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Progress March 2021

As the last few posts were about heavily bad conditions on Earth, this post will be kept to the progresses the Lightforces make - at least to the degree that can be laid open by now.

As a side note also support the peace meditations mentioned on Cobra‘s site, please.

  • Chances on Earth were verified as fake.

    The cabal still tries to achieve the image of Earth being a planet that is working out well for its inhabitants. The cabal by now tried to lie to several instances of higher species judging the system and tried to convey that they created the best system for Earth they reasonably could.
    They also like to present humans all kinds of chances that do not really exist/work if humans try (and they rarely even do). Humans like to say that everyone is responsible for his/her own happiness on Earth - which is correct for some but definitely not for those who are or were here for liberation.
    By now the Starseeds and Lightworkers have verified that the cabal do not let anyone have anything, in case they are working for the liberation of Earth. Many people of higher spirituality probably guessed that anyway, but the deadlock for money is heavier than many imagined. Pretty much all higher helpers of the liberation are denied their will by now (and that is exactly what the cabal wants to achieve). Other people will then give the usual arguments like they would just not be smart enough or had simply not worked enough for 'popularity' and that it would be their own fault, etc. - which can be seen as additional torture by design. It is clear by now that nearly everything humans want and need is still 'topped' by the cabal and designed explicitely that way. 
    In the end, it is usually the cabal saying yes or no - and they only grant anything if they can control the receiver. So in case of the lightworkers and Starseeds it always was a 'no' at least as far as the cabal could recognize them.
    For example if there is something like an average conversion rate of 2% of the visitors of a shop actually buying something, the conversion rate simply stays at 0% in case of people involved in the liberation - no matter how many visitors come. The big fake involving cabal-engineered swarm intelligence comes to light easily in those cases - as money really has the power to change something in the hands of the Starseeds. It can also be seen by those examples that some measures of the cabal only get active in the case of actual change being about to be established. That means this mechanism gives the Starseeds everything except exactly those things/supports that they need to actually change the situation. So it creates the appearance of being completely 'normal' from the outside although the most important achievements will be denied. This mechanism was perfected by the cabal through thousands of years of social engineering and tricked even some of the higher species coming to judge the situation on Earth for a certain time.
    While it was clear for many that what is presented to humanity as achievable is a foul image, it was important to actually prove that for the Galactic Federation and other species who come to Earth to judge the betrayal and clear the contamination. The corruption and connected covert torture is much worse than humanity is aware of and will of course need to be corrected as one of the first steps.

  • Several advancements of getting supplies to the Starseeds and lightworkers.

    As the first point was finally officially proven, ways to let the Starseeds do what they want to do on Earth are to be established. Actually it can be seen that those who still actively want to deny money to the Starseeds are part of the cabal by now. The Starseeds chose to come and incarnate here to liberate Earth, so they first and foremost need to be able to do exactly what they want (and in this case what they want is what they need to do). Same for the lightworkers, pretty much all those who work for liberation and incarnated here as humans were heavily sabotaged and blocked in many ways. Lightforces are aware that this fact needs to change most fast to speed up liberation. Starseeds need to finally be able to start their real missions on the surface and for that many need to move freely on the Earth which is only possible with high amounts of money. Of course lack of money was always used to minimize the movement and freedom of the enemies of the cabal, so exactly the opposite needs to be established now. The cabal-supporters have to finally get to experience lack of money and freedom while Starseeds and lightworkers have to get all supplies they need for liberation (starting top-down). That will be pretty much an inversion of the system that is established up to this point in time on Earth.
    While some among the Lightforces wanted to replace the whole money system, it might get very unstable doing that right now without the Event happening previously. So current plans rather consider keeping the current money system for some time. Mainly to keep some stability for humanity, which is used to trade energy in that way since thousands of years.
    Additionally there were many new solutions suddenly popping up on the surface by groups which promise instant relief of poverty and debt, etc. with a new system. That is what happens if the Lightforces announce a new money system - suddenly many humans are jumping on that track, which can of course be seen as an engineered block by the cabal, as it takes trust out of a serious replacement the Lightforces would have done in advance. You can also see by those reactions on the surface that the cabal do not want a change of the money system and that it is of extreme importance to them. Mainly because a replacement would change conditions for many humans according to the Lightforces' plans fast - Starseeds and lightworkers would be given instantly.
    Apart from that it is alarming that up to now absolutely no monetary support for the Starseeds has been established, which lays open how much control the cabal created for all kinds of money flows. However in all previous liberations of quarantines there was a turning point. And from that point on, the main population usually and finally supported the people who really work for and liberate the planet (in this case Starseeds, Lightworkers, etc. ) instead of supporting the parasites and cabal. So it is just a matter of time, even if all money flows are seemingly still managed by the cabal right now.
    This is one big topic where progress is made daily - especially because Lightforces still have problems to come to the surface physically while the Starseeds are already there but just hindered in movement.

  • Localization of chimera and top cabal.

    The Lightforces are by now probing the inner Earth with special weapons, shooting precise rays, which then cause reactions by the hiding cabal members. So every hiding place in the inner Earth is by now heavily analyzed for strange movements and reactions to certain types of rays. This probing leads inevitably to the left top-cabal exposing themselves and their hiding places. In turn that leads to fast transfers to the central sun and other fast retaliations.

  • Investment in Liberation of Earth from Source.

    There was an investment into the liberation of Earth pretty much by Source itself which was long reserved but unclear to be granted. While some higher species rather wanted to create a black hole of this system in case liberation shows no result until certain deadlines are reached, this was a clear signal by Source itself that liberation will work out (details are still pretty much classified to most). 
    Basically the whole energy influx on Earth is therefore now managed by those among the Lightforces who lead the liberation of Earth. The new energy influx does not change much regarding the current situation yet but in the long run it is definitely the top Lightforces who decide what exactly is supported on Earth and what will be discontinued. And such decisions will actually be pretty direct and fast in the future opposed to the situation we have now as the whole energy system is cleared up and straightened from the cabal set up steadily. So it is like the Lightforces have finally 'bought' planet Earth (at least what could still be acquired for energy and was not in the cabal‘s hands) and this will definitely have a drastic effect as soon as the structures, including control structures are straightened out for the Lightforces (after they won the intergalactic war, it is just a matter of time until that order is established on Earth). 
    That grant of energy also created some new options for the Lightforces like putting more energy into certain side processes which will help speeding up liberation in general as well as giving new options for healings and repairs. It also means that the overall process of liberation is speeded up in general as everything not in the hands of the cabal themselves will pretty soon work exclusively for the Lightforces.
    Also, as the future of Earth is certain now, it also makes more sense to actually discern who will be continued on Earth and who is seen as dysfunctional and will have to be taken to the healing planet(s) or worse. Examination of those who are not of service to the Lightforces is in process right now therefore and heavily connected to point 2. Therefore those who still oppose the biggest Starseeds are oftentimes seen as dysfunctional and those who are seen as responsible for such opposition will definitely have to leave. It should be clear that those who deny and boycott the solution and liberation itself - and the Starseeds incarnated for exactly that - are seen as those still heavily under cabal influence or as cabal itself. It is usual in such parasitic contaminations that the liberation is opposed by the contaminated lifeforms for some time. Though this condition usually brightens up with higher energies rushing in. In this respect we will see certain thresholds being established in which further opposition towards Starseeds is a reason to transfer those still in opposition to the healing planet(s) when it is time.
    As said above, part of the process is still classified to gain most valid discernments of those opposing - for example it will be years until the identity of some Starseeds will be laid open officially for the main population. Mainly because if those cabal supporters knew that they will have to leave Earth for creating opposition, they would suddenly start supporting the Starseeds - it should be obvious that many humans usually establish such untrue behavior in case of both - heavy judgements and big rewards. So classification of details is and will be needed for some time.
    For any continuation towards a truly first time harmonic society on Earth however it is clear that cabal-supporters need to leave sooner or later anyway.

  • Big solutions stemming from the zenith of the Egyptian civilization.

    The last true ascended gods left the Earth in the zenith of the Egyptian civilization, when there was still a jungle in Egypt instead of deserts. After those last valid ascensions, who were still able to freely leave the Earth to other systems, the veil could be permanently closed by the cabal and all later ascensions were rather very elaborated fakes or even created for the cabal themselves.
    The whole case that happened back then was evaluated especially in regards of repairing the human DNA for those who will continue the human species on Earth. The problem that happened back then heavily involves goddess Isis who was separated and had to flee from Earth. Many alien forces were involved in the downfall of that civilization and the main population still knew about aliens officially. The return of Isis is a certainty but the time she comes back is of course related to the clearance level of the contamination. It was evaluated that Isis and her female descendants who partly were left behind on Earth suffered more than her partner and the male counterparts. So the whole event can be seen as one of the biggest, orchestrated destructions of Goddess energies that happened on Earth in 'recent' times. A lot of what creates and is responsible for human femininity was lost in exactly that era and it was planned by the top-cabal in the long run. Therefore this was a long needed examination and the repairs enabled by it have to do with bringing back female energy and Goddess energy itself. In more detail, true soulmate relationships were destroyed back then, though many humans were given the illusion that they achieved soulmate union afterwards. Those fake unions of course created enormous imbalances for love - a well calculated move of the cabal that is still active and even more destructive nowadays. What comes back with the repair is exactly that (love, femininity, true soulmate unions) and more. Humans cannot yet imagine what pleasures the higher Egyptians still experienced but after the incident many of those pleasures were replaced by unparalleled physical and psychological torture and a new level of cruelty in the division of humans and people. Also many souls who are still suffering in what the Egyptians called the Duat (the Egyptian underworld) will be relieved. The ties to the money system also are part of the repair works (also connected to point 2 of this post) and are currently carried out by some of the highest Starseeds in unison with the Lightforces. Hints to the Egyptian ties with the money system and the Duat are most prominently still found on the US-Dollar bill, one of the main symbols for money on Earth.
  • Evacuations because of probable rise of dark forces from the inner Earth.

    Details are still classified but certain areas, which are more prone to attacks of the dark forces from the inner Earth have been prepared for evacuation. If certain old beings from the inner Earth rise, there will be unparalleled, sinister happenings taking place in those areas. Although the creatures are most evil, humans would actually be blinded by their ‚light‘ by just seeing them. And those creatures are actually in fact constructed with high amounts of divine light by the top cabal despite being most sinister in their character. This is also a sign of the cabal getting nervous, as they try to lead all their forces into battle fast. The rise of several such unknown species may still be prevented. If it takes place though, it will definitely limited strictly to short distances from the outbreak area by the Lightforces. At this point of liberation there will be no media coverage despite very destructive events would be set in place if it comes to such an outbreak.
    The potential for such a outbreak of inner Earth creatures was at least high enough to start evacuations on several spiritual heights - but it will be left to spiritual preparations so far. One of the potential outbreak areas is located where the Nazis wanted to establish the 'occult center of the world' in Germany back in World War II. (Research the village ‚Wewelsburg’ for yourself, if you want to know about the specific location. ) Though there are of course several weak spots and bottlenecks from the rather evil areas of inner Earth to the surface, this is right now one with higher potential which might be used.


  1. Así lo he sentido todo el tiempo, una especie de muro que me impide avanzar, me sorprende que la parte de servicio más o menos la puedo llevar a cabo. Ha sido durísimo supervivir.

  2. inner earth and parallel universe entities, creatures, races invading earth is very common in the media for a reason.

  3. Thanks for the update.
    French translation of the post / L'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  4. Sebastian -

    Please contact me at
    Now would be a good time for us to connect.

    Much love,


  5. I believe I may have left one 2 out of the address. The correct address is:


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