is the true manifest of the source and the prime creator . Look at the words of Cobra from his last statement .
Until then, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide
Bingo🦜 🤖👻
@Dreammaker HAPPY that I am a MAN, and HUMAN, looking like Clint Howard, living on a gulag of a world?
MY traumas will be healed once the aliens RESTORED ME.
Isn't just both possible, the cabal soul fractioning trans agenda as depicted of dreammaker, as well as a genuine manipulation of the incarnation process into the opposite gender?
DeleteCompared to all the things I learned on this blog the cabal is capable of I'd rate that a 2 or 3 of 10 on the 'unthinkable' scale.
It would clearly be the cabal's signature move, polarizing between different truths and make the people fight over it with each other.
@ Sherman
DeleteNot what outside , but what inside of you is important because the only think what you will taking with you on the other side that will be your consciousness . Your way of thinking ( your consciousness ) will determine in some form your future form and your new mindset . As an Draconian I hade horns but now I don't have any however my current human name has still something to do with horns . That indicates that something from our past will follow us in the future ( for many reasons ) one of them might be that we should one day know what of Branch we stem from so that we can change something for better or for worst ( for a while ) . My light work will spreading and affecting the whole branch I was part of . Do to my new consciousness I will providing new perspectives to my whole branch because I'm a former Draconian Queen which is connected to the whole broot . What I will achieve to learn they will gat the chance learning as well this is how it works and the reason why draconians are incarnating as humans mostly are this high ranking members ( same with another dark species and you might be one of them as well but you dintr know this anymore that would explain a lot . I am not dreaming to be a Reptile once more I will go forward whatever may coming I will embrace it and trying to learn as much I can . For exemple I was a killer warrior now I'm only skilled martial artist . I was a predator and now I try to avoid fight or generally conflicts (if thay are not necessary) because I am aware of that all of them are staged and that every dark deed will making this world even darker so it is better to do the opposite means sending light instead of fightu with each other because helping to expanding the darkness would be equal with self destruction and I want to survive and overcome everything . Don't get me wrong but with this gender mindset you are now under influence of the dark side . They playing with your sexuality and using you like rat who was poisoned so that now they can sending this rat to the other rats back for one reason for spreading the disease . Guys Your distorted trans mindset should forming the new mindset I of the whole humanity that's the goal of the dark side . One single drop in the Ocean means nothing but this Ocean contains
of many drops 👀 you are the wave 🌊🌍think better about that before is too late
Sounds like the 'lesson of the week' from those CHEESY 80's sitcoms. All we need now is the soft, dippy piano music playing. MY needs and desires are NOT dark side anything, just genuine me. And, as said before, I am also, in addition to getting my PROPER gender restored, I am also going to get my proper genetics restored, PURGING the human elements (contamination as I call it) as well.
DeleteIn simple words, I'm going to give up my humanity and masculinity, for NEITHER have done me well, just a source of pain. And neither you, Pat, not anyone else is going to stop me, and if anyone DOES try to stop me, they will be walking back home limping.
"Consider this Many of you are still into this Jesus worshipping . fine in this case try to find something in the Bible or somewhere else ( holy scriptures ) where it was said that you should change your gender and throwing your temple which is your natural body your natural appearance away . I don't want to offend you but What you trans sissies are is basically chimeras ( one of many) so you are feeding the lurker with your own energy and this entity uses now your power of manifestation and your abilities to creating reality in order to twisting the nature and to killing everything what is the true manifest of the source and the prime creator . Look at the words of Cobra from his last statement .
DeleteUntil then, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide"
More bullshit.
1: This 'natural body' and appearance I been CURSED into is NOT any 'temple', but a dilapidated shack.
2: We are NO Chimeras......
.........BUDDY BOY. *one finger salute*
3: MY traumas ARE being put into the wrong body, both species and gender.
YOU, Dreammaker are NO healer, NO savior, NO advisor. Just another Pat Robertson or Matt Walsh wannabe who THINKS they know what is best for us. And all those folks who think they knew what's best for us often got the rest of seriously fucked over.
WAKE UP and smell what you're shoveling, Dreammaker.
According to dr Phil Valentine, stars are male, and planets are female. Stars are radiant, give light and heat to the planets. Planets revolve around the stars, and normaly, are more than one. Planets breed the paradise for life to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteIn my case, my earliest experiences with the opposite sex was others rejecting me. When my 'childhood sweetheart' got older and I wanted to go out with her (when we were both around the 5th grade or so), someone asked her out for me, and she made a gross face like I was disgusting. I've had a pattern of girls when I was in childhood and women in adulthood rejecting me, so a long time ago my decision was to give up and no longer pursue a romantic relationship. Females who were interested in me - I was not interested in them, and females I was interested in thought they were too good for me. I really like being alone now. I can't ever see myself in a romantic relationship with a woman for all time. What's happened feels completely irreversible. I still have a romantic side, but I don't allow it to make me suffer much when always being without a romantic partner.
ReplyDeleteIt's also interesting that my guy friends always had girlfriends and I was hanging out without a girlfriend of my own, as a 'male helper.' (Nonsexual male helper.) I absolutely hated how that felt. This has a certain degree of similarity to Steph's perspective, although I wasn't an object of attraction.
I believe it's possible to unite with Source without a romantic partner or set of romantic partners. My romantic partner can be Earth. I can't have sex with her, but that doesn't matter. I harmonize more with environments instead of romantic relationships.
I'm not dissing Sebastion's post. The only case I would disagree would be if Sebastion stated that his description is the only way back home besides the fate that awaits the evil elites. There are many different fully conscious ways go back home.
Only an ALIEN will I accept. And for me, to HELL WITH EARTH, I'm LEAVING this rotten lump of rock with the aliens first chance I get. I never wanted to be here in the first place.
DeleteSherman, at this point, I don't even think I could romantically love an Et partner. If I had all my basic necessities met, I could literally stay on Earth without ever coming into contact with another human being or Et and be totally fine. I will never regard Earth as a rotten lump of rock. I have the complete opposite view on Earth. Society on the other hand - that's a different story.
DeleteLibra, I don't know, it's different now. I just don't think about Ets much anymore. I could live like Yoda in the older Star Wars movies in that swamp, lol!
It sounds harsh what I said, and I don't want to be a fuddy-duddy, but sometimes I get this way. I've been feeling more guided to let go lately.
DeleteI think we need to get Cobra reader Psychic in here and take this to the next level!
DeleteSo she can give us a 'one size fits all!' speech?
DeleteI DON'T WANT to stay on earth. YOU might like earth, I DON'T. To me, it's the Detroit of the cosmos, a backwater world like Tatooine from Star Wars.
YOU wanna live like some crusty old hermit, GO AHEAD. ME, I NEED to LEAVE planet gulag, get restored, find my REAL friends and family (from the stars), and find nice aliens to hook up with. Not everyone wants to live like a monk as you want to, Starlight. Again, one size does not fit all.
You can have your swamp, don't expect everyone else to embrace such a life.
I think Libra said it best, here:
Delete "Female Stockholm Syndrome" is the term Libra made.
Sherman, well yeah. That's what I was thinking as well. Not everyone wants the same things. We are actually in agreement. "Crusty old hermit" is off though. I plan on being immortal. 😎😋
Delete(Before I ascend.) 😆
DeleteI am actually a crusty old ermit listening a lot of the youg and the wreckless show and i love it, i do not having problem with gender since then and i do not need to do drugs to be high...I just need to sit on my couch for an hour and wait, then step up very very fast 😎
Delete@Starlight432: Good example here of how love-life is manipulated for positive people on Earth.
DeleteLibra, yeah, people who don't know what it's like to be trans should not go around acting like they know what they are talking about when they have no clue. I don't have a clue myself, so I don't go on some rant about it like I'm some sort of expert who's 'in the know.' If I did I would be a total jackass, to put it mildly.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I was before this human so-called 'life'. I do know I was a blond, Nordic looking alien girl, akin to Lalla Ward when she was really young in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Is there more than one species of Nordic looking aliens?
As for relationships....oh, I tried...I REALLY TRIED over the course of 1994 to 2013, when I finally threw in the towel and gave up. Apart from being rejected, or put into the infamous 'friends zone' (where I live, once you are friend zoned, you are trapped in there...for people seem to PREFER total strangers over long time friends for relationships that involve intimacy, be it emotional and/or physical), there was something that REALLY played a big part.
Each time I found someone I thought I had a chance with, be it someone relatively local to me, or long distance, the said person would always, and I mean ALWAYS.....disappear on me. They would totally vanish....phones no longer worked, emails never answered, if they had social media like Facebook, the account would be like totally gone, and if local, they were never seen or heard from again, as if they never even they got erased like Marty McFly almost was in "Back to the Future".
Adding to that, I had to put up with this:
I also had to compete with these, which I had no chance in hell in winning against:
And after so many painful disappointments, I threw in the towel and just gave up. This HAD to have been yet ANOTHER 'gift' from the darkies upon my forced reincarnation on this dust ball, for emotional and sexual, saying I am frustrated is severe understatement, and another reason I want to personally KILL as many darkies as I can, hence why I'm practically BEGGING the light forces to let me join them and fight alongside them personally, just restore me and then arm me, and I'm good to go.
ReplyDeletePlus when folks say that sorta stuff like Pat and Dream said, I want to find something very heavy to throw at them. For it's like when 'normal' folks wanted to 'cure' the gays with methods like electroshock therapy. And with that sniveling little runt, Matt Walsh, whom I refer to as Wesley Crusher's evil clone, saying he pretty much 'declared war' on trans folks, it's any wonder why some trans folks either kill themselves, or become either anti-social or hostile like some of the Karen types out there.
Liebe SternenSaaten
ReplyDeleteIn der Tat erleben wir ganz verrückte Zeiten.
Ich danke euch allen für eure Kommentare und interessanten Beiträge.
Genauso wie ihr habe ich auch ganz viele Meinungen was ich alles darüber sagen will, fühle und denke.
Es ist so schwierig das alles in Worte zu fassen.
Vermutlich wäre es besser einfach weniger zu denken und stattdessen mich dafür zu entscheiden glücklich zu sein.
Wir Denken viel zu viel. Wir wollen es verstehen. Lesen wieder 1000 verschiedenen BlogBeiträge und "Updates" und News.
Anstatt dass wir einfach etwas schönes für unseren Körper tun. Wunderschöne klassische Musik hören oder in die Natur gehen und Freunde treffen.
Habt Vertrauen dass es wunderschön gut kommt.
Habt Vertrauen, dass wir dann schon eine unglaublich tolle Zeit erleben werden und alle unseren allerliebsten Sternengeschwister und Zwillingsflammen treffen werden.
Ob wir nun in Monogamie oder Polyamorie leben werden. Ist doch zurzeit vielleicht gar nicht so wichtig. Du wirst dann superglücklich sein. Dein Gegenüber wird dich und deine Gefühle wahrnehmen und genauso daran interessiert sein, dass es dir gut geht.
Verbinde dich mit deinem Herz.
Lasse deine HerzEnergie fliessen. Egal wenn auch um uns herum ein Sturm tobt.
Wir können zurzeit nur etwas machen.
Dafür sorgen, dass wir jetzt glücklich sind, egal wie schwierig die äusseren Umständen sind.
Alles liebe euch!
Why The Lurker Always Fails
ReplyDelete@Libra, did you notice anything interesting when you planted your cintamani?
ReplyDeleteSebastian my grand mother has dementia. What causes it and is there anything I can do about it?
ReplyDeleteStarlight and the other incels, I have friends exactly like you, I've seen it all. There's nothing wrong with you, except a lifetime of choosing weakness and a snowballing bad attitude that over time really did destroy you. Relationships are a learned skill like everything about being human. It takes practice, knowledge, getting outside your comfort zone, taking risks, and perseverance for years. That's how it is for everyone. The only difference between you and people who are happy in life is they don't have a sad sack personality and they work for what they want, even abstract things like love, happiness, and self acceptance. Are you up at dawn jogging, eating a steak salad, asking women on dates to practice developing intimacy, building a community of real people, learning new skills? No you guys sit around playing dopamine draining video games, eating junk food, whine you don't like your body, only interact on social media, doom scroll and get depressed about the world, watch porn and masturbate 3 times every day, never pushed outside your comfort zone and tried new things. You've never gotten in shape, let yourself get horny, ask a cashier out, dance at a club and have some fun. You've spent zero hours learning about romance, practice speaking in the mirror to make yourself more presentable, gone on dates to develop yourself; you spent your whole life staring at flashing LED screens watching anime. You've got messed up hormones, no endorphins and dopamine so you don't want to get out and dance with real bitches, and now decades into your life, yes you really are messed up. But instead of admitting to choosing to be a loser, you double down and act like there's something inherently wrong with you and it couldn't be any other way. Mrs. Right Hottie hasn't come up and started making out with you so you hate life and everyone and it's all archons fault. Your 5th grade crush broke your heart so now you'll never love again, but plenty of time to watch rapid fire Facebook reels till your brain chemistry is somehow even worse. But it's not your fault, you're just "autistic" and never had a chance. Yeah right, I've seen dozens of losers who are actually perfectly normal other than their shitty attitude blame their crappy life on autism. Instead of working to overcome the problems of youth we all have, you've caused this state of being by doing literally everything wrong your entire life. Your only friends are women and weak men who let you be pathetic. You never had real male friends like me to tell you the truth.
ReplyDeletePatrick Kehoe, do you even know who you are talking to? I have a very healthy weight, I exercise, and I follow these protocols:
DeleteMethods for Positive Evolution
You have myself and others confused with someone else. You are literally making things up. I suggest you think before commenting verbal diarrhea that has zero basis in reality. And I mean, absolutely zero. What a bunch of garbage.
DeleteStarting to sound like the Full Metal Jacket Sergent, Pat.
You assume too much.
I work out, I dont eat junk food.
I don't watch porn 24/7.
Also, what do YOU want ME to do? EMBRACE being a man? EMBRACE being human? EMBRACE planet gulag? Become the next John Wayne or Clint Eastwood? You want me to become a chest beating alpha?
Also Patrick - the 5th grade crush. I let that stuff go. I don't get caught up in anything like that. Dude, it's almost like you are possessed.
DeleteWell said Steph! Happy Solstice! 🕊️🙏
Delete"Ego shields up to maximum power! Can't let the truth in now!" You can pick apart specifics but the fact is you guys embrace and exude Darkness. Why would ET's even let you step foot on their ship? Just reading a few sentences is depressing. I'm used to the darkness of Earth and I wouldn't hang out with any of you for a second because you're filled with poison and you embrace it. You think near angelic beings want to be around the biggest bums in the galaxy? All the comments about me not knowing anything, haha nice try. I can see exactly who they are, and in so many ways they're dark minions. There are vaccinated CNN viewers who will be more in favor with ET's and ascend before them. Look up the personality type "King Baby", that's you guys exactly. Anybody could diagnose it from a single comment when it's this bad. And then act like you're hiding it well and Pat has no idea what he's talking about. Whatever, how's this shitty attitude and self-hatred working out? You realize you're not winning by "defeating" me, you're just getting worse.
DeleteIt's significant you all regularly say how everyone is telling you to change and acting like they know you. It's because your personality disorders are that obvious! Anyone can see it. I share my deepest thoughts and feelings online daily and nobody ever tells me to change. These Resistance pages aren't filled with attacking people, they're filled with Lightworkers who are pointing out glaring mental and spiritual illness and want to help. You guys are always complaining about a barrage of "attacks" and "Why does everyone act like they know me?" Did you ever think it's that obvious and maybe everyone is on to something? I see normal people share their thoughts and feelings and nobody criticizes them. This is what I'm saying about your ego normalizing sickness, projecting the problem onto the people talking to you. You're like "what's with all these people?" It's not us. Nobody else is "attacked" all the time because we're not insane.
DeleteOkay one more and then I'm done, dust off my sandals and move to the next town. But there's real evidence gender dysphoria is a disorder and not being trapped in the "wrong" body which is just so goofy it's self debunking anyways. We're all in a body that's not our true selves. My soul is not a "man" and you're not a woman. It's all a foreign vehicle but our program to identify with it is intact, while you have a disorder. It has nothing to do with gender. You could be transferred to a female body but if it still had the dysphoria program, you'd hate it too. The soul is both male and female combined. It's capable of incarnating perfectly well in either gender body. Certain souls may have leanings or preferences, but they can do either one without a problem. The proof is, you really think you've been a woman in every incarnation since the dawn of time? Every life you were in a male body you were all torn up like this? Ridiculous, I won't even hear it. Like I'm a "male soul" and have only been men forever? It's so goofy I can't even. The soul is both genders and can do either body fine, period. What you experience is an archon created disease consisting of messed up signals in the brain. Further proof is being in a different body type is the LEAST significant complaint I can possibly think of. You've probably heard that a million times because it's true: "Just get over it." If you were truly a "female soul" (which doesn't exist), you could. The reason you can't get over it is because you have a disorder that causes the horrible feelings. If I was suddenly in a female body, you know what I'd do? Squeeze my tits and get on with my day. It's not hard to imagine what it's like, it's not "You have no idea what they go through." It's very easy to imagine what it's like, and it's not a big deal. If you were really incarnated into the other gender body but normal, it would be so easy to go about life. But you won't, and I have a trans friend I talk to regularly so I've heard it all, you'll suffer with an uncontrolled obsession that will consume you for the rest of your life, because it's a disorder causing those feelings. The accusations of Darkness comes in because you know all this but still embrace the sickness. The Resistance blogs you read have explained the archons do this specific thing to people. Not "Put them in the wrong body" as your ego has interpreted the articles. But they warp the brain and body to cause LGBTQIIAAP. You're programmed with the Dark agenda, you are aware of it, and instead of fighting, you not only embrace it, but gaslight and bully others to go along with it. There's the government agenda, but yes trans people themselves (who refuse to wake up) are rampaging agents of Darkness sent to attack the population.
DeletePatrick Kehoe, biggest bums in the galaxy? You must not have read my post I mentioned. Oh well.
DeleteEverything you are projecting is exactly what you are doing yourself, so it all falls back on you. You act like it's a large group who thinks the way you do, but that's not the case. When you behave like this, it's the reverse. It's obvious that most people here find that you are the one with the personality disorder. You hardly have anyone on your side here at all, and the lurker is using you.
It's true that Sherman can 'come on strong' sometimes, but you are lumping all of us in a category that only fits yourself. I've never seen someone project this bad. You might actually be making a world record! Damn dude! 😂😂😂
DeleteYou sound like a dyspeptic Mitt Romney, being angry and talking down at the poor peasants for BEING poor peasants. You're no royalty or elite yourself, buddy boy. Also, from what you say, someone, like Bailey Jay, here would be MUCH happier and better if she got rid of her boob implants, took testosterone treatments, grew a beard, got jacked like Hulk Hogan, get an all masculine wardrobe and got a name like "Butch" or "Tex" or whatever. I do not think so. And the same does not apply to me.
And the 'normal' people you speak of that are soooooo great are the ones with their faces glued to their phones, fighting to be first in line for vaccinations, and who would fight to retain this slave world we are in.
And Cobra mentioned that souls can, and DO get FORCED to incarnate here on this mudball, plus, I think Libra was the one who said it, but to put a feminine soul into an ugly masculine body is a good way to try and break her.
" The soul is both male and female combined. It's capable of incarnating perfectly well in either gender body. Certain souls may have leanings or preferences, but they can do either one without a problem. The proof is, you really think you've been a woman in every incarnation since the dawn of time? Every life you were in a male body you were all torn up like this? Ridiculous, I won't even hear it. Like I'm a "male soul" and have only been men forever? It's so goofy I can't even. The soul is both genders and can do either body fine, period. What you experience is an archon created disease consisting of messed up signals in the brain. Further proof is being in a different body type is the LEAST significant complaint I can possibly think of. You've probably heard that a million times because it's true: "Just get over it." If you were truly a "female soul" (which doesn't exist), you could. The reason you can't get over it is because you have a disorder that causes the horrible feelings. If I was suddenly in a female body, you know what I'd do? Squeeze my tits and get on with my day. It's not hard to imagine what it's like, it's not "You have no idea what they go through." It's very easy to imagine what it's like, and it's not a big deal. If you were really incarnated into the other gender body but normal, it would be so easy to go about life. But you won't, and I have a trans friend I talk to regularly so I've heard it all, you'll suffer with an uncontrolled obsession that will consume you for the rest of your life, because it's a disorder causing those feelings. The accusations of Darkness comes in because you know all this but still embrace the sickness. The Resistance blogs you read have explained the archons do this specific thing to people. Not "Put them in the wrong body" as your ego has interpreted the articles. But they warp the brain and body to cause LGBTQIIAAP. You're programmed with the Dark agenda, you are aware of it, and instead of fighting, you not only embrace it, but gaslight and bully others to go along with it. There's the government agenda, but yes trans people themselves (who refuse to wake up) are rampaging agents of Darkness sent to attack the population." <----- I have not seen that much CRAP since the days I clean out horse stalls when I was a kid.
Are you sure you are not Matt Walsh?
I 'come out strong', because I am being merely honest, and telling it like it is, not hiding behind anything, which seems to be the opposite of what ole Matt Walsh, er, Patrick here is spraying at us.
Just one of MANY reasons I can not wait to get off planet gulag and to purge the human elements from my genetic make up.
@ Libra and the whole trans formers crowd
DeleteYou are running into the trap with full speed 🙈 the agents of the dark side putting some strategically important ingredients into your food and bombarding you constantly with certain frequencys whom will be sending through your mobile phones and other devices like TV so that you should thinking that you are not aligned with your natural body that you must leave or change your gender but is the first step of something way bigger then this . You need to understand this When you are not ok with your body it will be easier to them to expell you of your body for example during meditation and once this happened they can exchange
with something else and by doing this infiltration of the lightwarriors is completed . They showing this to you in the movie matrix .
The other reason why they pushing for trans agenda is very simple ... they don't want that certain starseeds have children this is how they plan to destroy the starseed light worker community !!!. It is that similar No Starseed families no new starseeds at all are you get it now how serious this topic is ???
Look you can see here how the dark side is working on you step by step transforming your body and soul into one of their kind ( literally ) 🤡😈👽🤖👺👹 and you can see also how you will looking one day when the transformation is finished 🦧 👻👹
Patrick, yes a soul can incarnate into either gender, but there are also souls that are accustomed to incarnating in one particular gender. There are legitimate trans people, and they are not agents of the dark at all - that's just silly.
DeleteI also understand that people nowadays can get brainwashed from early childhood to believe they are trans with all the nonsense that goes on in the schools and so forth. I'm not discounting that. But your projecting is off the charts because you are saying that the Light Forces would want to contact someone who believes CNN over someone like Libra (which is absurd), when your behavior is probably exactly the kind the Light Forces would be the most repelled by of anyone here.
This is not addressed not to anyone in particular, but I found it to be connected:
I'm also seeing the possibility that the dark forces are giving up on trying to take over the world through the (political) Left. They prefer using the Left, but could do it through the Right as well, like someone sneaking in through a back door. For example, there could be an AI system in place enforcing religious tyranny. Either 'side' taking over results in a dystopia. Whatever the case may be, it will fail, and my idea may have holes in it anyway. Still trying to see what's being attempted.
I was curious to see anything interesting in the comments and saw there are now 100. This is nothing against anyone here as we all have stuff. I feel like the main character in a dystopic nightmare sci fi horror novel. I feel like an alien who doesnt belong to the light or dark but has become something else and shouldnt exist. I just want to isolate in a high tech facility where I can do whatever I want to alone. Maybe its the lurker and an aspect of my shadow. I dont know if this is actually patrick kehoe or if its something that he usually keeps to himself that is being purged with the lurker. I swear I dreamed this before with specifically patricks comments seeming out of character and me commenting about it. These comments show how complex and twisted human society can be at times intertwined with the lurker. I want to see when the lurker is gone if things like this are still going on amongst light workers.
DeleteOh, brother. WHAT THE FUCK do YOU want ME to do, huh? EMBRACE being a human man, enjoy being a Clint Howard lookalike? EMBRACE being Charlie Brown? I don't think so, buddy boy!
And another thing:
1: I am NO lightworker, nor do I want to be one.
2: I am NO starseed.
3: I was an alien woman, who was killed by the darkies, sent to earth to incarnate against my will, and in a nasty body I despise.
4: Cobra even mentions this does happen, look at this "soul families" posting he put up a couple of years back.
5: I have NO DESIRE to have children. I want neither the responsibility, nor the commitment.
And me becoming an alien woman is what I want and need. So, SHOVE IT when it comes your speeches of 'agendas' or what I am gonna become a monster. Don't like what I say.....HARD CHEESE, pal. So SPARE me the Matt Walsh CRAP. GOT IT?!
I WISH I had the opportunities back then that young people have NOW. Is me being in this repulsive, masculine body (having to start shaving at age 13, going bald at age 16) REALLY makes me better off than what the youth of today has? AM I one of the 'lucky ones'? I do not think so. IF there is a god, and if I ever meet that god, I am sooooo kicking that fat fucker in the nuts.
Also, it's not just the left wing that is crazy, so is the right wing. Remember guys like George H.W. Bush, George "Dubya" Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Nixon, Pat Robertson, Michael Powell (Colin's dog of a son who was the head of the FCC in the early 2000's, who did that CRAZY 'decency crusade' in 2004 after Janet's nipple got seen at Super Bowl that year, and it pretty much destroyed terrestrial radio), Mitt Romney and so on. The 2 wings are like WWE. On camera, the 2 big dudes you see in the ring LOOK as if they wanna kill each other. But off camera, when recording stops, and everyone in the audience goes home, those SAME 2 big dudes you seen beating the hell out of each other are either in the locker room, or in the bar across the street from the stadium, having a few beers together and LAUGHING.
Same, I feel so alien on planet gulag, or like a pilgrim in unholy land. And I feel all I can do, until the aliens get here, is run and hide from the goblins, demons, wolves and superstitious locals that want to get me, and hope I hide well. I just wanna go HOME and get restored.....seriously, I am NOT asking for much, folks.
Also, to everyone.....a VAST majority of trans folks are NOT perverts, criminals or pedophiles, no different from heterosexual, conservative cis gender folks.
And if you keep insisting otherwise, or that I am merely falling for some 'agenda'. All I can say to you folks is SHOVE OFF.
LongStar117, you had a dream about Patrick's comments? Wow! Yeah, some pretty serious shadow stuff came up yesterday. I felt very 'off'' yesterday in many ways. I'm usually able to contain it. I starting reading some Eckhart Tolle to dis-identify. There are many different methods for dealing with the lurker. I'm finding that keeping the methods diverse helps. The more methods, the more versatile and effective one can be.
DeleteSherman, yeah, the Right is definitely a problem as well. I agree that generalizing everyone who is trans into an 'agenda' is totally off, and it's what the dark forces want. People like simple answers to complex problems, so they like to make generalizations. Of course I just made a generalization right there, lol! More and more, I'm finding that situations are indeed context specific.
(I hadn't read many of Dreammaker's replies for some reason, and I could respond, but what I was saying could also be applied to Dreammaker.)
Delete@ Sherman
DeleteHmmm maybe you ware killed by my self on the other plane of egesistance or it happened on my command and even that I was the one responsible for the perverted gender programming of you Sisis this is also possible. because I know that I was indeed one of the experts of the team who was responsible for sexual distortion of victims SM and all this dirty stuff no Tabus at all creating if happy slaves 😷( thats why I know the techniques of the manipulation the dark side is using against you . If that's the case than it is shocking how good the programming still working on you guys . Well efficient job but I'm not proud of my deeds anymore Dracos never say sorry but at least I am trying to helping you to save your soul guys that's all I can do for now . My teachings making you upset because of the attachments ( you are literally possessed and those entities manipulating constantly your thoughts also making you angry if someone is trying to removing them from your energy field they will hit without warning they like to playing strings with your emotions ) . Your reactions are part of the programming you have received . You have become a screw that is too tight and won't not move anymore that's the problem because this mission requires speciell techniques not knowing to anyone but I am not in position anymore to achieve this task 🤔 is like in case of a drunken person who don't want to be clean because this person is full of parasites who are like ticks ( Acari ) . It means that if you trying to grab them they will injecting more poison into your body and it will causing pain so that you dont want to be touched . Every therapist who may trying to help this infected by these evil parasites will be considered by this lost soul as a kind of anemy . I have dun what I could to improve the situation (to heal you) but the rest of the reprogramming must be accomplished on your request or the screw will stay there until the last day . Look If you see a traffic sign telling you that you better slow down because the end of the road awaits you and you ignore the instruction because you enjoy driving as fast as you like then you will be hit hard with the consequences of your actions and there is no doubt about that🙈😳
@ all Trans formers
DeleteYou know what ? The main problem is that your behavior affected the whole collective consciousness of humanity . Your gender agenda decressed the frequency of the Earth and even the whole universe because this planet is like a liver and it is too much poison to transform for this doctor of the milky way so it will collapse one day or it will bringing the rest of the body to vomit and this means that you will be expelled on the one or another way 🌍👻 Why do you think the powers of darkness are so interested in this planet ? It is a perfect place for transformation and they want part of the cake for themselves.i shouldn't show you this but attention what they saying :we are fighting for our right to live .... And no these are not words of this guy .this is what they want communicate to you that's why is this voice so distorted and it comes through a human lips because this invasion is taking place from inside of you . This is their way of thinking always twisting always masking and pretending 😷🙃 . Look at the form of this ship and what it is doing to the planet . 1996 is the year of the arriving of Chimaera according to Cobra right ??? . Yess I'm calling them Acarim They showing to you so many but you understand next to nothing and why ? because you are all drugged by the programming called entertainment because this is your new religion folks .it is much more efficient because there is no resistance to that what is making you fun and you are praying now 24/7 without to becawarecof this . Spiders creating a world wide web and leaving some message to you like all trans formed flys are welcome ( means all drug game addicted should please making themselves comfortable ).
We are of Peace ... Always 🐍
Spiderman is coming , Spiderman is coming to Town 🕷️🕸️🙄
GET TO THE POINT, Dreammaker. WHAT the FUCK are you trying to tell me.
DeleteAnd, IF you DID kill me in the past....
.........STAY AWAY FROM ME, and DON'T EVER COME NEAR ME. Be it now, or when I get restored.
@Dreammaker - Very interesting comments. That's all real. The Dark manipulation is an art and science. They're geniuses beyond what we can comprehend, so when trans people say "No it really seems like I am a woman." It's like nice try, you think they can't make you REALLY feel like that? Even having memories? The final proof they're being manipulated is this, they all have an IMAGE of what they look like, what their body should be. That's the very well scientifically established part of the physical brain, the "body map." That's the main way they manipulate people. It can be done with primitive Montauk technology from the 1970's. So when they say "but it REALLY seems like I'm a woman", yeah whatever. Your soul... does not... look like a human female. End of discussion. Everything they're experiencing is fake because they SEE what it should be, the APPEARANCE of their current body grosses them out, all physical brain.
DeleteAnd the issue of people wanting to run and hide, multiple here saying something to the effect of they just want to isolate with all their needs met where they can watch 3D VR porn all day. Terrible. More people believing the archon programming. Dreammaker nailed it again sayin y'all are messing up the collective consciousness, and physical society as well. There is no "away." You guys want your various weird fantasies and to just disappear, but it's like "There's the facility where all the freaks are locked away watching VR porn." It's not cool. You can't just go farther away. And the energetic aspects, people actively feeding and indulging the programming we're trying to get rid of! Also it just shows the programming more when you attack me for pointing it out, claiming I'm dark because I'm not being "nice." The fact I'm not nice while admonishing is meaningless. That's how it works. As LongStar pointed out, for years I just sat by and watch the weirdos pollute the airwaves. None of you claimed I was dark until I started pointing out your shortcomings, so way to be classic narcissists. I usually don't admonish people because they're so epically hopeless and beyond help. Think about that, others sit around noticing you're so messed up it's not even worth reaching a hand out. And Cobra won't let us have a real discussion. Unfortunate because admonishing is just part of being a proper humanoid ape species. No deadbeats and weirdos allowed in the group, everyone has to be on par or you're dragging us down too. Stop with this "I'll just change my body and get out of here." Then you're just a weirdo who swapped bodies and ignored the archon programming, still lives it, and is on an asteroid somewhere, you're not healed or away. That's an awful scenario and I'd guess the Federation won't let you do it. They won't give you the treatments, a ship, and a facility to hide in and continue the deranged programming. Did you ever think about that? They beam you up to the ship and you're like "Great, where's my female body?" And they respond "We're not going to do that." I think it's exactly showing the mental illness that you guys are 10,000% convinced you'll get this treatment you imagined.
DeleteSo, the good aliens are all conservatives or Matt Walshes, eh? Seriously?
Also, I got better things to do than be the 'proper humanoid ape species' that I NEVER wanted to be a part of, anyhow.
And the good aliens are supposed to be highly enlightened and loving and caring....not some cold ultra conservative Walsh type. Galactic Codex, and all that, where happiness is a RIGHT, not a privilege you need to fight tooth and claw to get.
So SPARE me the lectures. Also, here's something Libra found
Trans folks existed LONG before any 'agendas', buddy boy.
And I RELALY do hope I disappoint you, Pat, I REALLY do.
So, while YOU won't care to think of it, I WILL be better once I can be healed and restored.
I really think YOU just met some mega hot girl at some point, and things were gonna get interesting, and you find out she was trans, and if she did not have 'the operation', she was more endowed than you were, and like so many other threatened. Proper for Matt Walsh as well, since he seems so butt hurt, that he declared war on all trans folks.
Just come out and say, *cues hillbilly voice* "I HATE THEM THERE SHEEEEEEAMALES!", and at least you'll be more honest....still be like a jerk, but an honest one at least.
And Patrick, no one really knows what the LF/RM believe about trans. I doubt they have your kind of attitude though, and in a situation where they are contacting humans in mass, the archons would probably have already been eliminated by that point.
DeleteWhat do you hope to accomplish by saying trans are mentally ill? You claim to know so much about psychology while not realizing that going on tirades against others results in them doubling down. Also, putting others down (who don't even fit the criteria you are claiming) shows insecurity. "I'm insecure about myself so need to put others down in order to feel better." That's how it comes across.
(Maybe this blog isn't the place to have these discussions, but I admit, I do enjoy a good debate every once and a while.)
Delete@Patrick you can not going through this level of ignorance of this people whom are completely under the control of those tick creatures . this programming was instar not only during one incarnation but many of them that's why it is so hard to reaching to someone . These are layers upon layers of programming . the dark side is not working according expectations of anyone . They don't use the nails but screws and turn the programming rotation after rotation. sometimes faster, sometimes slower and this happens over generations.and incarnations . Everything wat they doing is like a growing of tree . You see at first only semen without to knowing what will be looking the fruits of this tree one day ( mobile phones is the best tool to controlling and changing the humans into their kind . When you are sleeping they sending frequency through those devices which changes you little by little because in dream mode your Brain is working in a easy to programming mode . That's why they have establish this smart phone trend . Those devices will bring your memory away so that you no longer know what was in history real and what not and replacing your memory with new thoughts so that you think that your memory is real . If you manage to control the memory you control the mindset then you control the puppet and those ticks are masters of puppet . It means after a while every human will thinking that trans is the nature and that humans ware never female and male . This is the goal at least one of many because they playing chess on many fields simultaneously always .
Delete@ Translovers ...formers The dark side creates happy slaves who, under the influence of various drugs, happily allow themselves to be treated further ... To be transformed . You will first be broken and then rebuilt, just as the programming intended. If the dark ones allow the victim to survive but in a trans body then the victim is happy that they can continue to live no matter in what form. thus creating acceptance for the new body this is why you all embracing the agenda . These ticks turn into you so that you don't feel it because they inject an anesthetic so that you don't remove them until the programming has reached a certain level. It was one operation to install this programming and it will takes several operations to uninstall this programming. But in between the patients have to have time to recover. The ticks and the light forces have to carry out their attacks carefully otherwise the host will not survive the whole operation . It is exactly what has already been reported by Cobra and by everyone with reliable sources of information . If the light forces go too far all at once then the dark forces go crazy. every action is followed by a real life . look at Sherman's violent reaction on my posts and what he sent me. Here you can see how the ticks speak through him - everything must be so excessively brutal for them. I have experienced many times such a reactor I know the tactics because I step from the branch of this controllers but I have changed my mindset . They trying now the techniques of mind manipulation also at me but it works not very efficient because I know what to expect and this gives me some advantages so that I can be better preperered . Currently They using this energys of the solar shift and your emotions (burking ) to pushing even more chaotic energy to the surface and I'm using the same but for deinstalling the programming but it takes time and unfortunately hurts as well 🥶🌞🥵
Delete@Patrick I'll give you some advice, don't get too involved in these discussions, that's exactly where they want you. You have already defended your point of view, now go on and look at the whole thing from above and from various sides then you will see significantly more than you see now. You want to grow and not shrink, so don't waste your energy on unnecessary things, concentrate on what's important. As a former dark red Draco I knew that I would be attacked by everyone here . If you are no longer dark and not yet light but are just becoming something new then you will not be accepted by anyone. Just go your own way and don't let it bother you if crooks want to sell you their hatred just say that you don't have what they're striving for. What you don't have yourself you can't give to anyone . A warrior must know when to strike back and when it will be wise to use others tactics for exemple to recover and to check the battlefield from another perspective to improve the strategy of the next attack which may come . With every strike and every throw your bidy will learn how to avoiding to getting in this situation . My soul is very old I'm like a tree rooting in the darkness and searching for light . As a tree you will have to deal with many visitors worms and birds who wish not helping the tree they just want to eat the worms . I hope you understand . There are situations in life where you can not change things fast. a tree grows very long and experience many things also watching at other trees in order to realize that they all are kind of mirrors . Once that happened and the tree knows finally more than other trees do know because they looking only from one perspective ( ego ) the ancient tree will try to share the knowledge to expand the view for the whole Forrest but The problem is that the more you know the less you can say . 🌍👀🙄
@ Sherman yeah i wish you happy sol Invictus as well 🌞 try to balance your aggressive energys with some appropriate music it helps a lot 🥵🙏🥶
Delete@Dreammaker - Great comment as usual. Indeed this won't be my new crusade, just things that have needed to be said for years. You can't argue with this level of programming, I'd rather debate pro-vaxxers. Funny how they turned into the happiness police they always complain about. On these websites, people are indulging and promoting archon agendas all day, every day for years, and I have to like it. They do what the political left always does, they get to bullhorn their opinions and we're supposed to just scroll past or let them be. Gosh they're just trying to be themselves, stop oppressing! But when we share our opinions, we need to stop and go away. ET's probably will give them different bodies but that's nothing to be proud of, it's not validation, it's just means they're so damaged it's the only option, like amputating a limb.
DeleteHello, Long Star. Almost all this planet's diseases are one and the same acidosis, which means clogged lymph system, that causes different symptoms in different body places, but since we live in the matrix, programmed reality, a person usually can understand and experience this only when he is in a critical position where God only can help. So there are no such thing as diseases, and all the medicine only supresses the symptoms. Only one cure is long term 100% fruit diet. For cancer that could be enough 6 months, for ALS, multiple sclerosis around one year or more, so you can heal almost all the symptoms, but it takes a long time. 100% fruits, berries and melons, highest energetical food on Earth, that vibrates very strongly, otherwise there are no any cures. Doctors 'cured' me so nicely, that I am doing the best I can thru the hardest battles these days and many years till med beds will be uncovered and my body cured. Go to jutub and type 'Dr. Morse backup channel'. Feel that blessed man's vibration and then do it or sleep further in this crafty matrix.
ReplyDeleteMoreover, Long Star, of course this so called illness is already the last expression of all when it is already in the physical existence, and there are the reasons how the diseases come, starting from emotions, relationship and so on and so on, but in this case you have to take this side of the rope and start here. You can try yourself, take a mellon and eat it at least one month non stop and you will see what inner healing and emotions you will have to go through, thats how you will start detoxifying not only your physical body but as well the inner diseases non physical diseases. There are occasions when people wake up and they are healthy without the reason like somebody cured them but its not so often. So fruits vibrate very strongly not only your physical body but also non physical bodies and everything comes up to the daylight for your healing and transformation. So called inner work. You eat high vibration food, then emotions come up, then you catch them and give them love, time and attention .
ReplyDeleteThe Clearing is Both Planetary and Personal
ReplyDeleteMain thing that's coming up is layers upon layers that need to be let go. I'll use myself as an example:
Earlier this morning, I let go of one thing from my past that came up, and then something else from my past came up. I let that one go too, and then again something else came up. This kept happening until there was nothing left to let go.
After doing this, I noticed some trolling from a comment as a form of attack on The Unveiling's blog. I addressed the trolling, and then I let this go. Possible Further trolling as 'retaliation' to my addressment can be dealt with as well, which will also be let go. So on and so forth, I address what needs to be addressed, and then I let it go. This will be my modus operandi from now on.
The Lurker is probably involved in constantly trying to bombard people with 'traumas and dramas' to try to keep them in a constant state of stress and loosh generation. The solution is letting go, along with activation of the Violet Flame.
When letting go, it can be helpful to make healthy verbal statements. Example:
"It's in the past. There's nothing I can do about it. Getting caught up in it accomplishes nothing. Why not let it go? I let it go."
Yeah, lurker gets smaller every day.
DeleteLibra, definitely, letting go isn't an end in and of itself. It needs to be combined with other methods. More specifically, the lurker is using my past to try to harm me, so I let go of what gets dug up, layer by layer. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, so people can do what works best for them. Definitely, one size does not fit all. That keeps coming up lately, so must be very important.
DeleteSame. Each time I do something to get better, or do those mass meditations, I get assaulted by darkies. After the meditations, I feel rotten for DAYS. One can't 'let go' when one is dealing with an enemy that one can not see, nor able to counter their weapons. Sorry, folks, but we can't all be like that blind monk from "Rogue One", and that poor sod wound up getting killing in battle.
The more this goes on, the more painful the destruction of the darkies will be by my hands. Taking a page from the cabal's 'red shoe club', I am gonna make a fancy pair of stiletto heeled pumps from the darkies' hides, after I kill them (not before torturing them to the point they pray for death, mind you), and wear them as war trophies when I am feminized and alienized finally, and for any remaining darkies to know they will get the same if they try again.
Come on, Light Forces, get the lead out so I can be restored, AND release nearly 40 years of frustrations and rage on my tormentors. Though I'll look more like Asuka or Samus Aran when doing so.
As a male I felt similarly triggered, but more in a "one gets them all (and I be not that one)" way. But that was clearly a trauma reaction. When the natural order of things gets restored to the divine blueprint things will be very very very very good – so I'm not concerned.
ReplyDelete@Crystall, CoBra mentioned the Pleiadians live off of an elixir and certain fruits. I dont think its possible for most to do this yet for many reasons. I dont feel right after eating fruit either. Maybe a little is okay. I always felt better eating meat and eggs. I handle a sugary drink better than fruit for some reason. A tablespoon of alcohol in a recipe makes me feel bad. Deer blood and cow milk mixed made me feel great. I am probably not like the other people in the comments when it comes to diet.
ReplyDeleteSome offensive arguments hard on the limit were let through here to enable people to state and defend their posititon.
ReplyDeletePlease be aware that alot of these offensives took place close to the winter solstice and are obviously cabal inspired (at least partly). It seems several lower personae of the involved commenters were played out against each other here.
This serves as a pretty good example how the cabal hijack the winter solstice energies.
Of course, there were heavy attacks and problems worldwide caused by the cabal abusing those energies. This just is one example of how the primary anomaly is fueled and then works in favor of the cabal.
The comment frequency heavily dropped after the solstice (which might not solely be related to the discussion being solved).
I usually don't get involved. I violated my attempts at peacekeeping in this case - this was out of character for myself. In a way it felt like I was combating the lurker that was coming through Patrick.
DeleteI had nausea all day yesterday. I've never had nausea for so many consecutive hours. There's even still a bit of nausea right now.
I dreamed of someone being arrested for having a huge stash of hidden videos of some kind. Not sure if this is connected. Will be interesting to see if there is any news about it. Sometimes my dreams are connected with real events. Thank you for allowing the debate to take place and conclude. It can be analyzed for future reference if people want, so I will not delete any of my comments/replies.
I'm making a follow-up post. I won't post the link here. Sometimes I do that too often. People know where to find me if they are interested.
DeleteOof. I just came back on this blog and was a bit surprised from the comment section here.
DeleteRegarding the trans thing:
I do intuitive genetics, so I have to say that incompatibility between your biological sex and your gender identity seems to often be a phenotypic expression. There are several ways that this can manifest, but they generally come down to the same thing: dissonance between the mind (or soul's expression and desires) and the body. I can say for example, that when I was about 10 years old, I had implanted beliefs that I was a video game character in a false past life. The belief was so hardened that it took several people at once to defuse it. Was that actually an expression of my phenotype? No, it was mind control.
Am I saying all transgenderism is mind control? No.
Do I compare my own experiences to other people's beliefs about who they are? No. Why? I'd betray myself, and it's just inappropriate. I think this is simply the journey I make myself experience. Of course many people will take it personally if I try to assume how they live or think. I can say that for most of my life, I was imposed fabricated identities, either by mind control or society. One day, a person might realize and know who they really are. If that involves a different gender configuration then so it is. I love to study adaptive science in psychology, especially with certain theories I have developed, but I don't use them to discredit experiencers.
Yes, many people with dysphoria may be more prone to developing psychotronic/psychological imbalances, but that is not because they're simply dysphoric. And also, mind control affects most people, so gatekeeping that it's mostly a trans/queer thing is an extremely politically weaponized argument. I don't want to contribute to a statistic of queer self-harm or self-termination by what I say, as a gay "dysphoric man" myself. As usual, we're attempting to describe very complex phenomena into one simplistic bracket. So it's a very sensitive subject that must be walked on carefully from all sides, just like abortion or v**ines. If someone is that angry and passionate about one topic, then I think it is better to just go in your own space and do a meditative contemplation and theorizing about your own ideas, then publish them on a platform in a convenient way (beliefs which should probably not be set in stone) like I do, rather than acting byronically provocateur.
@Starlight, I will daydream or nighttime dream seemingly random and oddly specific things as far back as I can remember. I will wonder why I daydreamed something and it will happen anywhere from a month to a couple of years later and I will then remember dreaming it. It was strange at first and then became normal and then they changed again. In some of these I dream something and in the dream I am in shock and say or think wow I daydreamed that before while still dreaming. When it happens in real life and I say wow I daydreamed that I end up shocked again because I dreamed my own reaction to it too. The only use I ever found for it was the reinforcement that this is not just dead matter around us and we are not just animated meat but there is more going on here. Maybe it kept me out of the matrix dream just enough.
DeleteThanks for keeping this all up, as it's a fine opportunity to learn and grow. I too came back to this page after a few days surprised by the hostility for a moment, until I remembered that the energies yesterday were pretty wonky and "judgment inducing", and that it would be natural to have that affect those with greater awareness more profoundly than others. I found it so much easier to focus on what felt wrong and triggered anger. I'm coming to recognize those moments as being "in my symptoms". It becomes so much easier to stop, breathe, and approach myself and others with forgiveness. "My symptoms" twist my perceptions of harmless interactions into insults or outright attacks. When I realize this, I can take some time to center myself. I replace the "hurt and defensive" lens with the "safe within myself" lens and then take another look at things. Often when I do that, the things that seemed so threatening and aggressive from one perspective seem totally understandable from another. The more "lenses" I can perceive with, the more I can understand about the underlying truths in play and laugh off any perceived (but not real) harm.
DeleteAs such, I feel that my own perspective on romance and Soul Family connection has grown as a result of reading this all. I have not yet experienced a Love like what has been described above, but I am happy to begin my tutelage. I look forward to learning how to Love through connection instead of attachment. To Love free from expectations and also free from cynicism, and be Loved for all that I am along the way. To Love myself so well that my beloved(s) know how to Love me too, and vice versa. To finally keep past hurts forgiven in the past and not drag them into my present or future.
Has anyone else noticed or watched YouTube videos of people who are either trans or in some way trying to live as the opposite gender. It makes me sad how some of these people are acting like it seems that things like common sense or rational thought are absent in there lives and it's like we should all conform or accept there views no matter how silly or ridiculous they seem. I'm sure there's people like libra or Sherman among others who are actually quite nice and down to earth so to speak if only there was some common ground on which you could have an interesting conversation with and even ask questions if someone was genuinely curious and interested.
ReplyDeleteYeah libra I just tend to laugh at the videos I watch not because of any bad intentions or feelings towards transspeople but just either they are intentionally mocking people like yourself or they are truly clueless about themselves and what they actually want in life.
DeleteThanks Sebastian for letting us have this conversation which has needed to happen for years. I won't bring it up again. They will. They'll continue to be creepy forever, spamming 3 comments a day about their disorder until the end of time. Using these pages like a personal diary of their insecurities. I think people doing that for any reason is gross. Y'all want me to log on here every time I have a thought about myself? Replying to every comment with the same copy and paste phrase used literally thousands of times? Dear god, ban them on the basis of spam, I don't see the controversy. But I'll go back to ignoring it like I ignore all the other archon programming blaring at us.
DeleteDear Ets who must reading our comments . Welcome to the kindergarten where old children jumping and barking back and forth because they want to talking but without to saying something . I mean you can already know what's the comment of the year will be ... This comment has been removed by the author🤫 so one day you will ask if they want to comings on your ship and many will answer with yess, no , maybe 🤔 it will be the same with the topic of new bodys ( you will see ) so you should already prepare some male body's for winter and some female body's for Summer because they will jumping back and forth once again .
DeleteAlmost nobody here is ready to join any any collective like Federation because to many are still thinking that they will landing on a party where everyone can play his ,her, theirs favorite song simultaneously 🥳🤒😎. Therefore general current conditions are looking unfiu like that ... Surface requirements not met ... As you can see we are still in the forest and humans hoping for the back on the trees EVENT 🦧🦧🦧🦧........😷 Thanks for your patience 🙏
DeleteI'm ready NOW. I never wanted to be on this rotten planet to begin with, I want to go HOME, as in be light years away from here.
@ Sherman. And where is your home ??? Which star or Galaxy ? Any idea Transdromeda or simple somewhere but not here ???
DeleteYeah the tensions are rising and the morals are sinking 😳 We should be more focused on things which unite us and not on things which seperate us because at the and of the day we all traveling here on the same boat and we can reaching the promised land only when we row together therefore I have an idea 💥🤔💥
ReplyDeleteinstead of arguing with each other and feeding the lurker with our negative emotions let's just share our favorite uplifting music whom always helping us to overcome the darkness and to finding the light at the end of the tunnel 🌞 . Music means vibrations . Perhaps can we find one together language by hearing and enjoying our favorite tons .it may helping to balance these turbollances so how about that let's build a bridge for all of us so that we can learn from each other . The dark side will be not so amused but anyway 🤗
Sebastian what kind of music do you prefer ???
Here is something from my play list . I Hope someone may enjoying this music like I do
Happy sol Invictus 🌞
I love this video - This is a masterpiece from my opinion 🌞 (Andrey Klimkovskiy - Song of the setting Sun)
DeleteAnd also this album of Andrey "From dusk to dawn"
DeleteThis is one of the best space music on the planet :) ⭐
I'm going to take 3 minutes here to describe what it is to be a truly positive being. Initially a positive being is not measured by his kindness, his tolerance towards evil, his great goodness or the predisposition of his intentions to help humanity. A positive being is a being who knows how to intervene in such a way that the result is positive, so a real positive being is only a human who will only bring positive consequences. For example:
ReplyDeleteA person who believes/wants to be positive sees an elderly person going up the stairs of his apartment with bags of groceries which total around 25 kilos, looking to create a good deed will take his bags and take them up to his apartment, take the thanks and will believe that he is a positive person.
The positive man will see that the elderly person, who has reached the third grade, is doing well and will greet him by pointing out that she is in good shape today. What differentiates one from the other is that the first case will take away a few days from the life expectancy of the subject while taking his gratitude while in the second case the subject will add a few days to his life and will therefore feel energized the positivity of an event is calculated only by its consequentiality, just like meditations, when the goddess wants peace, energy is installed as a consequence of energy... Sometimes to generate positive we must also use negative energy ex: To create a cake we have to send it to hell for more than 40 minutes, the sun creates a lot of positive and allows life on earth but to create a sun you need a lot of chaos and damage, a little misunderstanding can show us the lurker in us in blogging. Evil and good can only be calculated in a period of time otherwise we doing false good.⚜
One of the astrology channels I check out on youtube recently posted a video about the influences of the coming year. It aligns pretty interestingly with the predictions we're currently going by.
As far as what EXACTLY to expect? No idea. Most of the predictions that I'm seeing are leaving out consciousness expansion as one of the consequences of the Event, and I believe that it will be a much larger part of the story than most of us can presently comprehend. I currently believe that the first wave of people ascending into their higher abilities will at some point become part of the process, and the predictions in the video above seem to indicate that the middle of 2024 is an ideal window for that to manifest. Again, I have no facts from the future, only predictions based on the currently foreseeable energy patterns. I am, however, adding all that my intention is capable of to manifesting what is currently seen as magick within the minds of those working in service to the Light and the freedom of Humanity. No fate but what we make.
It would be great to be able to hug someone from my soul family again. For now, I still don't enjoy this privilege! 🫂👽🌎⭐️🛸
ReplyDeleteYour isolation saved you. Explained fairly well:
ReplyDelete@Steph The main problem is that they using the energy of strong emotions of the starseeds to power their dark projects . The harvest will be more efficient if completed in the right time . They know exactly when to sow and when to take yield . As long dogs are barking on both sides of the fence the noise will not stop . If one side choose to stay aside because realized that it is no really reason for this ( protective behavior ) the dogs on the other side will keep quiet as well so easy is that . Less noise means automatically less chaotic energy . What do you think why do Thay have created portals like Facebook you tube and so on ? They are kind of battlefield for the dogs factory of negative energy . You tube ( you are in the cube ) is maybe the worst . if you participating in a game which was designated to play for all eternity there is only one way to end the suffering . You must stoping to play this game and we have to do this all together but it will not end just like that . It will not be quiet in one moment that's why my idea was to change the focus on something different like creating a kind of radio universe where we all can sharingz our favorite songs whom are helping us to overcome the darkness in daily life but unfortunately nobody wants to jump on this boat instead everyone choose to sink with his heavy EGO and that's sad 💪🦧 the darks likes to weaponize the music because they know the potential of expanding vibrations created during music events but you can using the music also as a cure . If you are aligned with high frequency of this tool and can achieve enough resonance to getting exited while hearing this kind of music this frequency enhancement tool will increase your own vibrations as well because It is like diving into the light or what you letting into you will becoming part of you . Beautiful High frequent music is like a sun shower 🌞
ReplyDeletehappy sol Invictus let there be light 🙏🌞🙏
@libra very interesting update 🤕
ReplyDeleteNever expose your weak points ,your enemy will use it 😈
I had posted a reply but perhaps it went into the spam folder and was not posted. It was one of my posts. I posted the text from the post and not the link. I will try the link instead. No one following most or all of these protocols can be placed under the category Patrick tries to place you. (Although in my case there have been occasional relapses this year on a couple of the protocols, I am now following them 100%, and it's becoming more and more easy to do so.)
ReplyDeleteAdvice to Have Greater Immunity from Attacks
Another note: Patrick's assumptions apply to far Left extremists. Libra and Sherman do not fit that category.
Main takeaway:
DeleteYes, Sherman can be a problem when repeatedly lamenting. However, the solution of going on tirades against Sherman and lumping others into a category based on completely inaccurate projections has been shown to be worse than the initial problem. Patrick's and Dreammaker's 'strategies' were failed from the start.
Solutions that are worse than initial problems are not a solutions. As has been shown in the political arena in the US, when one side goes on a tirade against another side, the end result is both sides becoming more polarized/volatile.
If accusations and projections are made against a social movement, the result is the social movement doubling down on its position. Starting around 2016, the political Left and Right fought with one another like never before, doubling down on their positions. Politics were 'in your face' on a daily basis.
DeleteDoubling down also applies to individuals. If person A goes on a tirade against person B, person B doubles down on his/her position. Such is the psychology regarding negative interactions between people on Earth.
Solutions become worse than problem people, or perceived problem people, when the solutions involve tirades and finger pointing. This has been proven in the comments section here.
I never did much care for kindergarten.
DeleteOne of my areas of focus for 2024 will be on helping to clear negative entities that manipulate people into conflicts.
Mirror effect... But if someone is never judging anybody, it is impossible for him to feel judged by anyone.
DeleteAll the problems we have been coping with for years can wait a bit longer except two: total bankrupcy and terminal illness. For the rest of them I wouldn´t go crazy about finding a solution, they all will be "harmonized" soon, the more so if we are good and do our homework properly. So, better not to bite baits put there by the old demon rulers, who are master discord sowers among other things, as we already know..
DeleteDr.Sickboyardee, it's true, but maybe not in all cases. Kind of like the Law of Attraction is true, but can also be a tool for the dark forces as Sebastian pointed out. I'm not saying you're incorrect. It's maybe a yes and no situation.
DeleteIt's looking, to my eyes, that there are people caught in the same sort of trauma cycle that once made me think I was a vampire. It goes from trauma response, to coping mechanism, all the way to identity. I can only see the truth of it by having come out the other side of a bunch of my own traumas. The reason traumas went all the way to identity, is because the wound wasn't being healed. However, by the time my way of coping with that unhealed wound rose to the level of an aspect of my identity, attempts to heal the wound felt like attacks on "who I am". The constant pain is what gave the warped identity legitimacy in my mind, and so any challenge to the identity was seen as a challenge of the legitimacy of my pain, which I had no problem demonstrating at volume. All I really did was make myself look like a whining child, because instead of handling my life and healing my wounds, I lashed out at anyone who tried to de-legitimize my warped identity that (at the time) felt like the only way I was surviving. All it was really doing was keeping those wounds open and bleeding, while refusing all help in actually healing them. The part of my brain that accepted the warped identity also thought that if the wound was healed, it would make me a liar. Vampirism isn't supposed to be a curable illness, after all, so if I believed in it so fully only to change my mind and persona later, it felt like I was just going to be laughed at and dismissed all the more. That expectation of abandonment was harder to deal with than the unsustainable false identity, so it continued on for an embarrassingly long time. I am grateful to state that I am years past that nonsense now. However, many of the same justifying statements that I used in defense of my hyper-carnivorous diet are being used in defense of trans-sexuality. The trauma you suffered in the past, the pain you have felt since then, and your method of coping with it all , are seen as more valid of a path forward than going back into the pain to heal it.
DeleteI can hear that part of my brain screaming from back in time: "I don't know how to heal it!!! That's why it's been hurting ever since it happened!!!" But emotional wounds and traumas are not like broken bones. While your attitude may affect how fast/well your bone heals, it does not require you to learn the lesson inherent in the injury before the body begins healing. It just goes. Traumas are not like that, and will keep bleeding like the day they were made until we get in there and learn. Forgive whomever you blamed for it, forgive yourself for not being wise enough to avoid it, forgive yourself for not being willing to do the hard but necessary work before now. Defuse as much emotional energy as possible from the memories and then, from your wiser perspective, see what your less wise younger self missed. It'll likely take several times, as many traumas are layered like onions, but each time brings release and healing that wasn't possible before your active participation. Who you throughout that process is for you to decide, but at least then you're making that decision based on a better knowledge of yourself and not on pain.
I hope I came across without judgment, as that is the intention. If I can look in the mirror and love who I see, after all that, there's no way I can judge someone else for struggling with trauma. I leave this here in case it can benefit someone in addition to myself.
Darthos3, it's true that people make identities out of trauma. This is why I find reading and implementing Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" to be so helpful in dis-identifying with trauma-based identities. Whether or not a trans has a trauma-based identity depends on the person. Some trans do, while other trans do not. Although I often go beyond all gender based identities in order to access the elemental kingdoms (long story), everyone has different gravitations, which makes it interesting. Your reply brings across some good points without being narcissistic.
DeleteI have had some interesting dreams being with my soul family. One was awhile back and we were all sitting together on a ship and laughing and having a great time. My most recent dream was we were celebrating and dancing, but something odd showed up in this dream. I got the feeling that we are so close yet there was a clear message that there is still shadow work for the collective to work on. Maybe the events planned for 2024 will be the final clearing and cleansing. Love to all (including the galactics) 💜💜💜🎄🎄🎄. I wish 2024 is the year of Liberation.
ReplyDeleteThat’s interesting and great that your inner vision is activating while you are awake. I’ll continue to post any more dreams I have. I have had a couple third eye visions and it was the coolest experience. It was like watching T.V. In the center of my forehead with my eyes open. When I go to sleep I breathe deeply to connect with my soul and make an intention to connect with my soul family and intend remember my experience.
DeleteIn 2024 if the Event happens it will happen totally unexpectedly. And thats unclear how and in what order that would happen. Those tangible results will be as cobra stated when the critical flux of energy will be present on earth or differently saying revolutionary sentiments on earth and also in planet's humans kundalini. Summer 2024 must be world revolution. People will rise when they will see whats going on here on earth. Really not before. So all of us will go through a real awakening. So as I have thought that there will be no any Event in 2023, so same way I can tell that in my opinion it wont happen in the first half of 2024 It wont happen. Its easy to feel. We will see real movement in the second half of the 2024. We will see sleeping masses waking up and this will be those tangible results.Bank collapses and so on. So basically if such thing as Event ever happens, so already in 2024 we MUST see the real movement of events like a domino fall. If 2025 comes, and we are in the same position as we are sitting now, I will stop participating in this process since in that case that would be close to hoax. And many many people would curse all those info providers personally, so if somebody plays crafty games with us, later they would get that black energy back.But for now they seem real and sincere. Its time now or never.
ReplyDeleteSounds good! 🌌
ReplyDelete@Starlight 432 You know obviously not much about my strategy because I'm doing actually the opposite of this what you are accusing me of doing . If you would reading my statements correctly you will see that I m warning all of you including Patrick that this kind of barking of each other belongs to the strategy of the dark side because by triggering us to struggle with each other they intend to splitting the light workers community making our movement smaller and less efficient 💔 . Simultaneously they using the emotions of both kind of artificial created sides to power their dark projects on the big scale so you completely misunderstood me and it seems that you are blinded by your own light ... bulb 💡😑💡
ReplyDeleteWell, I took a look at your comments and replies. Some good points are made, but it comes across as not being unifying at all because assumptions are made that you just can't cash. It's true that the trans agenda is archonic, but not all trans fit your criteria. I know it will be a waste of time trying to get this point across to you, so um... pleasant journey.
DeleteThose who understand, understand. Those who don't, don't. Now that it's done, it's time to move on. Any further 'discussion' on this topic is simply a waste of time.
Delete@ Starlight 432 wait a moment so trans agenda is archontic but to becoming a trans is no problem at all 🤔 hmm Jeah that's make completely sense💡🤗💡 Just let the tick inside of your skin and everything wil be alright then not every tick likes to injects you directly with his poison , some of them wants only your blood 👻 just take a look around you and open your eyes 👀 many of lightwokers are fully aligned with this agenda and you think that this is a coincidence ??? Your way of thinking courtesy this topic is a clear confirmation of the deep programming I have stressed in my comments ( it is something you never should be aware of and you should just enjoy this show of depravity 🦹 that being said your reaction on this kind of revealing is naturally part of the programming as well therefore speaking of your second comment I would just say ...kind of vice versa 🌞
DeleteDreammaker, it's context specific. It depends on who it is. The problem is making generalizations. There are trans out there who oppose much of the trans agenda of forcing it on children and so forth. Some souls are used to incarnating in a specific gender, so when it abruptly changes, the experience is of oneself in the wrong body. If it's not the case and it's just someone being programmed, then it's archonic mind control, but not every single specific case fits that category.
DeleteYou keep trying to lump everyone into one category when only individuals should be looked at in their specific context. The trans agenda is a form of archonic borg-like collectivism, but it's also archonic borg-like collectivism to lump everyone into one category without looking at individuals in individual situations.
I also wasn't reacting and you are projecting this. With every comment and reply you make, you reveal that it's archonic programming as controlled opposition to 'fight' archonic programming.
Thank you for exposing archons within archons. This has been a good learning experience for those who can see.
DeleteSo, someone like Bailey Jay, who I envy being like and, who is living life is an archon agent, just because she got to be what I WISH I was able to be at least?
In simpler words, Dreammaker.....YOU putting all trans folks, and people like myself, into the same group as 'the agenda', saying we just as bad.....
....that's like shit telling vomit it stinks.
Becoming what one feels they need to become is NOT serving Archons. NOT being what one wants to be is serving archons. IF Bailey Jay never got to be the girl she felt she had to become, and lived a phony baloney life as 'A MAN!' would be serving archons. But I am sure you'll still not understand, and start acting like the ministry of Walsh.
@Starlight 432 yeah right and you think that you can see everything that is behind the curtain or what ??? Blindet by your own light and deaf on your own request you will not even can see what is right before your eyes . I see often comments like cobra have said this ot that and it shows only that many of you are not able to thinking at your own . Parroting someone and often other parrots ( PhD experts) is not knowledge it is the basis of believe system religions and everything what the cabal pressing into the heads of humans 24/7 since millenia😷 . their whole agenda is based on pretending , masking and using others as tools . On the other side there is knowledge . You will get knowledge when you are curious enough to ask questions and courageous enough to searching fot the answers . As an Orion seed I have a lot of both and many more. I will turn every stone no matter how heavy I will find a way to achieve this because orion's are very creative and we dont care for likes and especially not of some parrots . Now some scientific facts :as a human you can be wether woman or man and there should be nothing between this but thanks to the dark side there are off course anomalys with both gender polarities artificialy pressed into one single body but this is the programming of the dark side because they creating anomaly's distortions off all kind that's why they are chimeras the opposite of nature . Unlike many of you light walkers I'm a aware of my dark side and I m doing what I can to not allowing that the dark side may take Control over me but it is a proces which takes time and there are also attachments and other factors making all this very difficult to me to manage . However at least I am not afraid of my mirror view . I know that I have to face my Draconian nature in order to change it for better .you know what many of the so called light workers are often like naive children who just want to have fun and don't want to take responsibility for their silly games . Across the history there ware many humans like this they ware called priestes or shamans and nowadays experts and politics or simply actors depraved like Hanks or smith but selling themselves to the public as heroes .yeah all of them hade something in common with each other this was their level of hypocrisy and until this day nothing hase changed . I met so many people of this kind talking about light and angels and bla bla bla but simultaneously they ware full of lie , drugs , cigaretes , Alkohol distorted and depraved to the last bone. Often their own children ( in one case 7 kids) didn't want to do anything with them and that indicates already a lot . Everytime i have said what could be inconvenient true they ware suddenly angry and they startet to accusing me of something what actually they did .so don't get me wrong but when I see that someone's calling himself light or light factory then I know that this person may be full of darkness ( Lucifer programs )but doesn't have the balls to face the own dark side and do the shadow work I am performing I'm kind of above you so spare me your pathetic accusations because you are for sure not so off light like you pretend to be and if you defend the trans agenda then it is a clear indication that you are one of those lost souls I have experienced many times and dont want to met anymore because the more they have spoke about light , the darker they ware in reality🕊️🙄🐍 .
DeleteNo PhD experts or anything. I find answers on my own. Anyway, thanks again Dreammaker for exposing your programming. The more you and others like you type such nonsense, the less power you have, because people learn to not take you seriously. This minimizes the negative effects from trolling. It's a win-win.
Delete@ light -star -let . If you think that it bothers me what some rainbow parrots may have of opinion considering myself then you know me not a bit because simply I do not care 😑you can not find any answers without to making questions . You should change the bulbs because you are not shining anymore only fading from a star to a candle you know this is your path of light straight into completely darkness fading into gray nothingness . if you had eyes to see and an analytical perception ,then you would notice that your entire trans lover agenda, is a real worship of no one less then Baphomet the god of all trans sisis . But there is yet another ritualistic aspect of your self ball removmement trend . I'm referring to the goddess (Cybele ) is related to the word celibacy but actually this kind of self castration was quite common in many cultures and it happen currently once again but this time on a big scale because this Ritual should creating even more trauma based programming and establish even more connections to the low frequent entities ( to your attachments) from the astral world and spreading over the collective consciousness but there is to much ignorance in you that you sisis would ever considering that this all could be truth because it is incredibly inconvenient to you yeah you would have to face with your distorted nature and this is to much for you I know . Cobra should finally making a statement to this topic but it will probably not happen anytime soon because you would have to realize That you are actually not light workers community but woke community blindet by the light of your ignorance . You doing meditations to worship the goddess for 15 minutes and after that you just spitting on the same goddess with your distorted nature and wrong behavior and this is what you doing for the the rest of your filthy normal life to be clear sisis are the abomination of all what could be of nature so you are literally the offspring of Chimaera . Intersting fact Sisi is an anagram of ISIS😳
As I mentioned in my previous statements the planned agenda accordingl to the darks should looking like that first gay agenda than trans agenda and finally transhumanism agenda but I'm completely in sane I know and what are you in this case for a kind ??? IIT ???
@ Sherman ok let me trying to explain this to you in a different way .... if you living currently on earth you will be exposed to the chemtrails including to everything what this Wunderwaffe is causing for troubles it will hitting you in some way and there is no escape to that . you will be poisoned anyway and I will be poisoned despite my lets just saying extendet swimming skills I can not do much to withstand such a big wave . However what I can do is avoiding to being exposed to even more poison like it is for exemple with cigarettes and all this smoke . detotoxicating of my poisoned body would be also a good choice . Don't get me wrong If you like to be a gay that's completely fine to me . You can experimenting with your sexuality a little bit . Even if you are into scat you can go for a try as well . Because maybe it is the way to drop this addiction forever (when you will be forced to smell and to eat some shit) I'm using here your language 😷. try this or that and make decision after this experience. if this is your true way you want to continue to going in some cases you will drop this tool of deprivation once an for all . . I'm not recommending to this but anyway feel free to try it because maybe it is necessary to swimming in the poisoned water to stay away of the poison in the future at own request . this is shadow work Orion's doing often something like that that's why we know so many about tools of darkness . However when it comes to the whole trans agenda this goes way more further you might thinking and it is a one way road because once decided to change your gender you will get a stamp that you dun this not only to yiur own soul but in some form to all souls . They using all of you sisis ( single contaminated drops) to affecting the consciousness of humanity and to change this once clear water into a one see of Black Goo and this goes way to far because it is like you ware voting for more chemtrails to all of us . That's why I will fight with this agenda until the last day 💪like it or not I Don't care🤗 we are debating here not about favorite music this is bigger then you and me !!!. Your decisions will change everything it is all about responsibility you are spitting in the face of the source . You are voting here for the complete annihilation of human kind and you participating here in a project of turning humans into a kind of grays Borg basically Chimeras . You see only one side of the story your favorite one ( first minute's of a horror movie where everyone is still laughing and enjoying the show but it will change because there is also another much more sinister part of this movie in wich
Deleteyou are playing the victim role without to be aware of this . Some of you begining to understand the Warning
and trying to escape the incoming wave 🌊🦹😈🤖
I'm a kind of surgeon for the souls because you are contaminated I'm trying to save your souls guys but unfortunately this goes hand in hand with causing pain either way I have to cut the contaminated flesh off the rest of the body so that the virus can not spreading and there is not time for anesteticum so it will hurt . We are in the middle of a war .
DeleteWhen I thought your replies could not get any dumber than they were, this takes the cake.
1: I am not gay, not in this body. I do not want men. When I become an alien girl, I will look for other alien girls to be with.
2: Trans folks existing are NOT endangering people.
3: We are NOT annihilating anyone.
4: Don't compare me to greys, BUDDY BOY.
5: Asking for help to be restores is not 'being a victim'. Calling for help never is. Otherwise no one would help anyone.
6: I'm not trying to escape anything, just this WRONG body, and the fact I never wanted to be on earth to begin with.
7: You are NOT a surgeon. Just another 'expert' who thinks THEY know what's good for me and others, and news are NOT.
I am going to get both my gender and genetics corrected, and no one, ESPECIALLY not YOU, nor Patrick, nor Matt Walsh, nor ANYONE will stop me. You don't like it, TOUGH SHIT, you can kiss this. *points to my rear*
If you REALLY want to 'help' me, here is how:
We're in a war, yes, but you are fighting the wrong folks.
DeleteSame here. IF I am doomed to live, and die, on this planet, as a human, as a me, the darkies win...regardless if they get destroyed or not. And to those SCREAMING 'AGENDA!' or calling us 'mentally ill', I plan to be LIGHT YEARS away from this planet, once the aliens arrive and I go HOME WITH THEM. Then you can act like preaching ministers until you're blue in the mouth.
"Nobody can tell me that I'm still supposed to live as a man for the next decades and centuries!" <------ BINGO X 1,000,000.
So, to folks like Patrick, and 'EXPERTS' like Dreammaker.
Save our souls............
DeleteDon't THAT sound rather FAMILIAR?
To all trans lovers not only Sherman , Libra or light factory ( dark factory ) . You don't want to give credit to my claims ??? Ok I found something what should awaken you anyway . Dear sissies Here you have some words from reliable Source .
DeleteEtheric Archons are very allergic to a few things. First to the energy of Love, especially to Love between a man and a woman ( not anything between ). When they see a happy couple, they want to destroy the Love between them, because that Love gives the power to the non-physical Light forces to remove the etheric Archons and their minions.
Second, they are allergic to healthy sexual energy. ( They like transgenders ) They suppress this energy in the human population, and when they are not successful in suppressing it, they pervert it. Sexual energy is the life force itself and when they succeed in suppressing it, they get a sheeple population on the surface of the planet that can easily be controlled.
ReplyDeleteI actually use male pronouns and I have a male body.
I had to be reunited with my soul mate. We were torn apart a couple years ago.
If it's a lesbian, their relationship, how do you feel about that?
ReplyDeleteI say, 'does it matter?'. Just lemme get restored and find a nice alien girl friend, says I.
Delete@Sherman @Libra
DeleteI understand the personal significance of restoring one's original gender identity pertaining to a soul contract involving ETs.. that's also my case. Because it would acquire abilities my current body wouldn't be able to fully develop, and they are needed for my missions. Even if it doesn't end up happening. I wish I could somewhat intervene in the contact procedures so we can meet with the ETs now, but I cannot. It is literally forbidden. I can only be an ambassador and try contact again and again by asking them each year. In fact I saw ten UAPs in the night skies. However, what I can is try to inform people about the ethics of first contact, like I did. I made many rookie mistakes, and I didn't even get a single landing. Be it or not whether it's "not time yet" on a cosmic level, then so be it. I sincerely want Lightworkers/Starseeds to be able to complete their positive missions. Were a landing to happen in front of me, I'd ask them what's their opinion or take on getting us to change bodies. If they accept, then I'd suggest them that they do it for some others as well, those who truly need that change.
Each Starseed has to take responsibility for their own affairs, and every decision we make, we have that right to do so. I am not one to tell you what you "actually need".
All of that is reflected in one of my latest blog posts.
(p.s. as for the others; don't involve me in the arguing please)
I´d like to share my impression on what´s the origin of all the LGTB etc situations in general, based on the information given by Cobra and my own intuition. I don´t think anyone could be offended as I´m not judging anyone. Cobra has stated several times that souls have masculine and feminine aspects, and can incarnate in both sexes, the last time in a Q&A session at the last conference. Also in one of the old interviews around 2015 he said that when a soul changes the sex in which it incarnates, it´s at that first incarnation in the opposite sex when (he said homosexuality, but could be extrapolated to all LGTB..) those situations happen.
ReplyDeleteAs I see it, it seems as if the soul incarnated in both sexes, but more often in way that could be called "series", or a number of times in a row in each sex. Then, it would be when one of those "series" ends and the soul shifts to incarnate in the opposite sex, and at it´s first incarnation there, when the individual is in one of the LGBTQ situations. Later the soul would keep incarnating in that new sex for a number of times and would get accostumed to its physical characteristics, psycology, tastes etc, and wouldn´t be LGTBQ anymore.
So, the percentage of LGTBQ people at a given moment on the planet, that used to be somewhere below 10% until it increased when the Cabal started to promote it, would be those mentioned souls that have changed at that time the sex of the body where they are incarnated. That´s what I think must be the most common rule or pattern, but of course there must be exceptions..
@Don Pope
@Sher... I wasn´t talking about ancient history, just relating it to soul incarnation
DeleteThe point, Don, is that other forms of sexuality and gender, other than heterosexual has been around a long time. Only with the coming of Christianity, and it barging into other countries over the centuries have demonized anything not heterosexual, as well as gender stuff.
Delete@Sherman, yes, the same way the dark wants to put us now in a "digital prison" by 2030, they put us in a "religious prison" in its day with Christianity, wich they twisted very much for this purpose in the Council of Nicea, about the 4th century. And it has worked very well for them until recently, when they wanted to change to the digital thing. But now their time has come..
ReplyDeleteSome of us can't even get a one night stand. My last date was like December......1999.
I gave on on meaningful relationships 10 years ago. I am DONE with mother fucking humans. They don't want me, I don't want them anymore. ONLY an alien will I accept.
Only Source Can Clear It
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBlogger seems to have new content rules then.
DeleteIf you really posted the comment and it was not posted, I did not see that comment at all.
Generally I just block comments containing heavily offensive or misleading words (also mainly against the Unveiling itself). I will let you have your speech as far as possible.
So, if a comment does not come through, it is highly probable that it did not even come up to be approved.
Therefore, please do not be offended and try to find other ways like you did above.
Oh my God I'm really embarrassed now! I'm so sorry! I didn't hit the "load more" button. Oh man...
DeleteI don't know what to say. That was just really dumb on my part. Many apologies. 🫣
DeleteI'm not as immune to manipulation as I thought.
DeleteOh on the spam. Yeah my comments have been getting marked as spam on my blog too.
DeleteLol starlight I just noticed the load more button too. I was like ok where's the new comments and was oblivious. Sneaky blogger lol
DeleteYep. Oops. Wow that was really stupid. What was I thinking? Ugh.
ReplyDeleteLIbra, yeah, good lesson to learn. Excellent mention on freewill too, thanks. I'll keep this in mind more in the future! I've been fixated on the lurker and how it operates... I got too close and then lost perspective. It's a master at deception and can really toy with perception.
ReplyDeleteAlso, a thought came to mind that maybe the lurker could operate this way:
(Unfortunately, it was difficult to find a good clip of the episode.)
The crap luck I had with relationships, or lack thereof, I'll TAKE 'condescending sex'. It be a damn site better than nothing.
ReplyDeleteWon't mean a thing till the good stuff happens, and FAST.
help a warrior of light buy his cintamani stone please
Happy new year also to our Transformers who likes to attacking me ( do to their Attachments ) . This war must end and may the Event happen .... finally .let there be light. .🌞
ReplyDeleteI had another very interesting dream this morning. It felt like I was with a soul family member. She is a very creative soul and was teaching me how to make jewellery, not just any jewellery, very unique and she was blowing at it with her mouth and shaping it. She made me a pendant to wear. She asked me to create something after showing me and I tried but my skill level didn’t allow me to create like her…yet 💜💜💜. We were getting to know each other and I felt very at ease being around her. I looked beyond where we were at and saw some homes like the one I live in close by. Our soul families seem to be very close to us. Setting an intention every night before sleep to meet them seems to be working for me. Setting an intention is a great first step to start manifesting.
ReplyDeleteWell I love this format: "One man providing for rather multiple women is much more natural and common", "The same is happening on the union of Soul-families, it is usually one male oriented Soul and several female oriented Souls uniting".
ReplyDelete- I as a Male love this format of Union, one man and multiple women, i also don't have problem if my women are sleeping with each other, I'm not jealous if women are sleeping with each other, i find that sexy but i would be jealous if there is another man.
So my question for Sebastian is: How many Souls are in average Soul Family and what is Male to Female gender ratio? If i as a Male have multiple Female Souls in a Sexual Union, what happens to other Male Souls in my Soul Family, who choose which Male Soul will be connected to other Female Souls and how we mix altogether, if few Male Souls in my Soul Family have multiple women in their Sexual Union, it's seems like we can have Sex between Union or Adjoining Soul Families something like swingers? Also i want to know if for example i have four Female Souls in my Sexual Union and only one can be my wife, what are the ranks of other Female Souls, seems like they are a little bit downgraded, can they change their roles with time, seems like the wife should be the twin flame but when there is no twin flame wife should be the one that have most emotional and mental intelligence and experience?
- I have so many questions, I'm very interested about Soul Families and relationship inside them, I'm also very interested about adjoining Soul Families and how that relationship works, this is my questions for now, you can answer me here in comments or in another post when you write it, however it's easier for you, maybe it's better in another post so it's easier for other people to see the answers, it's a little bit harder to search deep in the comments.
Thank you for your time 😃
I am also interested into this questions.
DeleteI think to provide 4 women as a man you really have to be very strong. So it not only about having sex with many women. It is about supporting them in everything. Being the wise and strong "leader". (If those term of leader is even still needed)
I think it will be so much otherwise like we do fantasize how it will be. Sex will be a part of it. But so much more it will be that everybody in the soul family and humanity will be so happy !!!
The desire of men of having sex with many women will be in the beginning very inthrilling but soon as man I will realize that it is about happyness of everybody!
And for that is jealousy a relict of the old 3d world. Should every woman and every man have so many boyfriends/girlfriends as she or he wants. It is about freeedom of humanity and that all be happy.
In this 3d world now is polyamoria very very challenging. (watch the tv series "sister wifes")
Le polyamour est le seul vrai moyen auquel je peux me sentir vivant et respecté dans une relation amoureuse. Il y a des gens qui croient que tout le monde devrait devenir polyamoureux, mais je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce dire. Les humains, nous, en tant qu'âmes n'étant pas limitées par notre race ou espèce, sommes très hétérogènes du au principe naturel de la diversité. Donc si quelqu'un ne se sent pas bien dans une monogamie, ou une polygamie, naturellement cet être va graviter davantage vers le style relationnel qui lui convient le mieux. Je suspecte aussi que ceci a un lien fort avec la façon dont on a été élevé dans nos autres incarnations (souvent hors de cette zone planétaire) --- je pense avoir été éduqué à ne pas être jaloux. Ce n'est pas quelque chose qui est dans ma nature de jalouser un partenaire, mais je peux un peu jalouser un ami platonique qui me laisse à l'écart pour considérer un nouvel ami comme meilleur, sauf que c'est plus un sentiment de tristesse et de deuil. Je ne ressens pas vraiment la jalousie relationnelle au même degré que les autres, c'est comme dire, plus faible.
DeleteJ'aimerais constater que si un être désire réellement être interdépendant avec plusieurs partenaires, il doit effectivement considérer ses forces et faiblesses. Moi, je ne peux que soutenir pour deux "réels" partenaires, qui sont présentement des extraterrestres donc ils sont encore invisibles à mon regard sur ce plan "physique". Je ne veux pas les lâcher. Pourtant, on communique en rêves. Je pourrais techniquement avoir un troisième, incarné en tant qu'humain, sauf que, je ne sais pas comment il se ressentira face à la réalité de mes deux autres, et je ne veux pas le "délaisser" et le laisser blessé, dès que je rejoins mes deux partenaires originaux. Remplir un manque affectif temporaire est complexe pour moi. Donc vivre ma situation est complexe.
Et maintenant je réalise à quel point les carences psychoaffectives de ma jeunesse ont été renforcées par une blessure de séparation post-incarnation.
Regarding Twin Flames
ReplyDeleteYeah, the control definitely begins in childhood. Glad that there is healing! 💖
DeleteThanks for the update Sebastian!
ReplyDeleteThe article above is translated into mandarin, if anyone is interested:
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ReplyDeleteThanks a million! I've linked to the blog in the about-section.
ReplyDeleteGreat example of how you all can help to clear up the mental layers on Earth. It is part of the battle against the cabal and it is important.
Spreading the truth of blogs like the Portal or the Unveiling itself definitely helps clearing.
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DeleteAnyone know if libra has been attacked I noticed his blog is gone and in recent days virtually all posts were missing
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ReplyDeleteHi, I'm back, how is everyone doing? I appreciate that we're gathering on sites like those.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the advertizing but I have a feeling that some of my videos may help certain people understand what is involved with contacting ETs from a Starseed's pov:
ReplyDeleteAlso, here's the ethical suggestions letter I wrote for the federation:
Hi all, the Phoenix ascension conference report is translated into Chinese.
I didn't attend the conference, so there will be discrepancies, and it might contain error, this is for reference only for those who are interested!
The English, official (I think so) version of the report could be found from PFC Japan, written by Nogi.
I also invite those who have to support The New Atlantis Project by donation, or planting Galactic Cintamani Stones! The flyers:
Below are Chinese-translated reports of the Phoenix Ascension Conference Report for Day 1 and 2:
ReplyDeleteDay 1:
Day 2:
This is the original, official version of the report, in English
Day 1:
Day 2:
The lightworkers in USA currently needs your support to implement the New Atlantis Project:
Translator’s suggestion:
The information in the report is best to digest with the following information from Unveiling33:
Everything you said libra sums up why I'll never work a job. I can find other ways to be helpful and useful without feeling like I'm a slave.
ReplyDeleteDear Sebastian
ReplyDeleteI would like to ask you for your advice
and also the advice of the readers.
It's about the topic of "negative greetings".
For example, when I plan something with a light-filled intention,
it happens more and more often, that a blowback appears
at the same time, which either wants to stop me from doing what
I'm about to do or wants to lower the energy again after I've done it.
Sometimes very strange negative "coincidences"
just happen to me in connection
with previously performed lightful activities.
I refer to these incidents as "negative greetings".
(I have this from the book "the law of one")
Certain such incidents are rather harmless and other incidents
are painful or even very dangerous.
Fortunately there is then a light-filled force
that might defuse this situation and "save"
and "protects" me.
As I understand from your previous post,
many such "negative greetings"
(I think you called it something else)
are clearly orchestrated by the dark forces
to make our light work as tedious as possible.
I could also see it as a "compliment" that my light work
attracts such attention that it has to be reacted so drastically.
But it's not about my ego. I am humble. I am just so tired of this 3D world.
There are millions of starseeds doing very important lightwork
and are probably experiencing such blowbacks too.
I am very tired of knowing that when I do a lightwork,
that I could experience a blowback that wants to destroy me.
The goal of these blowbacks is to stop doing lightwork
because I could fear the blowbacks.
Strange things happen, like accidental near-accidents
and almost-injuries, which, despite my caution,
are still maybe to happen.
It is usually the case that people are sent to me
who "attack" me in a strange way and seemingly
unintentionally "attack" me.
This can be a car or a bicycle or a Scooter or whatever.
Someone who runs into me or stumbles into me
or simply people who just happen to turn up
and happen to do something that attacks me.
Very strange things indeed.
The other day I was almost injured by a knife
because someone made a very strange illogical
awkward movement.
This happened after I did a beautiful light-filled meditation.
Or last year, in the night, a beautiful orb full of light came into my apartment
and in the same night there happened a big water damage
that made a lot of trouble too my life situation.
I didn't really want to list these things. I want to apologize if this maybe do make
somebody sad. I want now say something optimistic. The light is winning!
My focus is to write only positive things when I can.
And my intuition knows that this incredibly light-filled time is manifesting!
Until then, I'm still asking for survival tips on how to get through it.
I want to do again my light work with full power ! I want to fulfil my mission as best as I can ! want to be motivated again! That is the reason why I camed to this world!
What can I do?
Are there protection mantras, protection visualizations?
How can I ask my star families to stand by me
and support me in advance and afterwards
as protective forces so that I can courageously
tackle my tasks again?
Thank you all very much.
many greetings!
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ReplyDeleteBoth Sebastian and fm144 has been quiet for a long time now.
ReplyDeleteFM144 doesn't post much anyway. Even Cobra's quite quiet compared to a few years ago. Prolly because nothing much has changed, or that which is in progress needs to be veiled until completion. Sebastian even mentioned there would be very few posts in the second last post as the status is somewhat the same.
DeleteDear Sebastian
ReplyDeleteDo you have an update to the actual situation?
Or just some advise what to do now?
What exactly do you mean by finding a way back home to Prime Creator and get adopted by your true ancestors? Does that mean individuality is no more and you get 'merged back to Source, as Cobra would say?
ReplyDeleteI have a few more questions: Why does Cobra have no mention of anything such as Prime Creator? Cobra has a simplified view of Source as 'The Absolute, and its dynamic interaction with Primary Anomaly gave rise to the Universe. But again you mention that Prime Creator was the first lifeform that lived in the Universe, and Source is rather the first descendant of Prime Creator.
ReplyDeleteWe emerged from our ancestors, does that mean our ancestors 'own our Souls, or why is there even a need to return to our ancestors? What about our individual Free-Will, if they own our souls? I don't understand it well. Could you elaborate on these questions on your upcoming post?
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DeleteWhy does Prime Creator no longer have an intact body or single consciousness anymore? What does it even mean by that? If Prime Creator is superior to Source, why doesn't it help the Earth Situation directly? Where does Prime Creator stay now though, if it's not connected to Source or the rest of the Universe?
ReplyDeleteThe very concept of Prime Creator is contradictory to Cobra's view of Source as the absolute. Maybe , I stop my questions here.
"Everyone isn't Source by default, but everyone is Prime Creator by default,, - would you put it that way?
DeleteHello, dear Sebastian, can you share your short insight of sleep paralysis? Just like this without any specific details from my side. Since theres no any reliable place to ask, to not get distorted answer on this crazy planet. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I had a day when I was feeling the highest intelligence guidance and before leaving home I went to close down the roller blinds and I sae clearly two lights in the sky ,but since I explore the sky sometimes, I knew that was not any star. Then I made like a bridge of my consciousness and connected with those two lights and asked them if that was for me please give me a sign. After five seconds one after anothet the lights dissapeared in the sky. Please provide with any short insight since again there is not even one legit info provider to ask.
ReplyDeleteAs well, Sebastian, could you provide your level insight about lucid dreaming, I wake up in a dream and I can do there many things, so why does it happen for certain people but it does not happen for everybody, what does it depend on? Last years I try not to only meditate with closed eyes but as well observe almost everytime and be consciouss. So I think this is the result.
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