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QUARANTINE EARTH - about the parasitic contamination - part I

Some people might have read on alternative sources in the internet that Earth was and still is to some degree under quarantine. 

The simple reason for it is a parasitic contamination that is an expression of the primary anomaly Cobra ( and several others write about.
Even science has stated that we probably live in an anomaly recently.

So basically the parasite or parasitic contamination is an expression of the primary anomaly figuring out our eco-system on Earth or how life works on this planet. To put shortly a parasite sucks away the life-force of other lifeforms. Therefore it first needs to figure out those lifeforms. 
In the human world this process of drained life expresses itself in people who are not really happy and even potential ways to happiness being blocked. Summarizing, a parasite results the lack of fulfillment of those lifeforms it befalls. Sounds much more harmless than it actually is. The point is: the reason that almost all humans are not able to live the life of their dreams (even in simple terms of health, freedom/money and love) is not complex logical reasons but actually the contamination itself. A parasite takes everything good from the life of its victim it can. The complexity of the parasite is just so enormous that humans usually accept the logical reasons behind the defeat of their dreams. They have a strange acceptance of a ‚normality‘ that states that their will is not fulfillable. Everyone is talking of free-will as a basic right here but few ever get their will on a big scale.  They accept that they do not get to live their dream life because that condition would be ‚normal‘ for humans. While actually the parasite and his puppets are doing exactly that: taking away their potential to get to the life humans want without them ever noticing or even complaining.

A parasite is therefore seen as a mechanism (as it is not really a lifeform on its own) against life.
Broken down, it is what is described in the story of Adam and Eve in the bible. Even though the old scriptures are a bit distorted because of the time passed, some tell the truth much more impressive than anything afterwards. However God told them, that one tree is rotten and they should not eat from it on Earth because he knew the parasite and how it expresses itself in nature on this planet. The snake represents rather a species that was on Earth before God visited Earth. It is not humanoid, rather formless, smaller and enormously vicious. And it of course then persuades Eve to eat from the ‚rotten‘ fruit, because the snake was long living inside the parasitic situation before God ever came to visit Earth. Therefore the snake obviously "works" for the will of the parasite - it can also be seen as a demonic influence or a demon/parasite itself. So obviously the snake tried to get more life(-forms) into the parasite. And that is what is described: After Eve is infected by the parasite, she goes on with its work and infects Adam. The parasite gives her so much life (gotten from other lifeforms) that she even thinks that God would have betrayed them. Shortly after that, the parasite takes away the full-on infusion of life energy on Eve and she goes to 'kill' her lover Adam to get his life energy. And so it goes on and on, it is the most horrible scenario, if you think about that an exceptionally high evolved lifeforms as Eve falls to kill the man she loves just because she needs more life energy again.

It is not so much that God forbid to eat the fruit and casts them out of paradise, he rather knew what would happen if they are taken over by the parasite and told them of the consequences.

That pretty much explains the much discussed "original sin" much better. It is not that those descendants of the first humans inherit sin, it is rather that they are then born into the contamination that was initiated by Eve. After infection, which can literally be seen as death, she killed her perfect lover. Though these first humans could not really die, that is pretty much equivalent to death. You could say Eve was from then on possessed by the parasite. Basically every murder in the history of humanity is an echo of that form of possession.

So the first ‚settlers‘ on Earth were told by God to mind certain areas/plants after he set up Earth for life similar to the story of Genesis. You can easily imagine what happened when one of the settlers is infected if she kills her lover. As is told in the Story of Adam and Eve, the infected try to infect the others.

So much to the story behind the parasite and what humans are ‚allowed’ to know about it. Or rather what 'popular' information is still available on Earth after followers of the parasite have deleted everything else - just think of the destruction of the library of Alexandria, many sources of truth were destroyed similarly. They say "demons do not want to be seen" in many scriptures, the same is true for the infected. Many would say that demons and infected are the same even. Though demons are rather unseen entities and infected people can still act among the regular population like Eve did. It is like undead people walking among us and sabotaging humanity from the inside. Similar stories of humans who are not really humans among us are written about in the Bible and other ancient scriptures like Koran or in the Kabbalah. Though usually humans will not be able to differentiate the infected from real humans - so judgement is hard and compassion is a much more reliable trait even while dealing with the 'undead'.

So basically all horror-stories about vampires, demons, zombies and the like are about the parasitic infection - it IS absolute horror. Vampires obviously suck others life, demons destroy life and zombies are the walking dead, hunting the last living. So these stories are really expression of what is going on, although it is not that obvious for most humans. They think these and even the old scriptures are just stories and no warnings which maybe is better for their mental health anyway.

So the parasite we're talking about is larger than the Earth itself, completely destroys life without it even recognizing and is of rather energetic nature. You can understand the primary anomaly as a primordial energy. You can imagine it as the one negative energy ingredient among the rather positive other energies from which the universe was formed. And this most intense energy of negativity then expresses itself in form of parasitic organisms in a later structural stage of the universe. As it is a rather minor ingredient in the make up of the universe, it is counted as an anomaly. Another bad thing about it is that it always collects itself to 'survive'. Basically that is what is needed to form a parasite like the one on Earth, enormous collections of the primary anomaly are needed which then result in such negative organisms forming. First the parasite itself comes into being, then smaller organisms are overtaken which are living in the host system (Earth and the solar system) who from then on work for the parasite (like Eve in the story of the Bible).

If such a parasite is detected by other species in a system, the befallen area is put under quarantine. What it means is that all species who travel in the universe make a huge curve around those systems as coming into such a system would mean a certain death or suicide to them. That's pretty much why people on Earth could be educated that no alien life was ever found yet. To 'cite' the Bible again, creatures like the devil, satan or even angels are definately not human. Some might be of demonic nature and might have been here before the God-species arrived, but most of them can and should be seen as extraterrestrial. Just that similar to demons the evil alien species that came and partake here will never reveal themselves to humanity. 

Visits of extraterrestrials are pretty much documented in every holy scripture as there are several other reliable sources of such happenings to be found on the internet. Though if a species comes to Earth during quarantine it definitely knows what it is doing because otherwise it is suicide for those who come. 
Then again others come especially because of the quarantine here. In such parasitic contaminations usually vermin and other evil species gather to support the parasite (without even knowing of it). People who are awake nowadays speak of the NAA the 'Negative Alien Agenda' and mean several species (usually from the Rigel system of Orion etc. ) who conspired to use humanity as a slave race. They actually come here to take life-energy from species on Earth and trade it with other similarly deceptive aliens. Partly these aliens are also described in several holy scriptures. They are smart, very smart indeed - so smart that the usual human does not even know in the slightest that they exist. Nowadays people who talk openly about the NAA are usually quietened by those who work for the parasite as ‚conspiracy theorists’ or similar. They created simple mechanisms to take credibility from the woke and then the infected will just agree among each other that it would be a lie - which usually is enough to convince humans who have not witnessed anything strange on Earth yet.

It is simple for the saboteurs as long as the broader population does not know that there are overtaken humans among them. And these alien invaders know that it would be easy that way - they implemented everything on Earth they could influence for it to work that way. Even the snake in the story of Adam and Eve was described as 'the smartest beast of the field' meaning it was the most intelligent (but already overtaken, a simple beast-) lifeform on the Earth before God's visit. And those who came afterwards to profit from the energy harvested on Earth were similarly smart. So humanity was and still obviously is completely outplayed. Just look around and estimate how many humans are truly and lastingly happy. It is obviously a low percentage.
Spiritual masters of old times even said that humanity only earns about one to six percent of its capacity for fulfillment. And the six percent are basically what humans can experience during a good orgasm. The rest is being taken - these masters talk of evil spiritual forces but it all boils down to the primary anomaly. This is then expressing itself through the parasite, then through the whole Cabal hierarchy meaning the Chimera / Ashoris 3 including Saturn/Satan, the so-called Archons, then lower, several rather human-based traitor-conspiracies similar to the Illuminati, Satanists and so on and so on (see Cobra again for a better reference on the hierarchy of the Cabal).
And even those highest in the hierarchy of the Cabal do not know much about the parasite itself - as they are being used the same way they use those lower in the hierarchy without their knowledge. Same as demons, the parasite does not want to be seen and those overtaken adapt to that strategy themselves.
Then the same happens for humans, some are not even infected but - as mentioned above - taking the wrong decisions subconsciously. 

So this is the scenario on Earth for a enormous time so far. Earth is regarded as one of the poorest planets known out there - exactly because of that scenario. And the parasite formed aeons ago - the influence is active since several hundred million years now. Usually these problems are discovered later than they should be discovered as the anomaly/the parasite hides its victims and the befallen systems and planets pretty effective. The same happened on Earth - most people rather talk of hundreds of thousands of years of evil on Earth and they are right as well, as the circumstances got worse during the time with the parasite. It is like a huge negative swarm intelligence playing out before your eyes though you might have never noticed it yet. However if you notice humans behaving very strange or seemingly communicating in strange signs or symbolically it might be a hopefully unconscious expression of parasitic information.

The important thing to keep in mind though is that every such parasite is being removed when the time has come and we are living in this time.
If the right people come to remove such a parasite it is just a matter of time. Compared to the length of the contamination here, the removal is exceptionally fast. Many new and unknown species (at least on Earth) have come to help with removal and to repair the damage and get the victims back up - even the Central Race is taking part. So some of the oldest and biggest species out there have come and although it is a hostage situation, the Cabal stands no chance at all. It only took decades to figure out the parasite on Earth, so from this date on it will take just a few years longer to actually remove the parasite itself. The structures that have come through its influence though will take longer to change. Basically the parasite informs many lifeforms, not just its puppets. And these lifeforms then, based on their resistance to wrong information, act upon this information. That means nearly everything on Earth, from architecture through science to even artistic ideas is heavily informed by and therefore influenced by the parasite itself. Resistance to this kind of information means that people choose the right decisions regardless of being given the wrong information. That is a rare ability and certainly this fact is obvious if you look around in the human environment. Most things that are regarded fun are bad for health, powerful people choose to sacrifice nature or even people just for greed, etc. - the list of wrong decisions observable is endless.

Some people beginning to talk about the primary anomaly on Earth alone is already an evidence that things are changing. People are getting aware of the anomaly, of the NAA and so on means that the parasite cannot hide as efficiently as it did anymore. Actually the whole system of rights the Cabal/NAA wants to apply to humanity is based on consciousness - they pretend that if humans are not conscious about being drained by them, it would be their ‚right‘ to take the energy of humanity. Although they obviously also try to take exactly this consciousness and knowledge about their rape by any means - they effectively created the illusion of human suffering as being normal. And exactly this fact changing - humanity is waking up even through the Cabal’s own measures like Corona, etc. - is already a first sign of their defeat. Strange that those more interesting speeches regarding this topic in the biggest cities of the world are not in the slightest shown in the mainstream media yet. Then again you should know what applies the biggest perception of 'normality' to most humans - it is the mainstream media of course. That is why the internet is invaluable and you might even understand why it was invented by the (positive) military. And you should understand why many big persons of the media, Facebook, Twitter, etc. all want it to be censored right now (for example Clinton and many other bigger politicians).

Posts like this, and especially broadcasting the truth that is not yet 'allowed' on Earth is exactly what the internet was made for.

We will see how it plays out very soon anyway.


  1. After reading this blogpost, I notice that the explanation of an existing parasitic being on Planet Earth, before God began to use creative powers to make manifest what he had in mind, doesn't go well with me. I see all expression of life, parasitic and life giving as coming from God, which I prefer to call The Supreme Creator.

    My logic, in explaining the Fall after Eve ate from the apple and offered Adam a bite, is that unless human beings could "taste" the two sides of the coin: good and bad, right and wrong, they're capable of discerning, followed by choice, and by a creative act.

    Which, to me, should be a choice made in freedom of observation and interpretation. It can't be done, when evolution is the plan.
    I see the Fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve sent from it by an angel of revenge, as a symbolic description of the transformation that took place within these 2 human beings. What do I mean by that?

    Before eating from the apple, offered by a snake, and I must confess this isn't an evil character to me, Eve and Adam were in existence, created in some way that is obscure to me. Their soul was like a blank slate, in a state of innocense. They had no sense of good or bad, right or wrong. If their memory was erased before they appeared in the flesh, I don't know. But, for this interpretation of mine, let's assume that they were of an innocent essence.

    If it's true that there was purpose in the creaton of this human couple, and the purpose was, to try out and see how human beings could figure out how it's possible to find the state of being before the Fall, and return to God on equal grounds, given a chance to experience life, create living conditions and develop more intricate methods and tools, throught time, the state of forgetting, and the condition of duality consciousness, were very useful conditions in order to foresee and guarantee a huge array of possible expressions, initiatives and their result. Be it in war or in love.

    To me, it's only possible to figure out what works and what doesn't work, by the presence of these polarities.The learning process would be quick or slow, depending on each person's character, and in that cauldron of possibilities, numerous creations were made, with material forms and relationships, religions, philosophies, inventions connected to science, etc. We're still in the process of figuring out what works and what doesn't work for us, isn't it?

    For the time being, right now, with the pandemic, we're almost forced to observe what doesn't work and much is going on that doesn't work for the wellness of humanity, isn't it?

    I have friends who say "I hope and pray that we'll never return to the way of life before the pandemic arrived, for when you take a good look, lots of it doesn't work: the education system, the medical system, the legislation system, the political system, etc.

    This is my understanding and conclusion, of what the meaning was of paradise and the Garden of Eden with the apple tree, the snake and the first human couple Adam and Eve. It's possible that I miss pieces of the puzzle, but so far, I'm at ease with living my life, for I see where it's going and where we're heading, collectively.

    When creation is an eternal process, everlasting, I'm content with doing my bit. Creativity is the gym for my soul, it suits me well and I've experienced levels of being beyond the 3D frequency in my life. We seem to vibrate on levels of our choice, comparable to the variety of bandwidths of an old-fashioned radio, where we turn the dial and choose LW MW, long wave, medium wave, each radio-station with its own broadcasting style and location on the planet.

  2. As a post scriptum to my former comment of yesterday, I recommend reading the story of The Little Soul and the Sun, written by Neal Donald Walsh. It's available online. The part below, is where the value of opposites is explained:

    "Think of it this way," said God. "You are like a candle in the Sun. Oh, you're there all right. Along with a million, ka-gillion other candles who make up the Sun. And the sun would not be the Sun without you. Nay, it would be a sun without one of its candles...and that would not be the Sun at all; for it would not shine as brightly.

    Yet, how to know yourself as the Light when you are amidst the Light--that is the question." "Well," the Little Soul perked up, "you're God. Think of something!" Once more God smiled. "I already have," God said. "Since you cannot see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we'll surround you with darkness."

    "What's darkness?" the Little Soul asked. God replied, "It is that which you are not." "Will I be afraid of the dark?" cried the Little Soul."Only if you choose to be," God answered. "There is nothing, really, to be afraid of, unless you decide that there is.

    You see, we are making it all up. We are pretending." "Oh," said the Little Soul, and felt better already. Then God explained that, in order to experience anything at all, the exact opposite of it will appear. "It is a great gift," God said, "because without it, you could not know what anything is like. You could not know Warm without Cold, Up without Down, Fast without Slow. You could not know Left without Right, Here without There, Now without Then"

    "And so," God concluded, "when you are surrounded with darkness, do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness. Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and don't be mad about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are, and all others will know, too. Let your Light shine so that everyone will know how special you are!"

    "You mean its okay to let others see how special I am?" asked the Little Soul."Of course!" God chuckled. "It's very okay! But remember, 'special' does not mean 'better.' Everybody is special, each in their own way! Yet many others have forgotten that.

    They will see that it is okay for them to be special only when you see that it is okay for you to be special." "Wow," said the Little Soul, dancing and skipping and laughing and jumping with joy.
    "I can be as special as I want to be!"

    1. I read Neal Donald Walsh as well back then and it is definately not the God-species I talked about let alone any other ‚god‘. Looking back it is just a naive wishy washy all-is-good pseudo-spiritual propaganda text.

      As Cobra stated several times: there are very few reliable channelings on Earth.
      NDW is certainly not one of the reliable.

    2. 100% agreed. Also his example was used in the proof-manner of a self declared "specialist" which itself prooves the contamination.... . It all depends on the ankle of the watcher, if he is hu-man.

    3. Agreed. Walsh is a big seducer used as proof by them who need to arguing away visible facts. Which itself closes the circle of deception. So the ankle of the watcher and its possible intention will get much more important to observe in the future.

  3. How do You get rid of parasites?

    1. Most people have to ‚pray‘. That means to hope that higher lifeforms find you and offer help.

      Remember that even God, long time the biggest lifeform on Earth, could yet not win against the parasite but just stabilize.

      But in the end it is these lifeforms, their descendants and the new species who will set you free (if you moved to the top of the list - because actually all want to be freed).

  4. COBRA Monday, January 19, 2015

    1. Yes, thank you!

      There is of course protection that helps already.

      Violet flame, pink liquid light of Ela, White fire of AN is what I usually use.
      And of course visualizations of the parasites being removed (even brutal things) help.

      But right now on Earth, they tend to come back especially to those with higher light/life (Light workers, Starseeds etc. ). So that‘s what I meant in the above comment. Sadly those helpful tools do not help with all types parasites. Therefore higher lifeforms are needed in the end.

    2. Sebastian (TheUnveiling33) (I'm former Marian Baghor)
      To me, the idea that the human fate is ordained by an external power, and force, is similar to the condition of small children, depending on mom and dad, and for good reason too. Small children are innocent, physically helpless, depending on food, safety, and loving care.

      Aren't we supposed to grow up and create our independence with responsibility in tow? While learning to know our inner world of emotions, reactions and thoughts? Beliefs? To me, the idea of an external entity overpowering me, is childish, based on assumed victimhood. To me, we are where we are as a result of how we were and what it is we worked upon, as humanity, through many Epochs, now in the Post-Atlantean Epoch, confronted with the choice to do things different from what once has lead to the sinking of Atlantis, a darkening of humanity's consciousness.

      After 25 years of doing research, checking many sources of info, related to the concept of "alien", and ET-crafts, secret space programs, and testimonies of whistle-blowers, not always reliable due to purposeful tinkering with their memory, it's my opinion that all phenomena of "alien" appearances, and their craft, will be mainly orchestrated by Earthlings, inspired by astral beings, who are merely fallen angels existing in a world of their own, in lower dimensions, also called "the abyss".

      To me, the Alien agenda and what comes out of it, isn't of service to the wellbeing of mankind, but rather an attempt to prevent humanity from being "inspired" merging the material world with spirit, and a reunion with the Solar Logos. The experimental mRNA vaccines are not only weapons of mass destruction, they're also instruments for the separation of body and soul in humanity.

      Humanity's paving of the path towards Heaven on Earth, is the downfall of these degenerated beings, human or non-human. At all costs, human free will must be wiped out, so that the Earth can be ruled by those who were the destroyers of Mars, in ancient times, seeking refuge.

      Wishing to rule again, by recreating their world on a planet that allows for life on the surface too.
      To await a deliverance of an assumed hell on Earth is a delusion, a denial of responsibility, a nightmare for those waiting for a "saviour from heaven".

      When we don't pay attention, we're made in the image of Satan, once that ET-craft has landed on the lawn of the White house.

      Those who have left that path towards Heaven on Earth, through redemption and transformation, learning compassion, exist in lower planes, degenerated, turned from human beings into creatures of all sorts of form, more or less demon-like, or with angelic appearances on purpose. These beings are skilled shapeshifters, highly advanced psychics without any awareness of a heart connection, a condition that prevents them from evolutionary growth. That's how they're caught in a self made spiral, moving deeper into the darkness of the abyss.

      Parasites will enter when owning one's energy system is in jeopardy, be it physical, astral or etheric. Pain in the human body is a signal that the person isn't consciously present in that part, so that beings of the astral plane find access to it, causing dis-ease. Viruses and entities alike, according to natural law, growth and decay.

      To me, the essence of human evolution on planet Earth is the will to develop inner presence in an awareness of the soul's instrument, the "I am" in each of us. The New Age belief, waiting for a Galactic Federation solving humanity's problems, is one of the most deceptive stories, propagated by those who orchestrate an alien hoax, hoping to keep humanity in children's shoes.
      In reality, that's the transhumanist agenda in full bloom, see?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Hi sebastian has there been any progress made in removing this parasite or has it happened. If it has sorry I must've missed it.

  8. Thanks Sebastian.

    If anyone is interested, this article is translated into Mandarin


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