This post will feature a situation update followed by several insights and answers to questions after that. The clearing of the subquantum anomaly and chimera group is still in full swing, though there were not many special or new advances but rather the clearing of what was already topic of the previous posts.
As many people in the spiritual communities still have a new age induced problem with any kind of negativitiy, please keep in mind that the description of what was and is still going on on Earth is highly negative per se. Some posts here might therefore seem negative but ascendants certainly have to get a grasp on the problem to address it correctly and to be enabled to be part of the removal of the issues eventually. Therefore the Unveiling necessarily also faces the shadow side which is already shadow work and will also help you battling your personal negativity and master your individual shadow work.
As mentioned in the last update, the 'devil'-humans of the Andromeda faction of the chimera are already gone.
However there is still one of the 'bastards' of the Orion faction left. These 'bastards' were administrating the surface and the last one is being let active due to strategic reasons for a while.
The descendants of the first female traitor were reduced to six by now. While it is a big step forward, it does not mean anything changes yet, as even one of these chimera members is able to keep their illusions active.
As mentioned in the last update, the 'devil'-humans of the Andromeda faction of the chimera are already gone.
However there is still one of the 'bastards' of the Orion faction left. These 'bastards' were administrating the surface and the last one is being let active due to strategic reasons for a while.
The descendants of the first female traitor were reduced to six by now. While it is a big step forward, it does not mean anything changes yet, as even one of these chimera members is able to keep their illusions active.
Additionally all departure plans into the Central Sun are foreseeable by now for all major chimera monsters besides those mentioned here. Most of these monsters and problem cores will leave the Earth within the next five months.
And generally speaking, we are again still quite a bit below the threshold of the veil nevertheless, otherwise we would already see bigger changes on the surface that create actual changes for human society as a whole.
Several bases of the microscopic part of the atlantean species were neutralised. The original microscopic atlanteans are for big parts longterm enemies of humanity. Intelligence does not necessarily correlate with size, so these tiny atlanteans are relatively intelligent for their miniature sizes. While Atlantis was the high culture of humanity, some humans fell for greed and power. It was those human clones which were bred for the microscopic, original atlanteans who showed those tendencies. They later on slaughtered the original humans and were the reason why Atlantis fell eventually. They went into pact with the chimera to get those human bodies, which were then stabilized by chimera AI. These humans were literally humans under control of microorganisms. They became indistiguishable of the real, natural humans, when they (first covertly) began to win in competitions against those real humans. This competition later perverted into slaying each other. Till this very day, these atlanteans are part of the people on Earth who desire to torture and kill humans. This attitude derived from their belief that Earth was their property, when the first human settlers and the colonists arrived here. The atlanteans who got sick took the excuse that they were protecting their planet and that any measure would be suitable to regain the Earth. Many humans nowadays are still steered by miniature souls, some of which are high-end developments of the chimera and the remaining atlanteans. These are the humans who are (covertly) subversive against their āownā species. Even many sicknesses, bacteria and viruses are atlantean developments and demonstrate how much some of them hate humanity.
There were always some atlanteans though, who stayed true and did not attack humanity. And while the atlanteans were some of the first microscopic lifeforms, which developed on this planet, Earth is by galactic and cosmic law not their property. All their belief and the laws they base their claims and offensive behaviour on were rejected via galactic and cosmic law. The atlantean legal foundation is in big parts just a lie of the chimera that has no ground on a galactic nor on the cosmic scale. They were misinformed regarding their rights and therefore instrumentalised by the chimera to turn against humanity. The early atlanteans who were equipped with human bodies became the atlantean Gods some might heard of from ancient legends. These Gods are probably what most humans think of, when they hear about the atlanteans, though their essence is rather microscopic. The atlantean people base much of their knowledge upon their central computer which administrates the atlantean records, the foundation and main knowledge of their people, may they be the rebels or the atlanteans who stayed true to life. The main problem of that approach is that the atlantean records were constantly manipulated by the chimera from some time in the invasion onwards. Crucial parts, especially those which would have led the atlanteans to a fair behaviour were steadily rewritten by the chimera in their favour. As there are trillions upon trillions of these microscopic atlanteans on the planet, the records are necessary for organisation, their survival and correct interactions with other lifeforms and more. Basically those records are the main instrument of the organisation of their whole species. Though the chimera is able to fake their data and calculations to a high degree which then leads to maleficent behaviour to which even the good atlanteans are prone to. These microorganisms do not just surround you to a degree, in the average human body there are approximately 20% to 40% of the microorganisms still of this ancient atlantean origin. While the chimera reigns war against human bodies via all sorts of nano-materials including pollution, nano-bots, etc. they also manipulate the atlantean microorganisms against their enemies. Part of your body is constantly working against you, most of the time the reasons are ranging from pollution up to cleverly designed nano-bots which at least lead to general body-decay called ageing. As laid open before, human bodies are rather being digested than ageing, but humanity will not be able to figure that out scientifically yet.
As a positive side note, many ascendants have also received positive microorganisms and even positive nano-bots by the Lightforces and other alien species being present on Earth. These special, new and positive organisms can and will tip the scale in several attacks the chimera executes on targeted individuals. Some Starseeds have even grown original, new microorganisms in their bodies for certain purposes, which will be distributed among the ascendants if they are deemed efficient.
There was an incident in which God was being hunted on ascendants by the chimera. While God is pretty confident of his perception of Earth and needs to stay confident for the stabilisation of humanity in general, the chimera laid open one of their biggest secrets via this attack. They were able to completely fake the perception of God towards certain areas on the Earth which had to do with some of the main targeted individuals. That of course led to misjudgements of God and that in turn almost led to harsh attacks towards those Lightworkers. Never in the history of Earth could the chimera manipulate God's perception successfully to this degree. God was for a short time completely dependent on the perception of the high commands on Earth and of the fleets of the Lightforces. Important to note is that the chimera possessed these abilities all the time but did not exhibit or show them before. For the first time they did this in broad fashion in presence of the Lightforces. Therefore it is assumed that many important souls were dragged down because of these kind of manipulations earlier on, as the Lightforces could not dismantle these fakes in the past.
As a positive side note, many ascendants have also received positive microorganisms and even positive nano-bots by the Lightforces and other alien species being present on Earth. These special, new and positive organisms can and will tip the scale in several attacks the chimera executes on targeted individuals. Some Starseeds have even grown original, new microorganisms in their bodies for certain purposes, which will be distributed among the ascendants if they are deemed efficient.
One of the biggest grids with several billion souls (mainly smaller ones) was broadly deactivated. This was one of the simulations of the chimera which was closest to the Earth itself. The illusion was so perfect that some inhabitants were regularly switched between the real Earth and this grid to bring some of their (wrong) assumptions here and tighten the bond to the grid. This deactivation will certainly trigger psychological problems for many humans on the real Earth. Partly because they were promised a place in this best chimera-grid to date, partly because their soul or parts of their soul were interwoven with the grid or even lived in that grid already.
Deactivation was decreed after a majority of the inhabitants of that grid decided to sabotage the Liberation of Earth. Souls will be evacuated as good as it is possible in the current phase of Liberation from now on over the next months and years. These hell-grids are one of the biggest weapons the chimera still use, as they usually successfully mobilise all or nearly all souls there against the Lightforces. If that happens, a descision has to be made which is based basically on the stability of the majority of soul energy (big souls count more in that equation). Therefore many of the thousands of chimera grids are deactivated constantly and inhabitants are then evacuated as soon as the evacuation is stable enough. Over time, all grids of the chimera will be deactivated, though it is always a risky procedure which the Lightforces constantly stabilise and the stake is the amount of souls kept in these grids.
There were several big movements of people of the inner Earth towards the areas below the first āIslands of Lightā on the surface. Part of these movements were evacuations of areas of the inner Earth which became risky during this phase. The islands and the subterranean areas below will be the first relatively safe areas and serve as a refuge for people from above and below. These areas will also be the cores for the āNew Atlantisā finally taking form. These will be the holiest of holy areas on the surface and where the first construction projects will eventually emerge and become physical. Right now the construction is highly classified and covert and mainly regards advances invisible to humans yet. The defense mechanisms against parasitic intrusions of the chimera are the best that ever existed on Earth and surpass the defense mechanisms of the original Atlantis or the Egyptian high culture by far. These mechanisms are right now being tested and perfected and feature by far the highest technology ever present on Earth. Basically, while Atlantis was organised in circles around the core to guard from parasites, the 'New Atlantis' will be organised in spherical manner, heavily supported by force-fields which were not available on Earth before. However, while force-fields were already tested, these are rather the plans for the coming years, additionally to keep the invited humans safe from the tsunamis and catastrophes resulting from the upcoming pole shift. These will be the areas were many of the higher ascendants will reside while most of humanity will be evacuated before the disasters.
In succession to the first non-physical contact with the Central Race with an ascendant, the first dedicated and stable communication line from the Lightforces to the first āIsland of Lightā was established by the ancients. Thereby the Lightforces are now able to actually hear the thoughts of ascendants constantly there among other advances regarding communication in general. Also the work of the colonists is interwoven with these advances, for example first 3D imagings of the bodies of ascendants could be sent to the high commands in space and on Earth.
Deactivation was decreed after a majority of the inhabitants of that grid decided to sabotage the Liberation of Earth. Souls will be evacuated as good as it is possible in the current phase of Liberation from now on over the next months and years. These hell-grids are one of the biggest weapons the chimera still use, as they usually successfully mobilise all or nearly all souls there against the Lightforces. If that happens, a descision has to be made which is based basically on the stability of the majority of soul energy (big souls count more in that equation). Therefore many of the thousands of chimera grids are deactivated constantly and inhabitants are then evacuated as soon as the evacuation is stable enough. Over time, all grids of the chimera will be deactivated, though it is always a risky procedure which the Lightforces constantly stabilise and the stake is the amount of souls kept in these grids.
There were several big movements of people of the inner Earth towards the areas below the first āIslands of Lightā on the surface. Part of these movements were evacuations of areas of the inner Earth which became risky during this phase. The islands and the subterranean areas below will be the first relatively safe areas and serve as a refuge for people from above and below. These areas will also be the cores for the āNew Atlantisā finally taking form. These will be the holiest of holy areas on the surface and where the first construction projects will eventually emerge and become physical. Right now the construction is highly classified and covert and mainly regards advances invisible to humans yet. The defense mechanisms against parasitic intrusions of the chimera are the best that ever existed on Earth and surpass the defense mechanisms of the original Atlantis or the Egyptian high culture by far. These mechanisms are right now being tested and perfected and feature by far the highest technology ever present on Earth. Basically, while Atlantis was organised in circles around the core to guard from parasites, the 'New Atlantis' will be organised in spherical manner, heavily supported by force-fields which were not available on Earth before. However, while force-fields were already tested, these are rather the plans for the coming years, additionally to keep the invited humans safe from the tsunamis and catastrophes resulting from the upcoming pole shift. These will be the areas were many of the higher ascendants will reside while most of humanity will be evacuated before the disasters.
In succession to the first non-physical contact with the Central Race with an ascendant, the first dedicated and stable communication line from the Lightforces to the first āIsland of Lightā was established by the ancients. Thereby the Lightforces are now able to actually hear the thoughts of ascendants constantly there among other advances regarding communication in general. Also the work of the colonists is interwoven with these advances, for example first 3D imagings of the bodies of ascendants could be sent to the high commands in space and on Earth.
There was an incident in which God was being hunted on ascendants by the chimera. While God is pretty confident of his perception of Earth and needs to stay confident for the stabilisation of humanity in general, the chimera laid open one of their biggest secrets via this attack. They were able to completely fake the perception of God towards certain areas on the Earth which had to do with some of the main targeted individuals. That of course led to misjudgements of God and that in turn almost led to harsh attacks towards those Lightworkers. Never in the history of Earth could the chimera manipulate God's perception successfully to this degree. God was for a short time completely dependent on the perception of the high commands on Earth and of the fleets of the Lightforces. Important to note is that the chimera possessed these abilities all the time but did not exhibit or show them before. For the first time they did this in broad fashion in presence of the Lightforces. Therefore it is assumed that many important souls were dragged down because of these kind of manipulations earlier on, as the Lightforces could not dismantle these fakes in the past.
A few words on timelines: there are currently two main timelines of Earth which are still relevant. One is the actual, living Earth as it will be continued in the Universe. The second timeline is rather the cancelled timeline or at least it will be. The lower timeline is also the timeline where the residue of the chimera will be bound to. It will be a timeline in which the Earth will be destroyed in the end, everything is already programmed to cease there. Ascendants and Lightworkers will at the time being oscillate between those two timelines heavily. Partly because the chimera burdens them with anomaly and bad vibrations, partly to evacuate the living from the lower timeline. Needless to say, all living souls will either be evacuated or from one day on stay on the continued timeline. Right now it is part of the spiritual work to fetch the living from the lower timeline and there is usually nothing to worry about ups and downs of that kind for Lightworkers. The lower timeline is not a grid or a multidimensional-room or anything else people might say, it is rather a possible future of the Earth (in case the chimera could win). It is already cancelled, although the chimera will not give in to this certainty and will constantly work on it to become the main timeline. Also, the continued timeline is not really the 5D Earth (the chimera is also up to 5D by the way - so it would not help) but just the future of Earth the Lightforces will establish. Though 5D Earth is used synonymously with the positive timeline in some outlets, it should be clear that Earth exists throughout all dimensions and a 5D Earth would require a 5D perceiver. What is true is that some ascendants will make it into higher dimensionality, a few Starseeds are actually higher dimensional beings currently working mainly in 3D. That perception is what will eventually create your experience of Earth 5D or more. It is your personal height in ascension which can realise that, it is not exactly a base-program for everyone on the continued timeline. It is also true that even 3D ascendants can have interactions and partly understand 5D from some point in their development. But it is not necessarily the way that ascendants will transcend 3D in total.
Many people on Earth currently enjoy the Summer months, but the chimera-induced energy drain is also much more intense during Summer. Basically the good feelings many people have and the desire to have fun outside is partly instilled by the chimera or rather by countless demonic entities who profit heavily during this time of the year. People oftentimes realize that everything is pulsing of energy during this season and that is the truth, same as the drainage of the entities which eventually fuels the chimera is booming. Many people become much more outgoing than usual and much of it is artificial and leads to high losses which these people will never understand or be able to address correctly.
Natural blueprints, 'morphogenetic fields' and beauty
While some people among the Lightworkers still heavily worry about their outward physical appearance, the ascendants will not have to worry for long. Every lifeform in the universe has a blueprint and even some scientists on the Earth strived to shine light onto that phenomenon. One of them was Rupert Sheldrake who claimed the theory of 'morphogenetic fields' - while this was oftentimes regarded as pseudoscience as humans should not know about it, it is quite close to the actual truth.
Even in the Bible there is the popular phrase that humans were built in the 'image of God'. The blueprint every human has is perfect - however why do so few humans actually look like a god or a goddess? The reason for the imperfect forms humans oftentimes display is the parasitic contamination - your blueprint is heavily distorted, beginning far before your actual birth. While the parasites and entities are completely unperceivable for humans, most humans are drowned in these invisible parasites and those are actively distorting and rearranging your morphogenetic field for the worse. So, as implants are being cleared at this time, affected humans will grow into slightly better forms constantly. That even works although your body is not growing anymore. The less distortion of your morphogenetic field is around you, the better your body will take form inevitably. Basically if there were no distortions, humans would pretty fast develop into a god- and goddess-like appearance. This distortion is also why most humans are rather seen as having a demonic appearance from the viewpoint of the higher aliens who are part of the Lightforces. Many people high on drugs or in spiritual experiences also reported that they were perceiving all humans around them as demonic. The reason for that deformation are the implants, demonic entities and overall parasitic beings which most humans are drown in. There are swarms of parasites basically around every human constantly, especially around the head, there are concentrations which also heavily hinder your basic and intrinsic understanding and intelligence. They do not just hinder the expression of your soul and higher selves, these parasites also deform your physical appearance since conception.
With the clearing of implants, ascendants therefore will inevitably develop into their perfect form. Even things that could not scientifically be healed or reform might heal the farther you rise in your ascension and the more implants are cleared. In a previous post it was mentioned that the early human traitors are basically able to regrow and even shapeshift easily. This will be the case for the higher ascendants as well, they will first-off have very few parasites hindering their perfect form. The higher ones will even be able to adjust their blueprints and regrow their bodies into them faster - which is basically shapeshifting.
Therefore, as an ascendant, you should definitely not be worried about your body and appearance that much, as you will get more beautiful, proportional to your height in your ascension automatically.
With the clearing of implants, ascendants therefore will inevitably develop into their perfect form. Even things that could not scientifically be healed or reform might heal the farther you rise in your ascension and the more implants are cleared. In a previous post it was mentioned that the early human traitors are basically able to regrow and even shapeshift easily. This will be the case for the higher ascendants as well, they will first-off have very few parasites hindering their perfect form. The higher ones will even be able to adjust their blueprints and regrow their bodies into them faster - which is basically shapeshifting.
Therefore, as an ascendant, you should definitely not be worried about your body and appearance that much, as you will get more beautiful, proportional to your height in your ascension automatically.
Questions by readers
How do the chimera programs work?
If you feed AI with nonsense, it will produce nonsense, see new AI developments like ChatGPT for example. So likewise, the Chimera is feeding all intelligence on Earth and primarily humans with nonsense since millennia. Especially in the spiritual communities nonsense is how they dismantle those who wake up - i.e. how many years are the preppers saying āthe endā or WW3 comes 'this year' - though it never came. The same is happening with nearly every human constantly, especially in the unconscious, but their programming is also reaching far into the mainstream media. They have thereby established a common sense of normality which is far from the actual normal and legitimise their gutting of energies and loosh-theft with it. They also cloud the perception of such energy theft, which is why they target especially the spiritual communities. Even the official Age of Aquarius group on Facebook by Cobra is a great example, there are so many posts far out of tune of what is published on the Portal blog. The chimera just send minions of their contracted humans and certainly confuse the promising groups up to driving the innocent members into insanity (most humans do not even consciously realise that they are subversive against those communities though).
Also humans have been programmed since millennia to discredit and ignore those who could potentially really help them. Their base program is to take from and offend the biggest souls among themselves (partly unconscious again). They have been programmed against the Liberation which the chimera knew would come one day since ages. It is visible for one example via those people who constantly demand something of the Lightforces and even begin to hate them for not changing the situation instantly. This attitude is actually what the chimera induced for the Lightworkers and it is already spread far among the Lightworkers. Yet most of them do not sense it is a program but rather believe it is their personal perception and their own needs they promote. That is also a good example of how subtle these programs work, people usually confuse them with themselves and will not detect them even upon being confronted with them. The farther you actually go for doing the will of the Goddess, the farther you are in ascension and the easier you will perceive these programs (also in other people). It will even get easier to dismantle some, the better your perception gets.
Also humans have been programmed since millennia to discredit and ignore those who could potentially really help them. Their base program is to take from and offend the biggest souls among themselves (partly unconscious again). They have been programmed against the Liberation which the chimera knew would come one day since ages. It is visible for one example via those people who constantly demand something of the Lightforces and even begin to hate them for not changing the situation instantly. This attitude is actually what the chimera induced for the Lightworkers and it is already spread far among the Lightworkers. Yet most of them do not sense it is a program but rather believe it is their personal perception and their own needs they promote. That is also a good example of how subtle these programs work, people usually confuse them with themselves and will not detect them even upon being confronted with them. The farther you actually go for doing the will of the Goddess, the farther you are in ascension and the easier you will perceive these programs (also in other people). It will even get easier to dismantle some, the better your perception gets.
What can I do to fight the main attachment (the main implant)?
This is one of the questions that humans asked themselves throughout many times in history. You can see that mirrored in an old Cherokee proverb about two wolves, one white and one black. Of course it is the one you feed that wins in the end. It moved humanity through the ages of how to win against their own negativity, their own negative 'side', while there is no fast solution to it obviously.
An advice would be: become the best version of yourself, the best you could possibly imagine. Become the most kind person you can be. But also you have to stay harsh towards the falsehood and lies all around you at the same time. Generally many ascension tips will help, strive to become a more spiritual person, even a guru, if you can. Do not lose your personality on the way though. Ego-loss is necessary and many people in spiritual history probably meant losing your main attachment with the term āego-lossā. Be selfless towards the poor and kind but stay strong against rather evil or bad people and hope that you can properly differentiate between them. Generally develop your spiritual senses without falling for symbology or signs. Read the rather true information from the Portal blog or general outlets like for example the Spending time on exalted and true topics will also help to purify you to a degree. On these sites you will find a lot of material of how to develop your psyche, body and soul. Prepare to open the third eye if you have not already to deliver a proper seat for your soul. You might have to go through the 'night of the soul' in this phase still but your ascension will be worth it. Develop absolute quietness of your mind and thoughts, generally what some spiritual gurus in ancient scriptures told, is oftentimes worth learning.
An advice would be: become the best version of yourself, the best you could possibly imagine. Become the most kind person you can be. But also you have to stay harsh towards the falsehood and lies all around you at the same time. Generally many ascension tips will help, strive to become a more spiritual person, even a guru, if you can. Do not lose your personality on the way though. Ego-loss is necessary and many people in spiritual history probably meant losing your main attachment with the term āego-lossā. Be selfless towards the poor and kind but stay strong against rather evil or bad people and hope that you can properly differentiate between them. Generally develop your spiritual senses without falling for symbology or signs. Read the rather true information from the Portal blog or general outlets like for example the Spending time on exalted and true topics will also help to purify you to a degree. On these sites you will find a lot of material of how to develop your psyche, body and soul. Prepare to open the third eye if you have not already to deliver a proper seat for your soul. You might have to go through the 'night of the soul' in this phase still but your ascension will be worth it. Develop absolute quietness of your mind and thoughts, generally what some spiritual gurus in ancient scriptures told, is oftentimes worth learning.
Will psychedelic drugs help ascension?
It is sad that some people still think that drugs will help with spirituality. While they could potentially help without the chimera parasites, at this time, drugs will rather hinder your ascension. Simply because most psychedelic drugs were prepared over the ages by the chimera. Everything around you is full of unseen parasitic entities which will inevitably use your vulnerable state on those drugs against you. Some psychedelic drugs are even 'managed' by chimera-members and will lead to severe problems for your natural chance to ascend. For example higher ascendants and Starseeds have a high load of drug-victims they take care of all the time. While some humans into drugs actually strive for out-of-body-experiences, many of them then never return into their bodies by design. It is the Starseeds and higher Lightworkers who then have to explain to those that there is no way back out of their desperate state of being after being exited from their physical bodies. And it is definitely desperate, they want nothing more than to continue their (physical) lifes, which simply is not possible anymore then. Some get that problem by just smoking one joint, for others it might take stronger psychedelics to get them out of their bodies. And guess what then takes your place in your body, many people consciously or subconsciously promoting these drugs are working for the chimera and actually get energetic support for it. While many humans are not aware of that, some certainly sponsor their own dream-life with such and similar behaviour and luring and will of course leave the Earth for that in the end.
I really stumble upon "not everyone is part of Source by default". How can anything exist outside of Source? Is there a plane where everything is ONE, or not?
The whole universe basically exists outside of Source. Source were the ones who created the universe, it is based in their world. You can imagine that as just putting some energies into a sphere in which the universe then developed and took the form we know today. Source was not even present in the universe from the beginning although Source went through the whole history of the Universe once they entered their universe. So it is just energies in the universe you probably mean by 'everyone is part of Source'. And these energies were not even coming completely from Source themselves. It was just several complex ingredients they selected to create this universe with.
Also the plane where everything is ONE rather sounds like a nightmare than a spiritual truth. While you could see all energies being pretty much one or āthe sameā from a higher viewpoint, the universe rather works as well as it does by creating a separating structure, channeling the energies involved in a certain direction which then create a fulfilling living space in the end - per se everything should definitely not be one and the same. The whole creation is based on these energies, though there were several different base energies involved. What spiritual people often see as oneness is rather the oneness of souls. The soul is an interface which basically is the same for all truly living beings. And therefore these beings are certainly united to the degree of their soul on a higher level - like fruits growing on the same tree all looking similar.
The oneness several spiritual outlets promote is rather part of the new age propaganda by the chimera though. They want every human to be part of the ascension, especially their own fake-humans. Those chimera-fake humans depend heavily on closeness to real humans and therefore they love to promote unity and oneness for all the wrong reasons. The real oneness only exists among the true, ensouled humans and not for the approximately 500 million fake humans, which Cobra mentioned. Also, as a big part of humanity will be evacuated, the oneness to humanity will be decreasing for those by quite a bit. However those humans who stay, the ascendants, will of course move in complete harmony and have a oneness in motives from some time in Liberation onwards.
Also the plane where everything is ONE rather sounds like a nightmare than a spiritual truth. While you could see all energies being pretty much one or āthe sameā from a higher viewpoint, the universe rather works as well as it does by creating a separating structure, channeling the energies involved in a certain direction which then create a fulfilling living space in the end - per se everything should definitely not be one and the same. The whole creation is based on these energies, though there were several different base energies involved. What spiritual people often see as oneness is rather the oneness of souls. The soul is an interface which basically is the same for all truly living beings. And therefore these beings are certainly united to the degree of their soul on a higher level - like fruits growing on the same tree all looking similar.
The oneness several spiritual outlets promote is rather part of the new age propaganda by the chimera though. They want every human to be part of the ascension, especially their own fake-humans. Those chimera-fake humans depend heavily on closeness to real humans and therefore they love to promote unity and oneness for all the wrong reasons. The real oneness only exists among the true, ensouled humans and not for the approximately 500 million fake humans, which Cobra mentioned. Also, as a big part of humanity will be evacuated, the oneness to humanity will be decreasing for those by quite a bit. However those humans who stay, the ascendants, will of course move in complete harmony and have a oneness in motives from some time in Liberation onwards.
Also regarding the phrase 'I am God - I am not God', it is coined towards and works because of your chance to become a God via your human life. As said above, every human has a pretty good blueprint from God. Though, if every human was a God already, the Earth would definitely look different - this should be obvious. The abilities of humans are of course far below the abilities of the God oftentimes mentioned in the bible, who is one of the biggest souls of the positive spirituality still active on Earth. Some ascendants will surely become small Gods themselves, some might even become bigger Gods. Most ascendants except a few Starseeds will stay below the level of the biblical God by far though. Some Starseeds will ascend to their original height who are partly very high Gods of cosmic relevance. This phrase therefore rather works well because of your potential, a potential the chimera wants to neglect - therefore it repairs and shows where this potential is being sabotaged and where not if you use the phrase.
Hi, Sebastian, could you shortly explain how accurate akashic readings are?
Generally, akashic readings were potentially as accurate as people on the Earth could analyse a whole life (all incarnations) of a soul (besides other things) on Earth. This was the most accurate way before the Lightforces and higher alien species came for Liberation. The accuracy also heavily depended on the reader of the records, some can access more details than others. The accuracy of analysis of what a soul went through was raised a lot since the Lightforces arrived though. We have aliens among the Lightforces who can see much more details about the lifeforms they analyse than possible on Earth ever before. That means these people have much higher access to the cosmic truth and details than anyone on Earth before the Liberation. So akashic readings were the best that are available on Earth for a long time.
But few humans on the surface actually can provide accurate readings, and human readings are of course always just a part of the truth, so much depends on the one who reads, as they tend to mention the things they themselves perceive as important. Originally these readings are communicated over without words in other languages which humans cannot usually understand. Therefore humans telling of these records are bound to mention just parts of that due to limitations of human language itself (even if it might be partly genuine). Very few humans on the surface can do such readings and communicate them reasonably good. Some humans can channel beings who can perhaps communicate the important parts a bit better for you. You get the best readers in the inner Earth but most humans will not be accepted there yet. On the surface you should be very careful with people who supposedly do akashic readings therefore.
Most evolved and purified lightworkers will ascend when time is right, so I want to know what most evolved and purified actually means?
Cobra is correct with that of course, what he means is probably this: Most evolved means that as a human being, you already have got a soul. Not every soul is the same size (which correlates with its evolution usually). So while some humans ascend easier as they got a bigger or more evolved soul, some will be slower in their ascension. You can of course evolve in your ascension all the time but a lot is dependent on the level your soul already has, the rest is hard work and helping the Liberation of Earth as much as you possibly can.
Purified means probably that those who merited a lot of implant removals will also have an easier ascension. Removing implants is hard work for the spiritual beings who do this at this time, that is why they will pick the most promising humans for some special implant clearings. Some implants will be cleared generally while others require hard work and will remain special for some time. The less implants you have, the more purified you are, the easier will be your ascension. Also you need to purify your psyche and mental body to get forward in ascension. So yes, of course those who are most evolved in their soul-level and purified themselves via shadow-work and the like will definitely ascend also in their experienced life, when they decide the time is right for them to actually live their ascension.
It is also true that some humans will receive their ascension with the help of higher technology after the Event, and as Cobra said, this will only be available after the Event. The part of the ascension which such healing-technology can solve is of course mostly body/implant related. As told before, removing the main attachment for example will be much faster and easier with such technology as well as more humans can be served at once. These healings will rather solve problems that hindered some people to ascend properly and open the path to further ascension for most. Many ascendants will only then be able to free themselves of their main attachment for example, which hinders vital parts of developing their true god-/goddess-like self.
Purified means probably that those who merited a lot of implant removals will also have an easier ascension. Removing implants is hard work for the spiritual beings who do this at this time, that is why they will pick the most promising humans for some special implant clearings. Some implants will be cleared generally while others require hard work and will remain special for some time. The less implants you have, the more purified you are, the easier will be your ascension. Also you need to purify your psyche and mental body to get forward in ascension. So yes, of course those who are most evolved in their soul-level and purified themselves via shadow-work and the like will definitely ascend also in their experienced life, when they decide the time is right for them to actually live their ascension.
It is also true that some humans will receive their ascension with the help of higher technology after the Event, and as Cobra said, this will only be available after the Event. The part of the ascension which such healing-technology can solve is of course mostly body/implant related. As told before, removing the main attachment for example will be much faster and easier with such technology as well as more humans can be served at once. These healings will rather solve problems that hindered some people to ascend properly and open the path to further ascension for most. Many ascendants will only then be able to free themselves of their main attachment for example, which hinders vital parts of developing their true god-/goddess-like self.
Is all the information starseeds provide for the lightforces, for example [...] given by the starseeds consciously, or is it possible that the LF take information from the experiences of the starseeds and lightworkers even if the starseeds are unaware of that in their daily lives?
Usually information is provided consciously but the details are of course not conscious. You can imagine that as a transmission of a data-stream which is on a certain topic. While the Starseeds are conscious of the topic and the transmission itself, they are not conscious about all the details constantly (as that would be too much for their human consciousness - it is like going through the whole experience). Also, some smaller transmissions take place constantly in the background, and while the Starseeds could do that consciously, they also have a human life to live, so that is when the transmissions are rather switched to the background.
Another question I have is about the percentage of humans who will not be able to continue as humans because of the parasitic parts. Are these ones basically humans with very small souls? And what life forms could they turn into? And this actually happens after they die? Meaning the very small souls will not live as humans again after their current lives come to an end?
Basically this happens with humans after they die all the time for some even during their life. Many humans were incarnated by the chimera and their soul is not capable to hold their human body stable. They are stabilised by chimera AI and they will never get to know about it. The positive, established spiritual factions on the Earth constantly save souls who are not capable to 'lift' their human life and reincarnate them as animals or generally smaller lifeforms which these humans are actually capable to hold and lift. There are many factors in that process but basically a big soul can potentially lift more and stabilise a bigger body than a small one.
Why would the Atlanteans at that time decide to sacrifice one of the Goddesses?
For some it was because of an irrational survival instinct, others wanted to become god-like by eating and consuming her violently. However the whole scenario was heavily steered by the main parasite/the chimera already back then. And yes, that behaviour still echoes in human society today, by people who sabotage other people who are higher ensouled. That is of course invisible because every human is officially treated equally and soul size is hidden by design. So many humans do not really know what they are doing and that they are doing exactly what the chimera wants by sabotaging other humans who are oftentimes higher ensouled. Many humans establish this trait without doing anything wrong superficially within the norms of the society humanity established on Earth (heavily under the influence of the chimera of course).
Does the biochip gather subquantum anomaly around us to suppress our capabilities?
Yes, it is one of the main means of suppression the chimera uses upon us, especially when we are close to a solution or an actual positive change or breakthrough in our life. While the parasitic contamination and implants are having a general negative effect that is rather arbitrary and constant, the effects of the chips are completely and consciously controlled and triggered by the chimera. Therefore they can target certain people at the exact times they need to be targeted and burdened with anomaly via the chips. A good example would be, someone being at a breakthrough moment but suddenly realising that he needs to rest and going to sleep. Humans being targeted will perceive that as a natural sleepiness setting in while it is actually the chip. Same for inducing anomaly or anything else these chips can do. The anomaly though is rather being delivered to the individual from the surroundings and not coming from the chips themselves, which rather serve as a means to locate the target of the attack in that case.
If you want to ask a question to be answered in the upcoming posts, please write a comment only containing the question at best. Also please ask with simple words and keep it short if possible.
Massively informative, inspiring, helpful, full of light. Thank you dearest Sebastien.
ReplyDeleteHi seb good update thanks with the parasite issue what's the most effective way of clearing them please?;thanks votl... 0~
ReplyDeleteCan I use a japamala for the phrase 'I am God, I am not God' with the violet flame to remove the implants?
ReplyDeleteGratitude for everything, Sebastian! āØļøšæāØļøš£āØļø
You have some English Sisterhood of the Rose international healing+clearing implants sessions here "Let's Heal Together"
Quieting the mind is crucial for removing the programs. Excellent post, thank you.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the order of melchisedechs on one of the 2 timelines (astral ray built on an androĆÆd who has no mother and no father).
ReplyDeleteIt's seems like the part about "oneness" is only talking about tangible physical reality. Real Oneness is the Infinite ocean of indiscribable orgasmic super bliss that is the only true reality (our existence here is illusion). In Hindu tradition the highest attainable state is Nirbikalpa (sp) Samadhi. Being aware of both the Infinite and all creation at the same time. I've only heard of a few that ever got that far. (Krishna,Yeshua, Babaji, etc...). One thing I don't get is why can't The Infinite that is everything, yet exists beyond creation just step in, vacuum up all the evil that refuses to head home and send it to the Great Central Sun for recycling? That highest level must be able to disintegrate the primary anomaly instantly. There must be some unforseen consequences preventing this...š¤·āāļø.
ReplyDeleteI think he (or she, or whatever) doesnĀ“t want to step in because the whole game being played by his fractals (or souls) according to the rules he set would become worthless. It would be like dissolving it, you could do it to prevent evil and suffering, but the game (creation) wouldnĀ“t be of value anymore, and the evolution of consciousness pursued with it. As for example in a soccer game thatĀ“s not going the way the authorities wanted they stepped in, inmobilized the players of one side and allowed the other to score as many goals as they wanted. It could be done but the game would be worthless as such. So instead he guides the LF to gradually supress evil but respecting the rules, wthout spoiling the whole thing. Something like that, I think
DeleteGood point Don. I'm reminded of a Star Trek TNG episode where Data and Jordy are playing Sherlock Holmes on the holideck. It's too easy, and Data can figure out all variations quickly. So they program the computer to create an adversary capable of defeating Data. The Moriarty that spawns runs amok and takes control of the Enterprise. Is that what happened here? Did Source/Creator get tired of playing with itself and make a truly formidable foe? Probably should have left some of the safety protocols/fail-safes on...
DeleteCCustodian, yes, I think he got tired of playing with itself, but didnĀ“t try to make a formidable foe. Instead of playing with itself anymore it made the creation, so that bits or fractals of its consciousness played a real game among themselves. But the big foe came because the primary anomaly (subquantum included) meddled with its creation and created darkness and all the suffering. The safety protocol woud have implied to step in and cancel, but the Source/Creator decided instead to dissolve and integrate all that anomaly so that it wouldnĀ“t exist anymore in the future. And by the end of this process we are at this time.. the Source doesnĀ“t know or control everything in creation (as we were told recently by Cobra), because the anomaly meddled with it, but is in the process of doing so. ThatĀ“s in general what I think, about that.
DeleteItĀ“s hard for us to conceive a good story without a worthy foe, but in the light there must be a wide range of varied experiences different in quality enough to make things interesting without having to fight bad guys, WeĀ“ll see at the end of this story..
Don I agree that Source probably didn't intend to create evil or a devastating adversary. More like, "I wonder what it's like to feel separate from myself, or to not know everything". Something along the lines of a random experience generator. What's done is done, now we're just part of the team tasked with fixing this nonsense. It sounds hokey and cliche, but the answer is love. I had a dream years ago that illustrates this. I was watching a dark ritual, (reanimating the dead?) And a demonic high priestess got in my face and didn't appreciate me being there. Without thinking I reached out my hand and put it on her heart. I said, "I love you, please wake up". Her face shifted from terrifying to that of a normal woman with a look of absolute astonishment on it. This was in contrast to a dream where I tried violence and got swarmed by darkness. All we gotta do is shatter our heart blocks and shine to our full potential. Piece of cake š
DeleteCC, sure! easiest thing in the world, less than a hundred people have achieved it in history :) But without darkness and much assistance, though not a piece of cake, it will be different..
DeleteAs I understand the information given on this blog and 2012portal, creation was not intended but happened due to friction with the primary anomaly. I understand it to be a necessary ingredient for "seperated" creation; Cobra stated that even after dissolution of darkness (Victory of the Light) a tiny, tiny fraction of the anomaly will still remain in this universe. Something like "the creation serves the purpose to learn to understand the anomaly" was also mentioned, so Source doesn't seem to be almighty/all-knowing.
DeleteOn a smaller scale about the liberation of earth it was said it is to the highest purpose that the Light Forces fund at least half of the liberation energy-wise, or earth would not be owned by the entities settled here afterwards.
Yes, i am also very curious what the "worthy foe" will be replaced with when there is no darkness around anymore =D Warrior souls will tell us. =))
Insert, I kinda get the part of Source/Creator not knowing everything. That must be due to the randomness that occurs because of our free will. It also makes sense that some anomaly would remain to keep the unknowingness going for the next cosmic cycle of creation. I just hope there is a way to keep it from spiraling into the abyss of darkness and lunacy again. Is it possible to have limits/safeguards and still have true free will?š¤
DeleteThat is exactly the problem with the free will.
DeleteFirstoff, creation is no game for Source or anything like that. They just come inside their own universe and finalise it. That means fixing the whole cosmos and especially repair the wrong turns the prime creator and his early descendants took.
Also this fixing means that evil like on Earth should never happen again. Regarding free will you can think of it like this: you know that you fall, if you jump out of a window. In the same way taking energy of others, being parasitic like the chimera will cause a fall.
Therefore, while lifeforms could do evil it simply will not work anymore, they will fall immediately. So it is rather the feedback loop that is extremely tightened for things the chimera did and still does on Earth.
It certainly is a small change of free will but after all, all lifeforms want to live in this universe, so it needs to work to get everyone fulfilled.
Great analogy Sebastian, I get it. Darkness will have the same downfall via the same mechanism, but faster.
DeleteI appreciate the reply and great info you post on this blog Sebastian. Do you think that a kind of forgetfulness limit will be imposed? I mean that beings like the Chimera only became parasitic because they totally forgot their own Light and connection to Source. The level of anomaly in their auric field blocking the Truth/Light must be immense!
DeleteThanks Sebastian. I dont get discouraged too often but I did a bit today considering that these small Atlantean ones as well causing us problems. I thought we were a bit more ahead. I have tried so hard here and had hoped for some reason to celebrate a bit. I am motivating myself to go forward now. I wonder if you can say some words about the present nature happenings with fires and floodings. I guess the dark forces is involved? has a radio show that's really good. He was explaining how aluminum aerosols sprayed in chemtrails are causing the serious fires seen around the world the past decade. Aluminum aerosol is an industrial fire accelerant! It makes the fires burn hotter too, which makes the smoke go higher into the atmosphere. That's why we get smoke when there's a fire anywhere in North America. I've lived here my whole life and it was never like this. To me that's pretty solid proof, fires 1,000 miles away cause smoke like it's 50 miles. The whole summer it's been choking air here from fires in freaking Canada. It's bad today and has me wondering if it's from Hawaii which must be several thousand miles away.
DeleteHi sebastian I was just curious if I'm one of the ascendants that will move into higher dimensionality thanks.
ReplyDeleteAccording to my information you will not in this cycle. Then again, there is no need to as fulfillment / fun on Earth after the Event is not necessary correlated with higher dimensionality. It is rather a decision of what you can afford for your work in this cycle, and some people will decide against higher dimensionality and will instead go for something else.
DeleteSo, it is not even a direct relation to your ascension-height here.
Ok thanks SebastiƔn I try to stay positive and keep negativity out of my life as much as I can
DeleteAmazing information. I can believe in microscopic intelligent beings. Normal geopolitics is confusing, I can't even imagine the galactic/multidimensional situation. The description of people being aged and made ugly is so perfect. People really do look like stereotypical goblins, ogres, demons, and orcs. At a restaurant yesterday a woman sat at the booth next to me who was as wide as she was tall, I'm like wow there's a Mancubus next to me, how am I supposed to be okay with this? The constant low-level stress is wearing me out. It scares me, the forces that could do this to people. I see the anomaly effect in my family and myself too. Anyways, I'm glad someone is doing something about it.
ReplyDeleteI could deal with fighting a monster in battle, but to have it be a poor woman next to me at a restaurant and have to sit there like everything is fine, it's too much. In that regard I can say it must be the worst in the galaxy. Sure there are worse monsters, but not your own species and not everyone thinking it's normal. I guess I need to keep embodying fortitude and self-motivation regardless of conditions. It's not easy when the mission is your whole life and there's no escape. That's well known to make a warrior break, so I don't see how we can be expected to do it.
ReplyDeleteYou are certainly on point of how plain stupid this war is the chimera burdened on us. Humans do not even get the chance for a proper fight. Our means to fight seem to be enduring such situations and waiting for progress of the Lightforces.
DeleteGreat example.
What helps me is to think of it like spies during WW2. It was easy to infiltrate a different country because they didn't have sophisticated control like a computer database ID system. Many spies from all sides were living in other countries like a normal person. They had boring jobs, boring lives, probably one small task if anything, just waiting. You have to remember the mission at all times and not get disillusioned, even after years of no contact from your side. Are they coming? Did they forget you even exist? I like to gain strength from their dedication to continue even with no support, just stick to the mission and carry it out until the end.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you for this update š
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned shadow work ; would you have a recommendation for a shadow work method I could use? I tried shadow work a couple of years ago I think, but I gave up because it didn't seem to do anything. I didn't feel any insight, didn't learn anything. I would like to evolve, but lately, I have been feeling too weak, and I have so many doubts. I don't know what to believe anymore. I want to believe what you and Cobra explain, but I can't prove anything, which also makes it very difficult for me to introduce this information to new people. I'm actually terrified that I won't survive until the Event, that I may have to take my own life because I can't bear my life circumstances anymore.
It's funny that you wrote that many people are currently enjoying the summer months, because for me it's the complete opposite, I have always hated summer, I can't stand the heat and now there's a new heatwave coming. I remember you writing about the climate changing for natural reasonsā¦ Would it be possible to have more information about this? Do you know what are the exact causes of the climate change, then? Does it mean that the warming will not be as bad as the mainstream media tell us? Will we return to lower temperatures?
CO2-induced climate change is a scam to frighten and control people. One reason for the climate constantly changing can be the varying earth-sun distance, as the sun also rotates around the center of mass of the solar system. I read we might even be heading towards a SMALL ice age, so people like you might enjoy it. =)
DeleteThank you so much Sebastian.
I want to work with energy stones and crystalls. Can you recommend how to work with them energeticaly and which stones and crystalls?
NĆ©zz meg nĆ©hĆ”ny kƶvet, vagy kristĆ”lyt, Ć©s ami szĆ”modra kellemes Ć©rzĆ©st kelt, akkor azzal foglalkozz. elÅszƶr rakj ki egy nĆ©gyzetet, majd egy hĆ”romszƶget, vĆ©gĆ¼l egy kƶrt, Ć©s ha Ć©rzĆ©keled az energiĆ”kat, az mĆ”r jĆ³. Ha elkezdesz magadra figyelni, akkor mĆ”r nem energiĆ”kkal, sem fĆ©nnyel-sƶtĆ©tsĆ©ggel fogsz foglalkozni, de addig fejlÅdĆ©snek jĆ³ az energia Ć©rzĆ©kelĆ©s, Ć©s rĆ”jƶssz majd, hogy az energiĆ”k okozzĆ”k a legtƶbb bajt szĆ”modra, ha nem tudod az elmĆ©ddel elÅĆ”llĆtott energiĆ”t magadban semmissĆ© tenni.
DeleteA question that comes to mind: To what extent do you see diet having an effect on health and returning to a more perfect physical state? Are there diets that work better when dealing with subquantum anomaly and other negative entities?
ReplyDeleteI like chef salad. But the best way for me is to eat once a day whatever i like.
DeleteHa jĆ³l műkƶdik az emĆ©sztĆ©sed, akkor minden Ć©tel amit megeszel, az utolsĆ³ atomig tĆ”vozni fog belÅled, mĆ©g az is, amit mĆ©regnek neveznek. Az evĆ©s valĆ³jĆ”ban egy program, amit majd csak a levegÅvĆ©tel megszĆ¼ntetĆ©se elÅtt fogunk vĆ©gleg megszűntetni. A levegÅvĆ©tel megszĆ¼ntetĆ©se utĆ”n akĆ”r a fƶld feletti űrben is tudunk majd lĆ©tezni embertestben. Ezek mĆ©g az utĆ”n lehetsĆ©ges, ha elÅtte ember, illetve asszonnyĆ” vĆ”ltak a nÅk, Ć©s a fĆ©rfiak.
DeleteHa beszĆ©lsz pl a szer lĆ©pĆ©seirÅl, akkor mĆ”sokat fogsz megakadĆ”lyozni az emberrĆ©, asszonnyĆ” vĆ”lĆ”sban. Az ima, a meditĆ”ciĆ³, az auditĆ”lĆ”s, csak arra valĆ³, ha jĆ³l teszed meg, hogy az elmĆ©det lecsendesĆtsd, Ć©s a figyelmedet Ć”t tudd magadra, a magra helyezni. A figyelem az, mikor csukott szemmel figyeled a lĆ©gzĆ©sed, ahogy a levegÅt beszĆvod, bemegy a tĆ¼dƶdbe, ls vĆ©gĆ¼l kifĆŗjod. Ez a technika rendberakja a lĆ©gzĆ©sed is. A nĆ©zĆ©s a kĆ©t szemeddel vĆ©gzed, ezĆ©rt a figyelemkor be kell csukni a szemeidet. A pĆ”ros vĆz szerrel jelentÅsen meg lehet nƶvelni a hĆ©t teremtÅ Ć©rzĆ©sed nagysĆ”gĆ”t erejĆ©t. A beszĆ©ddel azĆ©rt teremtesz, mert amit kimondasz, azt Ćŗgy is Ć©rzed, de a ha az elmĆ©d gondolatait mondod ki, akkor mĆ”r is szennyezed a szavaidban az Ć©rzelmeidet a gondolatokkal. Az Ć©rzelmeidet mĆ©g a csakrĆ”idnĆ”l lĆ©vÅ energia kƶrƶk is szennyezik. Az MI, Ć©s az elme, de a csippek is csak az energiĆ”t, az Ć©rzelmekhez kapcsolĆ³dott energiĆ”t Ć©rzĆ©kelik, de az Ć©rzelmeket nem tudjĆ”k felfogni, mĆ©g akkor sem, ha csinĆ”ltak olyan kĆ©szĆ¼lĆ©ket, amivel az Ć©rzelmeket Ć”talakĆtjĆ”k. Ezek a kĆ©szĆ¼lĆ©kek is energiĆ”val műkƶdnek, ezĆ©rt torz lesz azok szĆ”mĆ”ra az Ć©rzelmeid megĆ©rtĆ©se, akik rabszolgĆ”t szeretnĆ©nek belÅled kreĆ”llni. Amint magadra figyelsz Ć©s hallgatsz folyamatosan, onnantĆ³l nem vagy rabszolga, Ć©s vagy szkĆtĆ”nak (szkĆta=szkĆ-ta=szĆk-ta=szik Ćŗt), vagy homĆ³nak (hom-Ć³=Ć-hom=Å-hĆ”m) nevezheted magad. A szik, Ć©s a hĆ”m a mag alkotĆ³ rĆ©sze. A mag a magyarok (magyar=mag-y-ar=mag-Ć”r, Az "y" betű azt jelenti itt, hogy a magnak sok jelentĆ©se van.), Ć©s kb 20 ezer magyr Ć©l E fƶldƶn, tehĆ”t a tƶbbi ember, illetve asszony vagy szik, vagy hĆ”m. Egy embernek hĆ”rom neve van: Ć©lÅ, vezetĆ©k Ć©s kereszt neve, az Ć©lÅ nĆ©v, azt mutatja meg, hogy Ć©lsz, a vezetĆ©k nĆ©v, ami vezet, a kereszt nĆ©v, ami a kereszted, a terhed, amit le kell raknod. A kĆ³d az magyarul kƶdƶt jelent, Ć©s aki kĆ³dokrĆ³l beszĆ©l, akkor biztos lehetsz benne, hogy kƶdƶsĆt, Ćŗjabb fĆ”tyolt helyez elĆ©d, vagyis hazudik neked. Az Ć©giek Ć”ltal kĆ¼ldƶtt informĆ”ciĆ³t ha nem Ć©rti meg a kƶzvetĆtÅ, akkor hazudni fog neked. pl kĆ³dot, istent, lelket mond, a Ć”tadĆ”sban. Az akasa olvasĆ”sakor is ez a helyzet, ha valaki nem Ć©rtett meg valamit. Ha van kĆ©rdĆ©setek, keressetek az email cĆmemen, Ć©s amint lehetÅsĆ©gem lesz, vĆ”laszolok rĆ”:
ReplyDeleteA hĆ©t teremtÅ Ć©rz-elem: 1. fegy-elem, 2. tĆ¼r-elem, 3. figy-elem, 4. szer-elem, amelyek nyitjĆ”k a belsÅ kapudat, belsÅ gĆ”tadat, ezĆ©rt elemek, vagy is az egĆ©sz rĆ©szei. A sok 5. jĆ³sĆ”gbĆ³l (jĆ³l Ć©rzed magad egy kƶrnyezetben, vagy valaki tĆ”rsasĆ”gĆ”ban) lesz a 6. szeretet, Ć©s a sok szeretetbÅl lesz a szerelem. 7. a boldogsĆ”g, amit a magban a szikrĆ”d fog megtapasztalni. Az angolban a szeretet, Ć©s a szerelem egy szĆ³, ha jĆ³l tudom, pedig a magyarban egĆ©szen mĆ”st jelent a kĆ©t szĆ³, de mindegyik egyik gyƶke a szer. Ha egyĆ©nileg szabad lettĆ©l (magyarul ezt kĆ¼lcsĆnnek nevezik = kĆ¼lsÅ csinos, Ć©s a csinos nem a test szĆ©psĆ©gĆ©t jelenti magyarul, Ć©s ezt is kevesen tudjĆ”k), akkor tudod vĆ©gigvinni a gyƶkĆ©rtĆ”rsaddal, rƶviden tĆ”rsaddal, amit magyarul belbecsnek (belsÅ becsĆ¼letes) neveznek. A belbecs sorĆ”n megtudod ki valĆ³jĆ”ban a gyƶkĆ©rtĆ”rsad, a tĆ”rsad, Ć©s vele tudod a pĆ”ros vĆz szert vĆ©gig vinni, aminek a vĆ©gĆ©n a szikrĆ”d bejut a magba, Ć©s ha visszatĆ©r a szikrĆ”d a testedbe, akkor emberrĆ©, illetve asszonnyĆ” vĆ”lsz. Aki nem kapja meg a pĆ”ros vĆz szert, mĆ”skĆ©nt az ƶrƶk Ć©let tudĆ”sĆ”t, az meg fog halni E fƶldƶn, Ć©s nem szĆ”mĆt, ki az illetÅ, Ć©s mit Ć©rt el eddig. Aki meghal, az vagy kap egy Ćŗj lehetÅsĆ©get, Ć©s megszĆ¼letik Ćŗjra, vagy egy mĆ”sik szektorban egy mĆ”sik bolygĆ³ra kerĆ¼l, mint kÅ, nƶvĆ©ny, vagy Ć”llat, Ć©s kezdi teljesen elƶlrÅl a duĆ”lis vilĆ”got. A harmadik lehetÅsĆ©g az, hogy a kƶzponti napba kerĆ¼l, Ć©s a szikrĆ”ja darabokra hullik, majd egyszer Ćŗjra lesz teremtve, Ć©s az Ć©letfa Ćŗj Ć”ga lesz, Ć©s mindent kezd elƶlrÅl, tehĆ”t elveszti eddig megszerzett tudĆ”sĆ”t, tapasztalatĆ”t. A kĆ¼lcsĆnt, tehĆ”t, hogy egyĆ©nileg szabad lĆ©gy, azt neked kell elĆ©rni. Aki elkezd az elmĆ©je helyett, magĆ”ra, a magra figyelni folyamatosan, azt mĆ”r nem lehet programokkal befolyĆ”solni, mivel a magbĆ³l, az egysĆ©gbÅl kapja, mit is tegyen. Aki minden hatĆ”st egyszerre magĆ”ba, a magba kĆ¼ld, azt egy idÅ utĆ”n nem fogjĆ”k bĆ”ntani, mĆ©g a kimĆ©ra sem, ahogy ezeket az entitĆ”sokat nevezitek. BĆ”rmilyen hatĆ”st is kapsz, akĆ”r az kĆvĆ¼l, vagy belĆ¼lrÅl jƶn, ha bekĆ¼ldƶd a magba, akkor az kapja vissza, aki neked kĆ¼ldte a hatĆ”st, rĆ”adĆ”sul 1,6 szeresen fogja visszakapni. A hĆ©t teremtÅ Ć©rzelmet meg a gyƶkĆ©rtĆ”rsad magjĆ”ba kell kĆ¼ldened, Ćŗgy hogy lehunyod a szemed (A csukott szem fontos.). AzĆ©rt tudok errÅl beszĆ©lni, mert ezeket magam Ć”tĆ©ltem, megĆ©ltem, Ć©s Ćgy emberrĆ© lettem. A rĆ©szletekrÅl Ć©s a szer lĆ©pĆ©seirÅl nem beszĆ©lek, Ć©s senki ne beszĆ©ljen, mert ezek a lĆ©pĆ©sek a teremtĆ©s miatt, sosem azonosak.
ReplyDeleteMost lehet olyan dologrĆ³l adok informĆ”ciĆ³t, amit vagy sokkol sokakat, vagy nem is Ć©rti meg. Ha nem Ć©rted meg, vagy sokkol, akkor olvasd el tƶbbszƶr, az ĆrĆ”st, Ć©s egyre tƶbb mindenre rĆ”jƶssz. Magyarul a lĆ©lek = lel Ć©k, lel ok, tehĆ”t megleled, megismered a okaidat, Ć©keidet, problĆ©mĆ”idat. A lĆ©lek szĆ³t, mĆ©g mindig a torz, megvĆ”ltozztatott Ć©rtelmezĆ©sben hasznĆ”ljĆ”k, ahogy sok kifejezĆ©st, Ć©s erre mondok mĆ©g pĆ©ldĆ”kat. Isten = pozitĆv energia, SĆ”tĆ”n = negatĆv energia. Nem isten tervĆ©t hajtjuk vĆ©gre, hanem a TeremtÅjĆ©t, az Ćg AtyƔƩt, Ć©s a NagyboldogasszonyĆ©t. Isten, Ć©s a sĆ”tĆ”n csak akkor szűnik meg benned, ha bekĆ¼ldƶd magadba minden hatĆ”sukat, Ć©s Ćgy a magban, magadban kioltjĆ”k egymĆ”st. Semmilyen mĆ”s eddig E fƶldƶn alkalmazott mĆ³dszer erre nem kĆ©pes. Ha minden hatĆ”st (kĆ¼lsÅ, Ć©s belsÅ), ami Ć©r tĆ©ged, azt bekĆ¼ldƶd magadba, a magodba, akkor a hatĆ”s nem fog rĆ”d hatni, de ehhez szĆ¼ksĆ©g van arra, hogy magadra, a magra figyelj. Itt jegyzem meg, hogy a magot nevezik mĆ©g egysĆ©gnek. A mag nem a felsÅbb Ć©n, Ć©s aki arra vesz rĆ” tĆ©ged, hogy a felsÅbb Ć©nedre hallgass, vagy mĆ”s Ć©giekre, az hazudik neked. Magam is kaptam az Ć©giektÅl bizonyos informĆ”ciĆ³kat, hatĆ”sokat, de ezeket azonnal bekĆ¼ldtem magamba, Ć©s Ćgy csak a magbĆ³l fogadok el igazsĆ”gokat, Ć©s tetteket, amiket megteszek. Magamra figyelek, folyamatosan, Ć©s magamra hallgatok folyamatosan, Ć©s minden hatĆ”st magamba kĆ¼ldƶk. Ez alap, Ć©s a mesterek is ezt mondtĆ”k, pl Krisztus. Akkor tudsz magadra figyelni, ha egyĆ©nileg szabad vagy, tehĆ”t nincs fĆ©rjed, felesĆ©ged, Ć©lettĆ”rsad, szexpartnered, Ć©s nem tartozol egyetlen csoporthoz sem, vagy is nem vagy vallĆ”sos, Ć©s nem vagy valamilyen spirituĆ”lis csoport tagja, de nincs olyan felnÅtt fiad, lĆ”nyod, akit mĆ©g nem engedtĆ©l el. Mivel Ć©rzelmi lĆ©nyek vagyunk ezĆ©rt csak Ć©rzelmekkel tudunk teremteni. A hĆ©t teremtÅ Ć©rz-elem: 1. fegy-elem, 2. tĆ¼r-elem, 3. figy-elem, 4. szer-elem, amelyek nyitjĆ”k a belsÅ kapudat, belsÅ gĆ”tadat, ezĆ©rt elemek, vagy is az egĆ©sz rĆ©szei.
ReplyDeleteHi Sebastian.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between Lightworkers and Light Warriors?
Generaly, lightworker are working with imagination and intentionality that create the best positive timeline and lightwarrior are more about combining the positive and negative polarity (with less ego possible)that create a bigger frequancy range who provide more stability to the timeline.š§āāļø
DeleteLightwarriors are actually fighting at the forefront of liberation. You can be sure that they know the Lurker and other chimera-staff from first-hand experience.
DeleteLightworkers in contrast constantly work for the will of the Goddess to be established on Earth. Everything you do in favour of her will is already Light-work. They are or at least they should not be among the most targeted individuals. SotR groups are a good example for Lightworkers, they prepare the Earth for the Goddess to finally arrive (on the surface) and much more.
Hello Sebastian, could you clarify bit more about dimensions/densities. We are living in 3D and will be ascending into 5D, but why 4D is skipped? What's the difference between them?
ReplyDeleteHey, Sebastian, thank you for your responses and given attention to me, us. It is clearly felt inside that it is time now or never. All the military is positioning throughout the world, many puzzle details have been given during the lifetime and it all comes to the moment of now, so the real action will start very soon from 2024 or everything will fall down as from the sky at a stretch which is a bit hardly possible since people wont be able to hold it. And it will not happen in 2028 or 2030 or something like that, it is now or never, so many lighwarriors are waiting for this moment and the action must start soon, very very soon. All the evidences if at least such exists have been collected, president elections stolen, people killed, poisoned, people bought and sold and it is now or never theres nothing to wait, if not now, so by listening to our brothers and sisters from the SOON WORLDS their soon then can mean that EVENT will happen in ten thousand years, because as we have already experienced SOON is the most unthrusty word from their worlds to ours. Cobra in their new conferences also stated something like /it will happen so fast that we can expect huge breakthrough very soon\. So at least arrests must happen very soon and all big actions must start no later than in one years time. Otherwise it is a sectarian belief in the air.
ReplyDeleteThank you Crystall for your words ... I do absolutely agree with you.... In the beginning of 2024. That has to be the time. It could also be even earlier in 2023.
DeleteI feel, that something is in the air. A big change is coming. Very powerful and drastic. But in the end lightful for us starseeds and for humanity and for all this loving star races !!
Thanks! A lot.
ReplyDeleteI definitely noticed these Chimera loads to drag down onto the negative timeline. Like being in a dreamy state and then waking up "why the hell am i imagining Chimera dystopian human societies", while being induced with almost a weird lust for it. FUTURE WILL BE LIGHT ONLY though, hehe.
Dear Sebastien, would you please elaborate a little on the exact defferences between the soul body and the spirit/spiritual body? And the kind of relationships they have? I wanted to ask Cobra this question but unfortunately I was not able to attend any of the conferences so far. I would be grateful if you talk about the differences amd the distinctions and what happens to each during ascension.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the position of Source (of this universe) in the entirety of existence? What is the structure of creation Source live in?
ReplyDeleteCan souls created in this universe leave it and explore beyond?
(I ask this because you said there are universes not created by Source, so Source doesn't seem to be the actual Source)
Okay, I can answer my own question now. According to , which Cobra recommended, to Prime Creator it "appears" there are other Creations not created by him/her, but he doesn't "interface" with it. Yet the virus of darkness came from outside this creation, which consists of tens of thousands of universes. Light workers seem likely to stem from older universes closer to the center of this Creation, so travel between universes is very much possible.
DeleteFor me it sounds like what we call Source is still in a purely introspective phase, after which comes what . . .
I had it in queue for a while to read and it's so awesome dense information, can only recommend it.
Seb the first non physical contact with the central race with a ascendant,was that during the portal of light activation? Yes or no.
ReplyDeleteNo, it was a purely coincidental time when the Central Race member noticed the ascendant.
DeleteThough everything that clears up the fog on Earth helps in this kind of recognition, it was not directly related.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks Seb ...
DeleteAs mentioned in the post, the people of the original Atlanteans is pretty much forked by now.
ReplyDeleteThere are those who stayed true to life, who will merit their place on Earth and in the cosmos (there are actually worlds out there with their close relatives).
The Atlanteans who risk a second fall and those who joined the chimera are likely to be restructured in the Central Sun or transported to prison-planets though.
Hi Sebastian, thanks for answering some of the questions! I will keep it short this time.
ReplyDeleteI received a poem from a friend of mine having prophetic dreams. In the poem, the supposed divine being said,
The path may hurt,
But the end is your era,
The beginning is like your Jacob,
The result of your take-up.
May I know what does āThe beginning is like your Jacobā mean? It is hard for me to decipher.
I earnestly wish to work on my weaknesses and attain ascension, does the LFās have any specific advice?
MaĆÆa79, I posted this for review on the 144 blog, and felt this to be relevant:
ReplyDelete"Regarding loneliness, no one is ever truly alone. There is plant life and animal life to connect to. One can even connect to the microorganisms in their bodies. In my own case, I can go without human contact for very long periods of time. It only requires a reorientation of focus on what constitutes as living - everything is alive. The social aspect in oneself can be redirected to intelligences that exist outside of humanity."
You're on the right track by connecting with nature! Humans come and go though. Connections to the living world around us is more stable. I've always pushed people away if they get too close because I felt more connected to environments than other people. Hard to put into words.
The Spectrum
Libra, yeah, Lightworkers get treated like second class citizens, and enough is enough. Tangible changes need to be experienced ASAP, which would definitely help lightworkers to be in a better state. The damage done by being stuck with dead end jobs like the one I'm working cannot be overstated.
DeleteYeah, they are outnumbered.
DeleteNice bug and twins! š²š²
Last one.
Libra, I haven't tried the SotR groups. There aren't any in my area. I figured that this would be cleared by the Light Forces, especially by now. The Zelda game makes sense. I'm playing TotK right now. All of the Zelda games are quite amazing.
DeleteI definitely have multiple super implants, and my life is worse than it's ever been before. The only solution is to once again go beyond all thought. Only there can the implants lose their influence.
MaĆÆa79, maybe it will never be safe for them to help. That's why help outside 2012 Portal is needed. My hand has once again been forced.
DeleteLibra, yeah, what they are doing is taking some bad apples and assuming that all transgender people are bad apples. It becomes politicized, and although I have many things in common with conservatives (saying no to the vax for example), one of their key weaknesses is that they make too many generalizations. I would never say that men who identify as women should be allowed in women's bathrooms, because this would be exploited by bad apples like crazy, but I see what you mean. The goal of people should be to see reality as accurately as possible, and neither the left nor the right does this.
DeleteIt makes sense what you say about women. I'm not trans, but I too avoid too much contact with women. I too went the MGTOW path without at first realizing it.
Libra, yeah, one of the main patterns in the world is to take any kind of movement - political or nonpolitical - corrupt it, and weaponize it. I agree, MGTOW definitely has distorted perceptions of women.
DeleteMy blog post with the question for Cobra has been updated.
ReplyDeleteI agree, and well said. It's definitely a form of denial. Toxic positivity cuts people off from what's really going on inside, causing major dysfunction, both to themselves and others.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteš I can use humor quite a bit when talking to myself.
ReplyDeleteDear Starseeds
ReplyDeleteHow would it be after the event?
How would we all live?
How will it feel to have a body and mind with the restored full capacity?
What would we do the whole day?
How will First Contact or Re-Contact be?
I am wondering about that a lot.
One day... in the future .... all this endtime madness will be over....
I will be so happy..... we all will be so happy.. and we will be dancing and singing .... and praising !
That will be such a party !
Lets imagine this feeling right now....
Imagine it ... how it already was happening....
enjoy the feeling of joy, relief, peace and mercy.
Thank you universe... thank you.
You want to read more?
I do write in my Channel about my energy work in switzerland.
Feel free to follow my Channel on Telegram:
Regarding the latest 2012portal blog post: these answers are without any (except minor things) new information((
ReplyDeleteIt's sad that even Cobra's blog is likely to be a scam of "hopium".
Hope that I'm wrong, but when I saw this meaningless post of q/a that already been answered I realized Cobra does not want to touch sensitive topics about REAL tangible evidence of positive changes in the physical world.
I mean there were many good questions worth answering and again Cobra answered only "safe" questions like "what about pets? what about fires? why process of liberation is so slow" All these question can be answered in vague way and they are not provocative to the idea of that the liberation will be soon, "very" soon. Yeah, for sure
You might like to become aware that all discrediting of the truth - and Cobra's blog is a huge infusion of the truth - is the influence of the chimera.
DeleteThey will try to discredit everything which leads people to the right understanding. "Hopium" is exactly what the chimera wants people to think, when it comes to Cobra's blog.
Toys and tools will get very smart in those tries to discredit, pretending that those were only vague answers etc. is part of that.
Please lift yourself up above such manipulation, once you get true contact to your higher self, you will know what the Portal (and maybe even the Unveiling) really is.
It is disgusting how the chimera is still influencing and misleading people in this regard.
Thanks for the update.
ReplyDeleteThe post in French / L'article en franƧais :
Victory of the Light! Victoire de la LumiĆØre !
ReplyDeleteI would say the question was not clearly asked for lightworkers who participated in the meditation for it. There will be a possibility for mass contact for all people later, maybe after the event.
I may invite them to restaurant and go see a hockey game after.š¤ That would be awsome
ReplyDeleteIt was actualy in this blog (Update June 2023), where sebastian answered following question. So his answer doesnt have the topic about periods. But my interpretation in relation to his answer is, that there is no need in future to suffer. One day the suffering will be over. Hopefully very soon !
ReplyDeleteHere I do insert what Sebastian wrote:
Question: Why is the pregnancy mechanism a tool for the chimera? Are sexual organs not just for procreating? How do we procreate then after the Event?
The chimera introduced pregnancy as the main means to procreate for some of the first humans when they emerged. The first colonists did not really care because they saw the first humans as much smaller and animal-like compared to themselves. They thought it was acceptable to keep that mechanism for procreation for a lower species like that, as it would have costed a lot of energy to cancel these plans of the chimera.
Sexual organs are usually created for unity, not for procreating - they were merely adopted by the chimera and changed towards procreation. It was the chimera who made the sick connection between the enormous fulfilling fun of unity/sex and creating/caring/duty for offspring - offspring which they rather saw as their forth-coming and food on Earth. They tried to mix the highest fulfilment for humans (unity/sex) with the duty to create further hosts for the parasitic chimera to eat from. If the colonists knew how that played out back then, they would have probably canceled the pregnancy mechanism.
After the Event, humans who ascended and were not evacuated will consciously create their offspring. While nowadays upon pregnancy this planning of offspring-characteristics is not just genetic but also done by automatisms and even consciously by members of the chimera. The ascendants will instead do that themselves. They will select a soul and care for equipping every body part of every body type (mental, emotional, physical, etc. ) with corresponding conscious units (mainly this could be described as spirits for certain parts). So they will meticulously plan every detail of their offspring including the design of their bodies. The bodies could grow like babies but it will also be possible to create offspring in fully grown human (or even just human-like) bodies. This of course heavily depends on the skill of the ascendants regarding these arts. The happiness of the offspring will be in the absolute centre of their creation, like it should have been throughout the universe all the time.
Dear Maia
ReplyDeleteHow do you mean "The lightforces, will need us in the near future?"
Thank you Libra and Maia for sharing. Very interesting !
ReplyDeleteBest thing to do when confusion, paranoia, and cognitive dissonance is in the air:
ReplyDeleteDisengage, chill, be neither here nor there, and enjoy some tunes.
Hi Sebastian, RM and Light Forces,
ReplyDeleteI am studying how physical implants work.
Cobra stated that the conflict of interpersonal relationship is primarily due to the different implants that men and women receive. Men can only feel sexual energy and could not feel love, only when men feel save they will use sexual energy to fuse with love; whereas women feel love energy but not sexual energy, only when women feel save they will fuse love with sexual energy.
An interesting piece of channeling regarding implants stated that the implant women received makes them feel less confident and less valuable than men. This does give me some basic inspiration on how to formulate a question. I wonder how, based on LFās decade long observation, does the implantsā effect manifest themselves in human psyche and behavior? Is it possible to counter sub-quantum anomaly through sheer will, or do we need more soul energy to counteract the effects of the implants? I have felt that physical implants are able to misdirect peopleās mental will at ease.
If the next update includes the specifics, I think it will be helpful for the entire lightworker community to work toward the best version of themselves.
The implants influence everything regarding your life to the negative.
DeleteThe only solution is to remove the implants. You cannot do that yourself as a normal human being, after all it is a hostage scenario. On the surface, the resources for that removal are very limited and the LF are not yet in the position to address all implants. The LF are learning but their influence is still too thin to intervene practically yet. They can remove some lighter implants from the distance but would need to advance to remove the more heavy implants. That will only become possible on compression breakthrough.
Basically all your implants work heavily for 'anti-life' including your love-life (of course they all influence your psyche). Part of those 'anti-life' effects are caused by the sub-quantum anomaly - it is certainly part of their tools, a negative energy, which is amplified by the implants.
Great observations!
ReplyDeleteA paragraph on "toys and tools" will be included in the next update anyway - good synchronicity here. The main tactics they apply will be laid open.
One of the big fronts are the blogs which promote the truth, that is exactly where the Lurker etc. subconsciously want to discredit by influencing people.
People might never believe that, but the chimera and cabal have great interest for the truth to be covered in discredit.
As said the whole reproductive measurements were installed by the chimera, including the menstrual cycle.
ReplyDeleteThis will all change, once we are at compression breakthrough. Changes will be faster for those who are higher in ascension of course.
You should not write such things, and you should know that the cabal is using you as a toy, if you go against Cobra.
ReplyDeleteThe soul behind Cobra is definitely NOT reptilian but rather one of the biggest souls of liberation on the side of absolute life.
Also that soul is a good friend of the Unveiling. The human Cobra might have a few connection problems at this time still, but that is about it.
Please refrain from stabbing any big liberation blogs in the back, that is exactly what the cabal wants you to do.
It is the cabal having taken you over if that happens, cleanse yourself with everything you know of, please.