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Situation Update July 2022

Again this post will feature a few general ascension insights followed by a short situation update.
  • The chimera is able to set 'triggers' to almost anything they can perceive. A trigger is like an alarm call they get if a certain condition takes place. For example one of their triggers could execute if a certain fraud with the banking system is discovered by any human. So in that case, the chimera would be able to go there soon enough and cover up the discovered fraud or overtake/remove the human who discovered it.
    These kind of triggers are something humans do not really understand as they simply think such things would not be possible. The alien invaders of the Earth obviously are much smarter than humanity suspected an alien invasion to be like. Those triggers ensure an almost failsafe fraud for the chimera as they get wake up calls each time a human is about to tear a hole into their veil of lies.

  • Since the last big archon invasion in 1996 (last of the three big ones) the chimera set up at least one of their entities for nearly every lifeform on Earth. Very positive people have even bigger entities or even higher parasitic beings set up to drag themselves and every communication into the negative. These are like negative doubles, set up for nearly every lifeform. Bigger ones learn to imitate their targets 24/7. They invaded in so high numbers that even things and virtual goods like computer games have at least one negative entity attached to themselves.
    For very important positive people the chimera even set up personal negative entities for habits and certain actions, which accompany the already set up negative entities for people or things. That means if for example an ascended master, let's say Mohammed, would interact with for example one of the new ascendants, the chimera likely has set up one or more special entities just doubling this specific communication between Mohammed and the new ascendant 24/7. Since 1996 the numbers of chimera entities exploded (as Cobra mentioned there were trillions upon trillions of these entities even just a few months ago) and the chimera therefore could set up unseen doubles for nearly any interaction on the Earth. This harshly amplified the already high duality on Earth since 1996 and influenced a lot of things like products and ideas very negatively - some of the ascendants will already be able to perceive the impacts of 1996 via certain products or movements alone. The chimera especially wants to influence quantum effects with such doubles besides listening and modifying every communication happening among humans and other lifeforms negatively.

  • The chimera spreads several unknown problems through human food. That is exactly why Mohammed channeling Gabriel warned humanity of eating pork in the times of the Koran. That is why the bible warned of seafood like scampi, etc. Scampi are alien seeded creatures (even Nasa wrote an article about it, you can find on the internet) like other seafood warned for in the bible. Life came from the water and the chimera has an easier time coming from there as well. These organisms also work on you while they are dead in your stomach. Their negative aura does not vanish on their death. They work in sinister ways humans are not capable of detecting as a problem and create fundamental, sublime problems with your body. The problem with pork arised around the year 600 and was therefore a topic in the Koran. By now the chimera have expanded the same problems onto nearly all sorts of meat as well as some other types of food. Generally the problem they created with pork back then is like a parasitic invasion of your body, leading to ugly obesity and body deformations among other bad effects. This parasitic entity being 'installed' in your body (Cobra would probably count it as an implant) also steers its victim towards higher consumption of anything 'it' needs, for example sugar and fat in high amounts. So people getting fat will look like having a lack of control while they actually are just having a hard time cancelling the parasitic invasive enities being introduced into their body by eating pork and the like. That is one of the reasons why obesity is seemingly steadily on the rise and on the positive side why more and more humans get to be vegetarian. Humanity has not yet detected this as an official sickness because it is quite complex and very subtle besides the detection being against the interests of the cabal. It will not be a problem for the ascendants and those humans who will survive the shift as intact human beings but it could nevertheless get you a hard time, cancelling the effects of obesity until compression breakthrough. If you are an ascendant and your body is not one of those dependent on meat, you could have a better time minding meat of any type. Usually people necessarily die because of the side-effects of this sickness though. Depending on how fast the cabal wants the victim to be removed, it is like a bomb ticking inside the body of the victim, ready to cause serious health-conditions on command while looking like 'normal' obesity consequences. 

  • The chimera attaches specific demonic entities to nearly everything targeted persons do. For example if I publish a new post on this blog, I have certain recurring types of their entities attacking me for days after. These entities serve a tracking purpose which lets the chimera know (especially through their lower realms and grids) that I wrote a new post as well as a sabotaging purpose against the knowledge shared. These entities highly sabotage the energy of what was written, they want to attach to the message and the 'light'/truth contained in the message. In this way these entities are also being sent to sabotage the reception of the posts for the readers. This is happening similarly for everything targeted key persons do. So doing things repeatedly like publishing certain things or releasing certain products can therefore feel like diving into darker spiritual realms for ascendants as they attract certain entities they have usually already left behind on their current spiritual height. The entities cause a drop in vibrations that is coupled this way to old habits and necessarily repetitive things - even going to the supermarket can cause such drops.

  • The chimera usually influences humans via their ideas and thoughts namely the 'higher' parts of your body. Christianity speaks of body, spirit and soul, while there are many more layers your body is made of below the soul-level. For the chimera the cheapest attack is to change the mind of someone. To achieve that, they pile up entities around their victims and influence the thoughts  of their victims i.e. to cause a suicide. If they cannot get close enough with enough entities, they influence the humans around their victim for example to kill their victim (worst cases as examples here). They really take over the spirit, so for a few seconds it might look like a good idea for a human close to the victim to go and murder another human being. In extreme cases humans will be influenced to take enormously negative actions which they would not understand 2 seconds after they are done with it.
    This whole mechanism is also a problem for the chimera as the influence is also possible the other way round for important humans doing work for the Lightforces. Basically higher beings positive or negative see usual humans not as much more than empty shells. They can enter nearly every human being and change their behaviour sometimes to 100%. What makes it different to enter some humans is their ensoulment. As explained many times on this blog, the ensoulment of humans is highly different and while some have only sparks of souls, others are content and filled by their soul. That filling would imply that these bigger ensouled humans influence their 'shell' themselves to the highest degree. Basically the bigger the ensoulment, the harder it is to influence the human from the outside in most cases. But there are always low ensouled, unprotected humans close to the targeted individuals which the cabal usually can influence in their ways easily.
    Let's say the chimera influenced or sent 10 murderers towards their targeted individuals (may them be their 'own' humans or not). Then, if the targeted individual is important, positive beings who are able to influence thoughts and spirit overtake all those 10 humans and they will permanently change their mind so they rather stay away from the targeted person. That is why it is impossible for the chimera to exert any serious damage towards the Starseeds and higher Lightworkers. That is what the 'bubble of heaven' means around those who achieved that mercy of the Goddess. Star Wars fans might see that as 'the force' around people, influencing everything in a certain radius to the positive. And basically it is similar, you just have to be aware that it is really alive beings who actively influence humans around you for the better, so you are cannot be caught or murdered by the cabal. These helpers are doing an enormous job and are fundamental to the liberation and all operations of the Lightforces on Earth.
    Basically there were always some of these beings on the Earth. For example the same things happened for Mohammed and other prophets, so the cabal could not kill them back then. Humanity thinks of most of these beings as angelic. In the current state of liberation we have all kinds of helpers, everything the Lightforces can get to the surface safely, they will send. Also those angelic beings capable of the described protection are heavily supported energetically for doing the hard jobs neccessary to push liberation forward. If you think you are in such a bubble, you can be quite grateful as it is very expensive energetically to protect you from all those attacks. Additionally if the cabal could get anyone whom they saw as being protected in this way, they will be quite merciless in their measures. With the anomaly being removed, more and more angelic beings and other helpers are able to come and do this work but numbers will nevertheless be very limited on the surface  till compression breakthrough - so it is to be seen as a big present. 
Now to the situation update. As Cobra already wrote, the Lightforces are in the process of cleaning up several big inner Earth caves and networks of the chimera. We are talking of caves upon caves full of human bodies piled up. Bodies of which some are still alive and buried under dead bodies and even much worse scenarios. The cleanup is being carried out by highly specialized positive military and drone-like avatars of the Lightforces, because those caves are full of traps and similar cabal-horror.
It is still horrible and it will take much more time but the Orion section of the chimera is nearing defeat. That will not mean that any of that will be getting into the open or into the media, primarily because the chimera is heavily guarding all official news outlets and any piercings into the veil of lies. Secondary, the ties to the immense misery and suffering are simply too much for most innocent humans, some would not be able to cope with the negative energies connecting with these matters, which would overwhelm them easily.
The remaining Andromeda-section of the chimera which is mainly operating in the space around Earth has received heavy blows as well. One big step forward was the inevitable defeat of the nazi breakaway complex on the moon which happened a few days ago. There actually was a small part of the nazis who joined the chimera during the second world war and got a lot of high technology for selling their souls and joining the cabal. Most still covertly active nazi factions on the Earth were operated from that base besides other command structures in the inner Earth (which are still active and will ‚steer‘ the remaining cabal nazi slaves). That part of the nazis which joined the chimera back then is now mostly gone and several nazis high in their hierarchy were already transported to the central sun. They nevertheless set up fakes of their top ranking staff having been transferred into the readymade double-bodies which are usually set up in several places in the inner Earth and on the surface. Needless to say, those spirit-transfers of their high ranking staff did not work and some of the biggest are already being neutralised in the central sun while smaller ones died due to deactivation of life-support for their complex on the moon. The fate for some of those is still to be decided.

By now, the Andromeda-section of the chimera (in biblical times the leader of these was called ‚the devil‘ by the way) ordered that they want all Starseeds and higher Lightworkers to be delivered and surrendered to the chimera or they will blow up the Earth via the remaining toplet-bombs. That is how far the chimera by now understood the role of the Starseeds, which were seeded shortly before the intergalactic wars were won in favor of the Lightforces. The Starseeds are serving as anchors for liberation of Earth and it is being said the biggest of the biggest helpers out there descended onto Earth themselves. There are rumors that even Source himself has descended onto Earth for liberation into a human being and therefore these Starseeds will rather completely annihilate anything related to the chimera before any step is being done in their direction on this topic.
Not a single Starseed or Lightworker in question will ever be delivered to the chimera and the Lightforces will not let them blow up the Earth either. Resulting, there will be some very interesting steps becoming necessary, which will reveal the absolute superiority of the Lightforces for some parts of the cabal as indicated in the last post.
However mostlikely nothing will get through to the main population just yet and it might stay that way till compression breakthrough - which is safer and much more stable for the main population than panic, an open conflict or anything worse emerging. As said in the last post, the chimera is short before realizing their certain defeat in a broad fashion which will not just include the top chimera-villains. That in turn could result in physical effects for the human sphere. But even if there are some effects coming to the open, humanity would have a hard time connecting those to an ancient alien invasion at the time being. In the best case, there are no visible effects for the main population.
One of the funnier mistakes the chimera begets is that they are thinking that they can return back to normal after the energy influx has been restored with Source overtaking it after it was restricted earlier. So just as Cobra said back then, the Corona conditions were never loosened if there was no infusal of energies by Source themselves. However the chimera does not really understand that the energy sponsor of the Earth is now Source. They rather think that they oppressed further energy by their evil threats and measures. However, the big mistake is that they re-invest in quite stupid areas as if nothing changed at all. First off they stopped Corona (at least to some percentage) - which is ok for the Lightforces - but now they re-invest in several cabal-hotspots like Cern for example, which is definately against the will of the Lightforces and Source. These complete numbness in the awareness of the cabal towards Source and the new sponsors of the Earth will press the whole cabal hierarchy down even further and much harder than ever before. That is what Source wanted to see, basically it was announced that the sponsors of the Earth have shifted to the Lightforces and it was forseeable that the chimera would try to see how far they can go. What the chimera does not see is the natural fall they will attract by investing that new energy into their evil means. They will be dragged down by fundamental natural laws of the universe which the chimera did try to avoid basically since they began experimenting with the primary anomaly. They simply cannot understand the scope and significance of what those investments in evil directions will bring to them. They exhibit this stupidity for the same reasons they did not understand the primary anomaly and its connected inevitable failure in the long term back when they began experimenting. Therefore the chimera will disconnect themselves from any chance of participation in the universe at all just by violating such fundamental cosmic laws. Source know that and they let the chimera disconnect in that way, which will actually just favour the liberation of Earth and is part of their cosmic punishment setting in (slowly).

That form of cosmic punishment is established all the time and is a gradual process by the way. A punishment which will be inevitable, absolute, individual and based on the omniscence of the universe itself so they cannot hide or defer anything. And it is mostly invisible for those punished until it is too late. The cabal is in the process of being put in some kind of cosmic trashbag, which gradually moves them out of our reality. It is comparable to a second timeline for the Earth onto which the cabal is being moved, a destructive timeline which will lead to total destruction of everybody on it and is the inevitable end of all 'life' for all those on that timeline - which will be only parasites though when it gets serious there.
While the chimera still thinks they can come back to the main timeline (which simply is not possible regardless of their arguments), they have gotten careless because they simply do not perceive that kind of punishment and removal yet. They are left in the belief that they could harness that new energy infusal for their means. Their shift to the destruction-timeline of the Earth is also gradual and seamless, so most of the cabal simply do not realize that they are not part of the real Earth anymore on which the Event will happen. Especially they think they know ways with which they can again attach to the main timeline or at least to other lifeforms on the main timeline. These are ways and measures which they think are part of the cosmic blueprint and an unchangable cosmic design (-fault). Needless to say, all tries of the cabal to re-attach to the Event-timeline/the main Earth or to participating lifeforms will fail quite hard. Source decided to leave the cabal in the belief that the reattachment was possible, simply because they deserve that kind of ultra-hard punishment.
So the real timeline of the Earth featuring the Event is what some other spiritual outlets describe as the 5D Earth etc. Basically there was just a new branch being set up for the chimera to fail on while the actual Earth will by that branch be cleaned of the chimera and other parasitic forces step by step. It is kind of the opposite of an evacuation, where the parasites are just put in the trashcan while the lifeforms fit for living are finally enabled to live the way they like to.
As mentioned in the last post as well, right now is the time in which all those ways for reattachments are being removed with cosmic scope - that is the cause for the reduction of the primary anomaly throughout the universe. Source is fixing all the holes through which the chimera could attach to life in the past, which enabled a big part of their enourmously greedy form of parasitism on Earth to start in the first place.

The pressure to orient towards the Lightforces will therefore heavily intensify throughout many layers of the cabal hierarchy from aliens down to humans of all kind, simply because there was not much movement towards the Goddess and the liberation at all yet globally. This fact, mirroring in the visitor count and general interest in the Portal blog (and some others), is visible despite many influential people in the human sphere having been informed about the ongoing liberation. This shows that the positive factions on the Earth are capable of influencing only a very small portion of humans to the positive - let alone to wake up. The rest is usually easy fodder and shells to play with for the cabal and will just act under their influence without ever realizing that they are under the spell of cabal-media and inside a veil of lies. And too many of those humans informed consciously still believe that the cabal could and will win. An attitude and belief which moves those who have been informed further into the cosmic trashcan if they do not orient and take action for the Lightforces in this phase of the liberation. It is a fight for their absolute life after the shift, having begun for every human, though few humans have even understood that it will be their last fight (either way as the need for fighting will end soon) and that it is highly worth any amount of effort. 
The ones who clean up the vermin/chimera on Earth are of course those who will have the best lifes on this planet. Those who do not help cleaning up the planet from the chimera have not merited their home at all. That is another view for this pressure.
Those who want to live like gods and goddesses on the coming Earth are those who have to join the fight against the chimera in the front row. It should be logical that those who clean up the planet will also inhabit it.
On the other side, those who do not belong to the chimera but do not see the need to help cleaning up Earth will be those who will leave Earth to the healing planets in the Pleiades. This is the background of the ascension plan Cobra published. The highest ascendants (the best human helpers for liberation) will neccessarily earn the highest lifes on Earth (and beyond) in the coming first true golden age.

So please begin to support liberation by fighting the chimera actively yourself or support those who are fighting the chimera in the front row with all your might.

Life will soon take back the surface.

As a second positive end note, two more species have been called to help in liberation, making it a total of ~12 huge ancient species which alone outnumber all alien fleets of the chimera (who are seen as lower than halflings in comparison). 12 species who are also technologically much more advanced than the whole chimera hierarchy ever was. What consumes most of  their time is the complex hostage scenario. They usually have very important things to do and are happy to help but are by far not happy having to come here for these reasons.
This is another factor which will intensify the pressure for all those not yet involved in the liberation.


  1. Thank you for your beautiful article. Your updates are very helpful and makes me so happy to know how far we have come

  2. Hey, I think you inverted the Andromeda and Orion factions in the first time they appear on the text. I really understand the chimera at some extend but they will loss as I'm sure we win.

    As was said in a game "Evil is just a word. Under the skin, it's simple pain." Chimera just don't understand the other side, they can't trust others so they will fight until the end, even if it means their own destruction. That's really sad, but nonetheless that's they choice.

    Let's choose love above everything else and soon enough this missions will come to an end. As always, Victory of the Light!

  3. Hi, I'm confused by this passage "the chimera likely has set up a special entity just doubling this specific communication between Mohammed and the new ascendant." What is doubling this specific communication?
    Does this mean that these entities are interfering with this communication to make the information conveyed in the communication inaccurate. Or exaggerating, narrowing what is in the message.

    Translated with (free version)

    1. In this case the chimera tries to manipulate the communication in their means as much as they can. So any negative influence is a win for them, the more they can overtake/fake of the original communication the better it is for them.
      It can be subtle things like turning "(what you want to do is) no problem" into "(...) a problem" which already makes a big difference and might influence the ascendants actions.
      But if they can create a more complex manipulation and for example tell 'stories' or plots they would Mohammed like to tell, they will do as well. The amount of manipulation possible basically depends on the awareness/defense of the original communicators as well as the energy investment of the chimera.

    2. Thanks for explain,very clear now

  4. Thank you for the update.
    French translation of the post.
    Traduction de l'article en français :
    Victory of th Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

    1. Thanks a million for the translation!
      I guess I added a paragraph to the ascension notes since the translation.

    2. You're welcome 🤗. The changes have been made.
      Mises à jour faites pour la version française.
      Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  5. While I've been crushed by a dozen different problems and can barely live, I've definitely been seeing it as "Wow the chimera fucked up by taking it this far." Great article as usual.

  6. Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    There are still trillions upon trillions of those entities present, and they need to be removed along with their negative etheric scalar technologies before any meaningful breakthrough can happen.

    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996.

    Thursday, June 17, 2021

    The Orion dark force scientists have learned through experiments spanning many millennia and sometimes even millions of years how to trigger subquantum anomaly to produce anomalous effects in our universe.

    Tuesday, July 13, 2021

    The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion. On the top of the etheric and astral dark hierarchy are still some Chimera spiders who control a few thousand Archons in insectoid bodies (Lords of Karma), who in turn control a few million Dracos who manage the remaining tens of billions of Reptilian entities.


    There shouldn't be many more entities since they were below 50 billion about a year ago, unless CERN is bringing more through. Main problems would be the Orion group creating subquantum anomaly, and Andromedan group on the planet surface.

    1. I could be incorrect about the clearing, as I did have a dream indicating otherwise a couple days ago. Perhaps there are still more entities to clear, but the number must be getting extremely small by now, at least according to 2012portal's intel.

    2. Yes, we are on a good way with the clearing.

      But simply see it this way: if there were no entities anymore for each human, we would have a mass awakening, the media would actually report about an alien invasion, archons, the chimera, the Event and the Goddess.

      As long as you do not see anything about the invasion in the official media, the entities per human are still way to high.

      There is no other measure for entities and chimera control than the official global situation. Are people aware of the invaders? Are they officially aware of the liberation? Are they spreading the news through the mainstream media?

      If not then the entity count is still way to high for humans to wake up from their slumber.

    3. Makes sense.

      The implants are a factor in keeping the population asleep. The implants probably help sustain the remaining negative entities.

  7. I would like to ask about what you said here: " By now the chimera have expanded the same problems onto nearly all sorts of meat as well as some other types of food. Generally the problem they created with pork back then is like a parasitic invasion of your body, leading to ugly obesity and body deformations among other bad effects. x x x If you are an ascendant and your body is not one of those dependent on meat, you could have a better time minding meat of any type."
    My question is, is this set in stone? I know many vegans in my city who are vaccinated and boosted. They are very afraid of viruses and are for segregation and mandates. My close circle/community are mostly unvaccinated meat eaters who sovereign beings and very connected to Source. Thank you.

  8. Question on Facebook about what we can do ‚with all our might‘ against the chimera:

    Answer: ok, this will get a little abstract here:

    Most humans cannot really fight the chimera themselves, otherwise life on Earth would have won a long time ago. Those humans who can are mostlikely the seeded ones aka Starseeds and a few old, high souls.

    However, as I stated in the post, they can support those who are in the front row with all their might. So if you know of humans fighting in the front row, i.e. Cobra, please invest in them.

    The cabal has left you one thing that you get for your time in ‚slavery‘ which is money. You need it to survive that is for sure. It is what most of your time is invested in, at least if you are still in a 9-5 job.
    That is your time and energy.
    Although it might sound strange or selfish I really think that is your force to spend if you cannot fight them yourself.

    I spent most of my spare money to buy things from Cobra and I think that helped me a lot in my ascension.

    You have to understand that money IS your force and energy in the cabal-system. You invest most of your life-time into it.

    So please, spend it wisely in those people who are worth your support (if you have a choice). Spend it on people like Cobra, who are bringing progress to the liberation, if you cannot squash those monsters yourself.

    Basically that‘s what I meant in the article with ‚all your might‘.

    Other than that, I wrote a post on what really hurts the chimera and what you can do regardless of money: 2021/11/so-chimera-invaded-earth-what-to-do-to.html


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