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Addendum to the situation update of Feb. 2022

More insights into the depth of corruption on the Earth which might not be for everyone as this being unveiled again points to heavy negativity caused by the cabal.
This can be seen as an extension of the previous article, going deeper into the reasons, methods and into the consequences caused by such parasitic behaviour against bigger souls.

But first off, please attend the meditations for Ukraine if you have the time:

While the energy influx for the Earth has changed recently and is now sponsored more or less actively by Source themselves (as written here), the cabal utilises every bit of this energy they can get to destroy Source, the Lightforces, all Starseeds and Lightworkers with it.
This is the usual procedure in parasitic systems which the cabal set up on several already liberated planets, which were part of the intergalactic wars the Light won recently. Moreover, the cabal takes energy from those higher souls (described in the last update) and feeds their most parasitic humans with it, who then go and torture these souls with whatever they can accomplish with that energy. In more detail even ideas and computational powers and not just energy to keep humans alive are being stolen from the liberators and hostages. 

Here is a more practical example what the cabal do:
Conspirators (conscious or unconscious) for example build a great new product for the surface, let's say the iPhone 20. Then many humans on Earth think that this is a great product and it becomes a huge success, it generates massive amounts of money and a lot of positive energy for all of humanity and especially those who use it.
What those humans do not know is that all energy used to create that iPhone IS in fact taken from the liberators and Starseeds. Not just the ideas and designs have been taken out of the minds of those who came here to liberate Earth but also the humans who built it with their workforce were kept alive with the energies from those who came to liberate Earth. Even the energy for the industrial part, factories etc. is coming from those people who liberate Earth for decades. That means, if those Starseeds etc. were not on Earth, these humans would have long died, their bodies are right now kept stable on mercy of the Goddess and the Lightforces liberating Earth. That means in turn the greatest products on Earth right now are factually completely owned by the sponsors of the energy influx of Earth, namely Source, the Lightforces in orbit of the Earth and the Starseeds on the surface.

The problem is, all this money generated from these great products (even including art and the like) is going to the biggest sociopaths in the cabal hierarchy. Same is real for all the positive energy which is generated by consumption of such great products. So mainly the worst characters in humanity and war criminals themselves profit from all these great products which naturally get better constantly due to the presence of the Lightforces. 
At the same time, Starseeds on the surface lack the amount of money needed to buy their very ‚own‘ products. These, being manufactured from their very essence by the cabal, create a big drag for the Starseeds, a natural magnetism, as it is theirs and it also should be owned by the Starseeds. Starseeds have a natural urge to buy all those products which are energetically closer to them. Though the cabal takes enormous care that the very originators of those products, can never buy or own them. Especially luxury articles are therefore equipped most with energies of the liberators and hostages. If for example Starseeds have an urge to buy such luxury, many people including the whole new age spirituality would blame them as egoistic - which is another mechanism the cabal set up to keep the originators from their own products. That is also why most Lightworkers and Starseeds do not have a lot of money. This separation of the Starseeds and Liberators from the products that stem from them is of course part of the torture. All this happens while most humans would not even have a glimpse that this is real and how the cabal work in this regard.

So the Starseeds, Lightworkers and all those, these ideas and energies stem from, receive actually nothing from those great achievements for humanity. Rather they are being shown by the cabal, that their own ideas and products are worthless in comparison (whatever they might try to sell or create personally). The cabal uses all their puppets among humanity to sabotage and boycott everything the Starseeds and lightworkers do personally, which could generate any income and/or fun for themselves. And they do that with the very help of products which are absolutely only possible by the presence of these liberators on the Earth. Then again the cabal established a system in which no one can prove that it is the way as told here - they think a theft that is not provable did not happen, just as the dumbest criminals always do. But we are getting there right now, by laying these energy-flows open to the most high lifeforms of the inner Earth and the most positive factions on the surface. It will be seen what exactly on Earth is sponsored by the Starseeds and those Lightforces who came for liberation. And while the cabal still tries to neglect those facts and the origin of their biggest and most creative products, many big people are waking up to the massively positive influence of the Starseeds/Lightforces and to who should actually receive the treats with using those products and all pleasure generated through them most rightfully.

This is what the parasitic cabal established in all contaminated systems before similarly. They take energy and ideas from their hosts including those who come to liberate the system and then use it against them. It is like giving a beggar 1 million dollars and he secretly builds an army to torture the one he got the money from with it. That is what they continuously do here on Earth since millennia, all those alien hostages in the inner Earth the cabal are killing daily as Cobra laid open, were used to generate the same pleasure for humanity - just that the Starseeds and the Liberators are even more efficient for them right now. All of humanity enjoys the torture of those big souls taken hostage, the Starseeds and the like - and that just by consuming humanity’s greatest products. Even using their bodies works that way, as they also run heavily on such stolen energies. Remember that human bodies are "made in the image of God". What the cabal laid open with that is, that they tried to multiplicate gods with humanity - all the DNA manipulation and experiments were exactly that, to breed gods. It is logical that these god-like (but very manipulated) bodies also cost god-like amounts of energy to run and be kept alive. Energy which is in turn taken from those big tortured souls and liberators mentioned right now.

The main reason why humanity is not really accepted as an own species by now is that they are still too oriented towards the will of the cabal.
Many are not really changing their behaviours on being shown or told what really is going on on Earth. Their instincts of what is right and wrong are also tending to support the cabal. While they should instinctively feel that what they use is stolen and hurts other people, they do not feel that. Many are not really able to realise nor are they even interested how it must feel for those tortured big souls, hostages and Starseeds. All these enemies of the cabal on Earth are going trough the worst abuse and torture, while the rest of humanity is having the biggest fun and pleasure right before their eyes. While the Starseeds and liberators are actually the only people who may rightfully use those products and also rightfully have the pleasure those others have right now. And although humanity does not officially know who sponsors their life yet, upon being told, humans rather go into ignorance or will pretend that such claims would be insane. For the biggest part, they simply want to live on as it was before, on costs of other people - just as the cabal wants them to, which is of course plain parasitism. 

That works for now and is partly ok, as most do not know yet but as we go along into full disclosure, humans also will have to take full responsibility for what they did, what they consumed and continue to do.
Continuing with ignorance towards their biggest sponsors will be a reason for these humans having to leave the planet, as it surely is sociopathic to use the energy of biggest souls of Earth and turn it against themselves.

What happens right now is a healing disclosure on many heights for many big lifeforms of Earth may it be the inner Earth or the positive factions on the surface. Even this article is part of that disclosure as it summarises what is being laid open to the biggest, most positive 'spiritual institutions' of the Earth at the moment. The cabal in turn get panic upon such information and run to brainwash everyone important into continuing with that form of parasitism. They try to immediately brainwash anyone who is reached by such info, to keep the lies active and continue the cabal reign. That of course is not possible anymore as the brainwash tends to fail with more ‚invisibles‘ leaving Earth daily just as Cobra laid open. For many who were involved with the cabal, even among humans, who are reached by this disclosure, this is one of the last warnings before heavy judgement will set in. Most necessary judgements, finally preventing many people to go on with such parasitic behaviour.
All this is pretty much part of the divine intervention, which readers of Cobra meditated for recently, so there really are a few effects already, though most will be getting visible in the physical merely in the very last instance.


  1. Thank you very much for all your Information. All of it makes much more sense why i experience so much draining in my life. Although i am glad to assist humanity with my energies, it is still so painful to live daily, i am thankful to have found too such as subliminal affirmations to ease my pain such as this one

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. The human bodies example is very pertinent to me, and I never thought I’d ever see someone bring it up in such a context. It’s been absolute torture not getting to experience physical intimacy and sexual pleasure from the opposite sex for all of my life, and I always felt like this was being stolen from me for others to enjoy among themselves.

    It’s the number one obstacle that’s held me back from accomplishing anything with my life and fulfilling my mission, because I get absolutely obsessed with being held by someone, joining my body and soul with another equal to me, and experiencing the oxytocin stress relief my body and brain very much NEEDS in order to heal my lifelong trauma and successfully move forward with my mission. I deserve fun and pleasure as much as anyone else.

    I’m over 6 feet tall and have been told I’m attractive by many, and even had online relationships, yet I’ve been targeted from being able to share the physical love and affection I so crave to give.

    This is the first time I’ve actually seen a spiritual post that validated my experience, because even many lightworkers laugh about it when I tell them about it, and try to downplay it as unimportant, or as something that is entirely my fault.

    I don’t subscribe to the incel movement or MGTOW or any misogynistic programming. I adore women, and wish to worship many Goddesses that inhabit our planet with nothing less than reverence and admiration.

    But my sexual energies were always heavily targeted in my life for as long as I can remember.

    And although I’m not a fan of Apple’s newest products anymore and the whole transhumanist direction that tech culture is heading, I believe it’s very pertinent to address the poverty consciousness that is so prevalent in lightworker communities. This has also held me back, keeping me from accessing the much-needed money to heal myself of both physical and mental ailments.

    It’s not much, but the validation is appreciated. We deserve to be validated, we deserve to be loved and experience all of life’s pleasures without being mocked or chastised for it.

    I often feel so alien when I try to speak of my needs to others, like I’m from another time and planet, and perhaps, as a Starseed, there’s a reason for it. I’ll never forget the UFO I saw as a child.

    It’s a shame how much we have to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. But by now, I understand all the behavioral patterns humans go through, the cultural brainwashing about sexuality, and the mechanisms behind why more is not being done at this time.

    Hopefully this year I get it together, because suicide is still there in the back of my mind on account of me continuing to physically age and grow older.

    Peace and Love everyone.

    1. Sending Divine Love to you my friend. Living by Faith and not by sight alone has given me the strength to continue to fight with the Armor of God. I send you Loving support that you continue living in the strength that You Are by connecting to Divine Mother, speaking to her, and singing to her in meditation with the sweet sound of your soul and heart's silent drum of devotion. From within your heart's expanding light your desire for that pure and balanced Divine feminine Love shall manifest into the human love you deserve.

      Your comment and this post inspires me to strengthen my inner work so that I can be of full support to the direct and positive flow of energy back into the Source. We are not many who reading this (and other blogs like it) but the gift we can give to ourselves and humanity are infinite.

  4. the thing is ,even the world is this, many starseeds still choose coming into earth with they full kind hearts ,we know must one day . last snowball will change everything.

  5. Dear Sebastian,

    thank you very much for your updates and all the information you share with us.
    The information about feeding the energies of the greater souls to the lesser souls, did give me a bit of a hit, but it feels very true. I have worked hard in my life on different dimensions and still come up empty handed. Therefore, I have long suspected that everything good may have been stolen from me. At the same time, I have to distance myself from other people because they are only too happy to point out that I haven't really reached anything in life. That's why your update is currently quite interesting for me and answers a suspicion that I've been carrying with me for a long time.

    How can we make sure that we don't also unconsciously consume or instil the energies of others? I find this idea horrible, similar to secretly mixing meat into vegans' food.

    I thank you and all the other forces of light.
    May the light and love always be by your side.


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