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Update August 2022 - Energetic dynamics and equalisation

This time there will not be a big situation update as not much has changed.

By now there is exchange being established with those who brought life on Earth as we know it today and made human life and more possible. These descendants of the prime creator arrived approximately 300 million years ago and were already followed by a swarm of parasites (which were already the foundation for the chimera/primary anomaly on Earth) back then. That is why around 300 million years ago the first ‚big‘ lifeforms emerged on this planet. Things tend to develop these ways even before these descendants fully arrive at the destination systems. As you can easily see, they could not finish their colonisation perfectly yet as we still got problems on Earth with the chimera today. What has been decreed approximately in this post from March 2021 is even more relevant in this context than it was till now. At that time Earth was declared as a successful colonisation by other descendants of the prime creator who came to liberate Earth (the central race is highly connected but these are rather very ancient, individual people). These descendants who came to accept or neglect the colonisation of Earth are of course even closer to the prime creator himself than those who came 300 million years ago. So the evaluation of Earth, centered around 2012 was deemed successful and therefore investments of time and energy are being made to get rid of all parasites (chimera) and prepare Earth as a blooming home for the living beings here. That IS the liberation of Earth and the Lightforces proceeding and processing in the final clean up.
What this means all in all is that fulfilment for the Earth is nearing, which means evacuation for many humans and ascension for those who are able to stay. This means the fulfilment of life on Earth in general - may it be a better life through evacuation or via ascension as a fully healed human being.
As I said in the last update already, life is close to take back the surface of Earth once and for all. That means the first islands of light will finally be fully established and the lifes of some Starseeds will therefore become much safer and better. There will be a lot of relief for those involved in the liberation as soon as the surface gets administered by the Lightforces part by part.

If you can, please orient to the Lightforces and concentrate your consciousness on Liberation as much as possible - that is pretty much which counts most by now - we are still in red alert.

There will be random topics following again, unveiling more of the current scenario on Earth:
  • The chimera and their tactics rely heavily on the illusion that all humans are the same or the same size. As we already know via Cobra, quite the opposite is true and approximately every 16th human is even completely their puppet. This is how the chimera uses energetic dynamics against humans and creates anti-life tendencies in the target species (humanity):

    Let us say we have person A who is a big soul and person B who is ensouled by a tiny soul not bigger than a mouse. What the chimera does is they pretend they are the same size and what they get in life is dependent on how hard they work and luck. First off they are not really the same size. Secondly the chimera will give person B more than A no matter how hard each one of them works. Other persons will see that as luck or rather bad luck in case of person A, the chimera will keep it in a threshold so other persons still perceive the discrepancy between A and B as 'normal'. What happens is that person B, the smaller one, gets all the pleasurable stuff while the bigger one, A, gets just a tiny bit of those fulfilling things (may it be love-partners, travels or anything a human perceives as fulfilment). What happens energetically by this dynamic is the following: the fulfilment of person A is the maximum person B SHOULD get in percent. So if person A gets a journey which fulfils a human to let's say '100 points' and person B would get the same journey for 100 points but the size difference is that person B is 5% of person A, then person B should have gotten a journey fulfilling only maximum of 5 points if life on Earth needs to stay balanced. What the chimera does is the opposite, they give person A a journey for 100 points (or less, just so this seems like a normal or unlucky life) and person B a journey for 1000 points. What happens is this: person B was legitimately ready to receive a journey for 5 points but got one for 1000 points. That means person B is in debt for 995 points and the drag for fulfilment for person A is enormous, as smaller people have much more fun (person B) which is a heavily negative experience for A (thinking he/she would have done something wrong).

    That scheme does not happen just once with a journey but it happens all the time, so person B is a very happy human (although completely controllable, having the soul-size of a mouse) while person A will become disappointed and knows that he/she should have had what person B had and more. That is of course an inversion of life the chimera achieves here. What makes it most cruel is that humans do not know any of that dynamic but are just passive victims of the mechanism. And person Bs are the majority by the way, so all the person Bs among humanity will be very inclined to like the chimera and support them (mostly subconsciously). While the mechanism is even worse for all the person Bs in the end, because of the heavy debt they have towards life itself, you could even call it traitorship because it tends to become conscious that they are doing something wrong - but who would deny happiness rolling in for ‚free‘?
    The chimera though knows exactly what they are doing and that person B is in debt. So when person B has to pay the debt which the chimera cast upon them back, the chimera comes and takes the 5%-mouse-soul. This is highly probable, as paying back the energetic debt is so hard, it is almost impossible and means for example living a life like a beggar for several hundred years. That is depending of course on how long person B received the treats - but think of a long very uncomfortable life person B would have to live to get their own balance back into the positive. So the chimera then prepares person B for a pact with them, which they cannot really refuse as their continuation without that pact would become suddenly unbearable for them.

    You see that by this mechanism the chimera wins all the time, person A is disappointed and very unfulfilled while the chimera collects all the smaller souls, person Bs, into pact or casts them into a life which is only torture for them - and even rightfully so to some degree. So the chimera causes the fall of person A and person B at the same time while constantly harvesting energy from both.

    Very few humans know about these dynamics obviously and when Cobra tells that only 500 persons worldwide have reached a level of understanding of what really is going on Earth, it rings a bell.
    That is how the chimera hurts the big souls and forces the smaller ones into pact and even earns while doing it.

    The problem with the coming Event is that the pacts will not hold the contractees of the chimera stable, so energetic equalisation comes anyway and it will be most painful for those humans in debt or in pacts - another win for the chimera. What this leads to is that the corresponding humans in debt cannot heal on Earth and have to be evacuated while the contractees will be gotten rid of to judgement planets. Problem is that this kind of debt has been accepted as normal by most humans subconsciously. Most smaller humans live a life much better than the life of several huge souls on this planet. And the chimera knows exactly about these energetic dynamics and what they are doing. They know that they cause the mass evacuations by that and simply want to destroy as much life as they can, and for them each evacuation of a human is a win against the prime creator and creation itself.

  • Since the last black alert on the portal blog, many old cabal members have been transported off Earth for neutralisation in the central sun almost daily. That means those people who handle and are behind nearly all popular people in the media are running thinner and thinner. It also means there is not much room anymore for those people in the media to keep the cabal lies active and that they will at some point have to lay open as much truth as they possibly can.
    Basically all stars who are talking of problems of humanity but do not lay open the cabal behind those problems will stay the hired clowns they are. 
    That whole star phenomenon on Earth is heavily fabricated by the cabal anyway and while some might have had talents, it is obviously the cabal who gives them more skills and blows them up into the media for several reasons. They have to be 100% controllable or they will be taken back down. Look how much for example Rhianna's career suffered since she confessed on video that she had visions of the devil at night and wanted to get out of that pact (you can probably still find that video on Youtube).
    Also the star life is a bit like having fun, partying and having orgies on floor 2 of a one-family-house while at the same time humans are being raped and starving on floor 1 of the same house. No human would live that way if it was a real house. But on Earth, being seen as that house, humans think it is ok to not care for the most fundamental problems of the species first.
    Also the problems stars and politicians address are usually layer 1 of a 10-layer-problem. Layer 1 is the superficial problem which humans are educated and told about. Sometimes the stars and politicians even come up with a layer 2-view on the problem, but that is pretty much it (just to be seen as ‚highly intelligent‘). Their income is based on keeping it to layer 1 or 2 which is why they regard every higher layer being exposed as "to be proven" or even as a conspiracy theory - but generally they tend to ignore the higher layers of the problem as their income suffers if the truth is getting out.
    Sometimes the cabal lays open higher layers of problems individually to contractees or people they are interested in. Naturally people are enlightened with that truth and get a boost of being special by that acquisition of such knowledge. However the cabal will stop at a certain layer which would get too close to the truth, let's say layer 5 will lead people to the cabal being the root-problem, then the cabal obviously tries to keep people to a maximum of layer 4. And those will be astounded by their enormously high world-view already (while it is still just part of the cabal lies). That is why the cabal hates people like Cobra and other Starseeds so much, they have achieved a complete view of the problems up to layer 10 and tell about it openly. That of course makes the main course of the cabal, which sadly are humans, wake up and their food suddenly runs and tries to escape (these are pretty much mainly the ascendants by now).
    So basically all their stars and politicians are set up to stay at layer 1 or 2 and will be quietened fast if they would wake up anyone - which is highly improbable after they were treated for stardom/popularity by the cabal for years. 
    Just look at the climate crisis for a good example. Cobra laid open that the climate changes are coming naturally because of certain cycles the solar system goes through. Even several human scientists agree with that view. While the mainstream media still goes for humanity being the cause of the changes and all politicians swinging in to actionism, basing their whole income off the version in which humans are responsible for the climate-changes. You see by now almost the whole planetary politics are working out things because of climate change - they are 'solving' layer 1 of the problem. And that all happens while the problem in fact has a completely different root cause which is a cycle of the solar system. They are working to solve a blatant lie set up by the cabal which can of course not be solved at all.
    There you can see what happens, so much income worldwide has been based on the assumption of humanity being the cause for climate change and the measures against it. So if someone has the unpopular truth held up, people all over the world will suddenly hate him, because they invested so much time into a completely cabal-made-up topic. Even being educated on the television is such investment for people that they will tend to hate the truth and go with the veil of lies the cabal presented them.

    You can expand this example to nearly all problems discussed in the mainstream media. If those people do not mention a globally acting cabal or at least the Khazarian mafia as being one of the core problems, then those people are (oftentimes still unconscious) pretenders and will soon lose all their ground. It will soon be obvious that they are just pretenders, wanting to have an income based on superficially treating artificial problems (set up by the cabal) - an income they demand from the real people for presenting those lies.

    The more the truth comes out, the more those people will stand in the open as the clowns they always were (and never even knew of themselves). Most of them will not even know yet that they are just being used by the cabal to push artificial problems and ‚solutions‘ through. That will be the hard reality of the shift into the next cosmic cycle taking place, truth coming in and pretenders falling everywhere, trying to cover up their lies and connected income.
    Needless to say, most stars and politicians or even many popular people in general will probably not make the shift into the age of Aquarius, simply because they were partying on floor 2 while people are being raped on floor 1 of the same one-family-house.
    That is also why humanity was not accepted as one species and why the judgement taking place is so highly individual. Some humans are behaving so bad and have deep, latent sociopathic tendencies, that the rest of humanity will not want to back those - rightfully so.

  • The chimera wants the be the invisible third in everything you get, in every wish fulfilled. Even if you need to invest into idealistic or intellectual things, they want to be in between you and your fulfilment. That happens for one reason, they want to be involved just to take whatever you achieved back from you if you do not comply with them once they come to you. They will then claim that they realised what you wanted to achieve and as you do not comply, they could take it from you again.
    That is why, at least in this stage of liberation, you should rather depend on your own and things you completely know in whatever you do.
    An example is going to a fitness-studio: So you might want to train your body and many ascendents will realize that your body is a gift from godly origin or at least it can become yours if you get over certain problems with it (like implants). So some might go to the fitness-studio because it has gotten a cheap and easy way to train your body and get back into a shape that would be easier seen as God-like than many other human forms around you. Problem is you do not know those pieces of equipment - which pretty much means, you neither did build them yourself nor could you build them yourself. Even the ideas for those training-mechanics were not from you. That means for the cabal at the current stage that whoever built those machines and whoever owns the ideas also owns whatever you achieved with your body (their logic). Sounds completely nuts and it certainly is but that will not keep the cabal from demanding something for getting you what you wanted (a trained body) easier. And that even is (at least partly) based on cosmic principles - so they have some right for doing so. But even if you pay for using the machines in the gym and common sense would argue that whatever you achieve then after paying for it is yours, the cabal will nevertheless cause problems because of that kind of strange ownership.
    Therefore it is usually better to just train your body with gravity and whatever you have available naturally - also it is much closer to what you would do when ascended, being more content with yourself even ascetic to a degree.
    This applies to all other skills and what you want to learn or become as well - the less you depend on their systems (and most human systems were developed by them and rather ‚channeled’ through humans).
    You can of course use all the systems normal humans use and they should rather be forbidden usage than the ascendents, but it might cause some problems or might become quite costly - a cost the Lightforces and the Goddess have to pay if you were accepted by them as one of the ascendants.

  • You can see the veil of lies which was set up by the cabal for humanity like an onion around each human. All the layers to the outside contain higher truths but each new layer is also another lie which is completely consistent with the layers to the inside which you passed already. So at nearly each layer, usual humans are feeling highly enlightened and think they found 'the' truth, while it is actually just an even more complex lie. Until you reach the outside, which approximately 500 people reached according to Cobra - 500 of approximately 8,000,000,000 humans which is quite tough.
    The funny thing about those onion layers is that the chimera already knows approximately at which layer they 'get you'. That means they see it as easy as how far your eyes are opened if you would fall for the complex lie at ‚layer 7‘ for example. Then again, you will open your eyes wider while you ascend, so chances are you will make it through since the Lightforces and the Goddess are already close and will help you up - also the truth coming to the open will help. Nevertheless you can see that mechanism as parasitic bubbles or like an invisible cocoon around every human.
    And when you ascended far enough you will easily see the later ascendents being stuck on certain levels you already crossed. You see them where you were and you see the problems and the solution with that, which will result in the earlier ascendents caring to get the later ones through.


  1. Thank you for this update. A lot of what you have said resonates a lot with me. I had a lack of fulfillment all my life. But this also opened opportunities to grow and be stronger. These scum even created the 7 chakra system and astral bodies as implants so they can drain our erngies and control us easier. Of course there are many powerful lightworker who created great tools and attunements for ascension like the lightarian institute or spiritual subliminal makers. Ascendants should look for attracting such opportunities like i did. Now these demonic scum can't bring me down anymore because my aura became too strong.

  2. That explains why Sherman is so pissed off and feels cosmically cheated and wronged by the Chimera and seeks revenge.

    1. 'It' is just proof why the lack of a block button for energy vampires on blogspot allows narcissists to feed on the community of empaths that typically make up a New Age group.

      Every new blog post for 'it' is like another pen of lambs locked in and nowhere to escape being devoured in a feeding frenzy by a leopard.

      And so goes the potential for real discussion and information sharing because every post will have 'its' advertisement reminding the world of 'its' victim status.

      This situation with the infected entity having the freedom to complain while other posts of rational criticism gets censored is why its hard for me to take the Event seriously.

  3. Thank you for this update! Even though the topics are heavy, I enjoy reading them!
    Many interesting things came up..
    The story of Rihanna was new to me, but seems to be a perfect example of how this industry works. I like the idea that many stars are not really bad guys, but rather victims themselves..
    What do you think: hasn't the number of 500 people who know whats really up increased since Cobra talked about it? I would assume that really invested readers of yours and Cobras blog would up that number quite a bit. Or do you think Cobra meant people who really studied the intricacies of the chimera control system in much detail?
    I think that it is important to note that there is (imho) quite a substantial amount of ascendants who chose not to engage with this kind of intel, but still know about the darkness and do their best to counteract it by shining their light brightly. So I think reading about this all does neither necessarily qualify you for ascension (obviously) nor is it necessary for people to be ascending (at least until the event, when this all will get public eventually).
    In any case, I feel that the years of suffering for us are (mostly) over and we can now heal ourselves and manifest our heaven on earth much easier than before thanks to the incredible influx of Light and ofcourse the unrelenting support of the forces of Light.
    Thanks again my brother!
    Victory of the Light! 💜

  4. Still business as usual in Singapore as those guys who are proteges of the WEF are still around.

    But according to Cobra I should be grateful just for not being in a concentration camp, right?

    1. It is your decision, your choice and your responsibility wrt what you do and feel under any circumstances in your life.

    2. >wislawa
      The idea of nothing in life is certain its even more so now.

      Good news is there's a lot of people thinking my mindset I got when I woke up in 2011 at the futility of jobs, career, earning money, thanks to the lockdowns and runaway inflation making doing what the boomer generation did impossible.

      So in one way the lockdowns did force normies to wake up and smell their own crap they have been sleeping in and those of us who saw the whole thing as a trap early on aren't as alone in our thinking anymore.

  5. Thanks for the update.
    French translation of the post / l'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !


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