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About Starseeds and their current progress for liberation

Many people in the spiritual community have already heard about Starseeds. 

By now Starseeds are still the only part of the Lightforces who have made it to the surface already. They were the ones that went right into hell, leaving their oftentimes paradisic lifes out there behind. From paradise right into parasite-hell-Earth. They were sent in for a large rescue mission, long planned by the Lightforces to collect first hand information on how the species and life itself on Earth were betrayed. Earth was getting into focus as one of the poorest planets out there which desperately needs help, one of the most befallen by a parasite alien species, utilizing the primary anomaly, all well known to the Lightforces. The Starseeds actually volunteered to help by identifying themselves with and incarnating as one of the main host species of the parasitic contamination which set Earth to quarantine status - literally that alone would be suicide for most smaller lifeforms. They incarnated as humans to prepare the release and liberation of one of the most raped and betrayed species ever found. Although most humans do not know how much they were betrayed of life (at least until they die), they are one of the main hosts of Zetas and more member aliens of the cabal and the NAA on Earth. The consciousness of how far they are taken out in terms of fulfillment was hidden from them by design of the cabal. They were let in the belief that they are the highest species on the planet while humans actually rather serve as food - as indicated in several ancient scriptures, giving warnings about the conditions and about invasion by archons. So, that's approximately how high the sacrifice is which the Starseeds took upon themselves. They became one of the species that is one of the most betrayed and manipulated which ever was created during such a parasitic contamination. And the Starseeds are actually the solution and catalyst for the liberation of humanity for exactly that reason. Those who created humans were actually not God himself, as it is even indicated in the Bible that humans were only created in the "image of God". The way humans are treated on Earth just shows that they factually have no real freedom or rights - especially to live the way they want usually. And that is exactly the problem, the cabal thinks that they can do with humanity what they want - just look at the Covid crisis for example. And they did so throughout all history of humanity, they tried to destroy God with what they created from him himself. 

And that's exactly the point where the Starseeds come in. There were sent in a few hundred thousand very high souls, some of the highest available for help in the universe, who then incarnated as humans. One could say Gods‘ and the Goddesses‘ best people themselves were sent to finally end this madness created on Earth. As indicated in the Bible by the 144,000 mentioned oftentimes as a symbolic number for the coming of those people who will liberate Earth (there were of course more prophecies of God's people coming throughout many cultures). Exactly the amount of higher souls was sent in which would result in a liberation after the intergalactic war was won for the Lightforces (which has completed out there recently, exactly as planned). So it was actually the minimum number of souls needed to liberate Earth and therefore that liberation is a certainty - the higher hierarchies of the cabal know for several years that they definitely cannot win anymore. Some more people were then trained to develop higher levels of soul connection by many things the Starseeds set up (some preparations were done even before their actual incarnation here). These are then called the lightworkers, lightwarriors, etc. generally people who have awoken to the hostage scenario and are contributing their part of the work.

So what changes if some of the highest souls of the universe descent to Earth and are maltreated by the cabal, who think they have higher rights and may do whatever they want with 'humans'?
Answer is, when the cabal rape some of those hundred thousands of Starseeds, they actually will get judged - very hard. As the cabal members are definitely smaller in all sorts of ways including universal rights towards the Starseeds, the judgement is or rather will be heavy even for the biggest villains found far and wide. 
The Starseeds are therefore a trap for the cabal and the very key to the liberation of humanity. If the cabal tries to rape the Starseeds they will receive the heaviest judgement they could never even imagine. For every thing the they do wrong towards the Starseeds, there is enormous judgement echoing back to the cabal. And the fun part is, the cabal has no clue who among the humans are Starseeds and who are not. There were so many arts in ancient cultures to measure the weight of the soul, so the cabal would know whom they are dealing with and if they need to behave towards those or not (and especially for how long until they can betray those souls). Not this time though, the Starseeds will definitely stay camouflaged for the biggest part, although it gets more and more obvious in some cases, just to inform the cabal that they are actually begetting their biggest mistakes already. But the identities of the major part of Starseeds will remain hidden for a long time of judgement on Earth towards the cabal and all those humans who joined the dark forces.

Starseeds are actually the ground control of the Lightforces so far and many of them are fighting on the frontline against the cabal in a war few on Earth even recognized yet. As I wrote in the last post, it is absolutely devastating judgement already that the cabal tried to boycott and sabotage many of the Starseeds so far. Usually Starseeds were treated badly on Earth because the cabal smells big souls, they usually had bad conditions in their life, no money or success or love just because the cabal recognized higher soul energy. Easily to see, the cabal fell right into the trap from the very start of the Starseeds lifes, incarnating on Earth. And there is no turning back. The more the cabal wants to boycott the Starseeds, the more they are seen by the rest of the universe as absolutely and uncurably parasitic. Same for other humans who jump right onto the cabal track and boycott Starseeds in any way. Those are the humans who support the cabal knowingly or even unknowingly. But doing the will of 'prime evil', because that is what the parasitic contamination is, is actually also being judged as being part of 'prime evil' in many cases. Especially if their behaviour is a conscious decision. That means even those cabal supporters are coming to the light and will be unmasked by the Starseeds inevitably as well. And as they attack the Starseeds (by boycotting, sabotaging or any other form of denial) they are of course also getting part of the judgement back onto them.

And in the meantime, while the cabal are falling for the last trap of their lifes, the Starseeds are working on pretty much solving all the problems of the contamination in unison with the Lightforces. They figure out new ways to anchor and distribute the light, they are part of solving the biggest problems throughout the history of humanity (see for example the recovery of the Egyptian high-culture described in the last post) and figure out how to repair the whole eco-system on Earth including the repair of human DNA back to twelve and more strands. Also, they prepared huge arcs similar to the one mentioned in the Bible and Noah‘s story throughout all their life though not for animals but for rescue of tortured and cabal-captured souls. Some place to rescue the souls to who were taken hostage by the cabal and Zetas, so the cabal cannot intensify the torture during high duty times of liberation (which we are experiencing now). These arcs are of course metaphysical and are just a safe haven for those hostages the cabal kept to sacrifice for every progress of the Lightforces. So apart from toplet bombs, the Cabal also usually tortures millions of trapped souls as a means of creating pressure towards the Lightforces. It gets even better when the Starseeds finally can take care of those souls which means that the pressure is returned towards the cabal then. If the cabal attack a Starseed, that is actually counted as an attack towards millions of souls the Starseed protects as well (depending on the case and size of the Starseed) and that echoes in heavily intensified judgement to the cabal of course. By the way the positive effect is applicable here, too: if the Starseeds receive relief according to their will, this will actually create relief to all those souls they have rescued into their arcs and creates echoes in enormous positivity. So everything good towards the Starseeds results in big, good effects as well - which really could help some humans in question.

Therefore in the end, Starseeds and the Lightforces cannot lose at all and it just gets worse for the cabal all the time.

Though the problem for some humans will be that they still decide for themselves to a certain degree.
Right now the cabal are actually trying to win more people to join them against the Lightforces with the dirtiest tricks. Some parts of the cabal still think that if they got the majority of humanity on their side, the rest of the universe, the galactic federation and all those species who came for liberation, would have to leave Earth then. Or that the cabal would have at least got better chances, if all of humanity was on their side (which is not even a side but just a parasite). That will of course not work out as well, as all people getting to join the parasite will change nothing in the removal of the parasite.
Though as Cobra said in the latest interview, humanity is again at a decision point. He mentioned to the Sisterhood of the Rose of Paris that the French Revolution was such a decision point in which humanity did not make it and the revolution failed in the end because ‚they‘ decided for the cabal. This time the decision is much more profound as it is the very final decision before the first and true golden age taking place on Earth. We are not just at the end of the cycle but at the end of many much bigger cycles conceding with this one. This time, the decision is final and will determine which humans get through into the first real golden age or if they need to be transferred to healing planets or even worse, into the central sun. 

The Starseeds prepared the liberation, they prepared the way for humanity but humans must still step through that door the Starseeds opened by themselves. The Starseeds literally went through hell by going to the very frontline and attracting most of the attacks from the cabal onto themselves to figure out and discharge them - everything they did, they did to make the way out for humanity easier. Though it is exactly the decision to go through that door the Starseeds opened where the cabal comes in and tries to lure those souls. And let's be honest, how many people even know of Starseeds, let alone the Lightforces or even Cobra and the Event? Therefore when Cobra told there would be about ten percent of humanity getting through, he might have been right. It is not understandable why the teachings of the Goddess, Cobra brought to Earth did not yet receive a much bigger audience. Where is the promotion or the spreading of this enormously important knowledge to the rest of humanity? Most won't believe and have funny soul traps to explore, yes, but still the audience is by far too small. The cabal even tries to get rid of information about Starseeds on the internet. Somehow sites giving good information on the topic have seemingly vanished while sites with more or less disinformation or at least diluted info pop up instead. And of course the cabal supporters will probably even pretend that they were Starseeds... the last battle is still raging.
The broad foundation of knowledge on these topics is also something fundamental lightworkers should establish.

However so far the Starseeds have proven that a big part of humanity and especially the cabal does not yet understand a mirror effect. What it means is that if they are treated badly in exactly the way they wanted to treat another lifeform, they are getting angry and treat the other lifeform even more badly instead of stopping. As long as they think that they are 'standing higher' than the lifeform that is mirroring the bad treatment, they continue to worsen the treatment against the mirroring lifeform. That will of course not work out in case of a mirror-treatment. But humanity is not realizing that yet, they just continue attacking, which is like trying to smash the mirror in this case - it‘s awkward and leads nowhere good of course. Similar to animals not realizing their image in the mirror and attacking the mirror, most humans and the cabal did not yet reach such an awareness in forms of treatment towards life itself. Actually understanding such a mirrored treatment and behaving correctly is seen as a higher level of spiritual awareness - obviously something the cabal never developed. Similar as those animals understanding their image in the mirror have developed some kind of higher awareness of themselves this spiritual awareness is necessary for fundamental rules of behavior towards other lifeforms. It is necessary for a truly social behaviour throughout the whole universe.
Another thing that many humans and the cabal did not yet develop as well (which maybe counts as a subset) is that getting negative attention cannot result in anything positive. How many humans do still want to get into the consciousness of other people but actually just by being negative - just watch the news for example. This echoes in negativity towards those who knowingly and with bad intentions spread such bad news of course. Humanity and the cabal did not yet understand that nor do they behave accordingly to this dynamic. Most Starseeds and all higher souls on Earth were tortured heavily simply by invasions into their consciousness. The cabal actually consciously wants to steer humanity into negative things - again, just watch the news, partly it is the cabal's mass meditation. And they definitely think that they could profit from that form of coerced negativity. They think they can win against the Lightforces by 'getting more' consciousness-energy (from humans and other lifeforms on Earth). They believe heavily in consciousness-energy being the secret of creation and true power but they did not understand polarity at all yet. They really do still believe that just somehow getting big souls' attention (especially through negativity) pays off for them. And sadly, the primary anomaly will actually leave them in that illusion for a while. The Starseeds so far went through enormous psychoterror just because of this fundamental misunderstanding of negative attention, leading only to negative results for the source of such disturbances. Even babies learn that trying to do something bad to get the attention of their parents does not really help - at least they usually do at some age. The cabal is completely unable to understand that and therefore they still rape (preferably big) souls and continue to think that it works out for them in the long run.

So far it looks like the cabal and cabal supporters set everything they still got on continuing to rape souls on Earth instead of just simply putting the souls first in all sorts of pleasure and fulfillment (from big to small) - which actually could have worked out in the long run.

And now we are back at the traps the cabal and cabal supporters have run into and still run into - unmasking them easily as parasites and in the same turn sorting them for judgement.
Starseeds have long re-established contact with the rest of the rescue-mission and are back in contact with the Goddess herself. And for sure the Lightforces orbiting Earth do not like what they perceive through the Starseeds and their life and the support they got on Earth so far. If some ‚higher‘ people on Earth were really supporting higher laws as they pretend they do, they would actually have to support the Starseeds as messengers and emissaries of the higher species already. Yet they did not - further unmasking them and their laws on Earth as highly parasitic.

It is most important that Starseeds get all the support they want to speed up the liberation in general. As long as the Starseeds cannot work properly, it gets worse for all - the innocents have to wait and endure/resist the cabals‘ tricks longer and the cabal just gets harsher judgement all the time - at least as long as the Event does not arrive.
Although some people in the spiritual community think it is all love and light up there, higher species actually do dislike things and they also do judge in those cases (usually much heavier than 'lower' species like the NAA by the way). And it certainly looks like heavy judgement coming in on Earth, as the Starseeds and many higher species who tried to change something on Earth for the better were and are treated like trash to say the least. Some of the highest Pleiadeans for example were maltreated brutally by the cabal upon trying to help out the Starseeds - and they did not even fully recover after years have passed yet. There were too many sacrifices the Lightforces had to count by now and it will result in heavier judgement towards the cabal daily.

Although the Lightforces wished for a smooth transition, there are also many people in the spiritual community who want faster retaliation towards the cabal. It seems like both ways will be fulfilled as the world will stay stable for the people of the Light, those humans who get through (some describe that as transitioning into 4/5D and Cobra told us of the islands of light). While at the same time the cabal will receive heavier judgement than initially planned and hoped for.

Victory of the Light!


  1. I recently found your blog and I'm impressed. I've been following Cobra since the beginning so I'm familiar with everything you're talking about. Can I ask how you know this information? Are you in telepathic communication with ET's or astral beings?

  2. Oh I see you wrote about it, thanks.

    1. Patrick, can you point me where did he write about it? I've read all posts and didn't notice it.

    2. There's an article titled About Me And Ascension.

    3. You can post my comment with my email address, I'll talk to anyone.

    4. Thank you Patrick. I had read that post but didn't notice that the answers were there at first. Probably because it wasn't a quick, short answer and I was over 24h without sleep at the time.

      Damn, now I'm jealous of Sebastian. My path was nearly identical to his but I was never contacted.

  3. Facebook banned your blog, I can't post it at all. My god the situation is depressing. This planet is a Zeta system for sure. They won't let us even talk about them, that's kind of hilarious actually.

  4. Wow they just came out with a new Pain Pen. It's probably just a different flavor of gans and the old ones are just as good, but this might be great. The Paypal checkout is how you pay with a credit card and be sure to add the 3% or 5% depending on where you live. Pens are the coils like Dendera. I cut one open and it's the same design he teaches.

    1. Thank you for posting that link.

      So that stuff really works from your experience? Might try.

  5. Same as Patrick, I just found out about your blog and almost everything I've read deeply resonates with me. I'll be checking it out regularly from now on.

    Especially everything you wrote about how the game is rigged from the start in Cabal controlled society to prevent starseeds from achieving any sort of success or happiness. It's something I had already noticed on my own for quite some time, but couldn't understand the mechanics and forces behind it. Your explanations make sense.

    While I'll remain a regular there, Cobra's blog no longer resonates with me. It has become increasingly cryptic, holding back increasingly more information. Most of the content nowadays is fluff, and I feel that starting around 3 years ago, it's been gradually pandering more and more to the "love and light", "all-is-well" part of the new age community that seems to be living in la-la land. Some of the regular (and not-so-regular) commenters nowadays appear to be Cabal infiltrators taking advantage of this.

    I only wish your blog had a less tiresome layout. The black letters on bright white background really hurts and fatigues my eyes. Can't keep reading for long periods. Not a fan of the formatting with huge spaces between lines either.

    Last, but most important: I'd also really like to know what are your sources for the info published here. Telepathic communication? Hard intel? Visions, dreams? Or just your own ideas, intuition and gut feeling?

  6. Hello Sebastian,
    Many things that you write on your blog actually happen in my life.
    Very often, when I make positive progress in my life, something bad happens to me right after that.
    No matter how hard I try, every option for me to earn money is always somehow blocked.
    And as for this post, yeah I am the kind of person, who could get into a shitty situation, just to do the right thing, even if it meant that I would get under heavy attack.

    What’s with uniting starseeds / lightworkers?
    I have joined some physical groups, but they fell apart. I’ve tried to reactivate, or to create a new group. Usually, everything goes well, until at the last moment something happens and everything falls apart.
    I’ve tried to contact many people. Usually, after 3 messages they stop writing back to me. Some people even promised me, that we’ll be in touch. Some people reacted very enthusiastically to the idea of creating a group, uniting, or just simply talking to me. But all of them broke off any contact with me right after that. They didn’t answer my messages, they didn’t answer my calls.

    There are definitely some patterns. Some weird shit always happens at the last moment.

    People don’t come to the meeting, or they are so distracted that I can’t talk to them. Or they get a headache just before the meeting. I‘ve never managed to have a calm conversation about creating a group.
    I mean I really tried. Yet I am completely alone like I was the only living person on this planet.
    The only person, that I’ve felt took me seriously was Cobra.

    I was hoping that maybe you could share some details on how they counter any attempts to unite the lightworkers?
    When I contact someone with an intention to unite the lightworkers, is that person attacked?

    If you’re interested, you can check out my blog about mind programs:

  7. Story of my life, since childhood. And WILL there be ANY information covering "TRAUMATIZED STARSEEDS"? NO ONE ever talks about THAT.

    This is from a dialogue that me and another poster on Cobra's blog had, recently:


    See, ALL my life, I have TIRED to help people wake the HELL up, that the world is not as it appears, that what we been taught in school is a LIE, the govt don't give a shit about you or me, and all that other stuff. What do I have to show for over 20 years of trying? A balding head since age 16, tons of ridicule, viewed as 'the village idiot' by nearly everyone...broken teeth from fists slamming into my face. Even my own so-called family disowned me, for all this, and not accepting their dogma, nor their bigotry.

    I want something FAR better to show for it.

    And to anyone saying "but the experience you had IS the reward! the aliens are so envious of you experiencing these hardships!" SOD that CRAP!

    IF any alien is both DUMB enough and MASOCHISTIC enough to WANT to experience this, I'd be GLAD to let them trade places.

    I don't want to be the equivalent of a war veteran who did his or her part, only to end up either living in a cardboard box in some alley, or the poor sod with shell shock, or like when Rambo had his breakdown at the of "First Blood"

    I've HAD meltdowns like this over the past 20 years or so, having been treated like a mutant or an outcast by society as long as I can remember. COUPLED with the fact my soul is trapped in the WRONG gender would too if the real you is like Kim Bassinger, and you see in the mirror Golum from Lord of the Rings.

    Other person:

    Rambo's breakdown in First Blood made a mark on me as well, and similar thoughts have crossed my mind. Everyone will need healing after the Event, and some starseeds might end up needing it even more than normal unawakened people. If they aren't properly taken care off and treated like common folk, they could end up breaking down just like Rambo did. Are traumatized starseeds going to receive the same unfair treatment Rambo did in First Blood? I doubt it. Is it going to be enough? I hope so.

    Sorry if that sounds ego oriented, but starseeds currently partaking in this liberation DO deserve to receive a nice retirement package and be received as heroes wherever they go, after this is over. Hold on and hang in there.


    Yep, the starseeds and those who TRIED to wake the masses/sheeple up are DEFINITELY going to need a LOT of help. Otherwise, many of us WILL go crazy like Rambo did in that town. Remember the lyrics of the classic Black Sabbath song, "Ironman"?

    It's amazing I did not take a gun to school and do a Columbine, several years before that one happened, or go around, blowing up shopping malls. Speaking of school, I was often called "Charlie Brown" many times, by some of the teachers....

    And, over the years...from my teens, to now, my early 40's, I DO have breakdowns like Rambo, even talking and screaming to myself, and folks who are not even there.

    And no, ego has nothing to do with needing a lot of help and healing, and it's not egotism in saying those who suffered the most deserve a DAMN GOOD reward for their services....pffft...service is too conservative a description.....sacrifice is more of a proper word to use.

    Let the ET's pick me up, and let me undergo emotion and gender healing, as well as whatever they can do with DNA...I want to remove as much human elements from my own. All I need is 5-10 minutes notice to get myself presentable, and grab a single, small suitcase to take with me, and tell the cats who live on my property, the only friends I pretty much had over these years, good bye. And sit in the observation port to see earth, aka Plant Gulag diminish as the ship warps, jumps, or whatever the process is, and realize, "No more Gulag, hooray!"

  8. I prefer to be up THERE, with the ET's, doing the actual FIGHTING. I got a personal score to settle with the Archons, the lizards and the spiders. I offer to join the fighting....just do a few small things for me (I've tried to get what I need on my own, but the bad guys, and the 'dinosaur tech' of this planet prevents me from doing so...therefore, I NEED outside help to get what I need and desire most). I've tried...time and again, to help down here on this gulag of a planet...but things always backfire on me.

    So, lightforces...if you can read this, I volunteer to join the actual fighting...just pick me Luke Skywalker said about the world he was stuck on, "there's nothing for me here, now". You got folks wishing to fight.....COME GET US.

  9. thanks bro. best wishes of true happiness and LOVE. dear family pray for your fellow Lightseeds. some are living in the middle of chaos and the only support they have are the Lightforces and these blogs wich are a blessing and much more than can be realized. NAMASTE

  10. Translated into mandarin:

    While I'm translating this - I actually encounter a few issues - I don't know if I had get it correctly.

    It seems that "Light workers", "Light warriors" are distinct from "Starseed", although one might use it interchangeably, do they have different origins? I have always thought that "we are starseeds incarnated into earth to become light workers and light warriors"


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