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Several recent processes of the Lightforces, April and May 2021

Just as Cobra does not write much recently, most people are held back for several reasons to push out the truth. The cabal is obsessed with finding out details about connections they can establish from analysing such posts. It is like someone telling of these processes also has a connection the cabal can use to invade the Lightforces who are responsible for that specific process. So it is hard to write and give more insights right now although it has to work, as people need to be informed and communications have to be secured against cabal-invasion sooner or later anyway.

So several recent processes include:

  • Positive military is still freeing massive amounts of children and hostages from inner Earth parts inhabited by the cabal. It is like in a bad horror movie but they really hijacked children and virgins and try to use their sexual energies for their purposes. These people are monsters. Unfulfilled love and sex is what these Zeta Reticulans and other members of the NAA harvest the most loosh / consciousness energy with. Humanity would go insane in high percentages if they were to witness what those children and hostages underground have gone through. Some (also alien hostages) were transferred to confederational ships right away because the torture would have been incurable on the surface. The heaviest positive military soldiers who have slain some of those monsters partly still get traumata they were trained against, it is heavily disturbing for even the most stable characters. And the cabal are making fun of the torture and pride themselves with how hard it is for the victims. It is certainly unbelievable and indescribable here how sick the cabal really is. Starseeds are partly assisting in guiding the positive military through and providing support for the victims and soldiers in addition to transference to the ships or in case of the cabal to the central sun.
  • The cabal still unsuccessfully wants to establish another nazi-scheme WWIII. Starseeds and lightworkers are being bombarded with psychoterror in such directions to get their consiousness into believing that nazi's were right and jews need to be terminated in the world. Needless to say that despite the parasitic contamination the whole holocaust / WWII drama was staged by the cabal and the chimera. The real parasites are not really humans but Zetas and other member species of the NAA. Those humans taken over and going in pact with these aliens are definitely problems but they are of course not just jews or other specific human races. Basically those in pact will probably remain generally unidentifiable by usual humans. So all wars were of course just fueling the NAA's need for more energy. There have been interferences to hold back that kind of war in the Ukraine and the Middle East at all costs. Very high alien influences were issued towards key persons of the conflict, making them understand who wants war and that there is no reason for it but only the chimera themselves wanting it. Those persons understood that their ‚own‘ reasons were an illusion. No real human would ever declare war or laws/judgements which are then creating a lot of misery for other humans. It is rather NAA/alien manipulation which then gets humans to take inhumane decisions apart from those humans who really went in pact with the cabal, who will deceptively do everything to create inhumane circumstances for many. So we are still successfully preventing the worst until compression breakthrough finally allows the Lightforces to actually land without being taken out immediately by strange technology no human officially knows about yet (nano, etc. ).
  • In the same turn as liberation of the inner Earth parts proceeds, the Lightforces are advancing in locating the top-cabal and cutting their resources down there which has side-effects of cabal-influenced parts of the human hierarchies getting more nervous and setting off harder measurements towards humans were they can which is averted to a high degree as well.
  • More and more departures of cabal in the etheric and astral are taking place already. Cobra talks of several hundred demonic entities per human though the concentrations are higher for key lightworkers and key humans in general of course. The Central Sun connection is getting stronger. If you feel guided that way, please do the meditation stated on the Portal for mass meditations as often as you can. As described there, it deepens the connection of the Central sun to Earth as well as the connection of and to all Lightforces involved. It also helps in identifying and removing those entities and cabal in the etheric and astral around yourself.
  • Infusals of varied higher energies were tested several times by now. Actually these are tests which have to be accomplished before the Event can safely happen. It has to be verified that those energies are purely beneficial for the liberation and the innocent parts of the surface population. Basically that is already the energies of the Event in small doses and several people concile it with more intense Schuhmann resonance and more effects getting visible. Also some people might have sensed energy infusal in their bodies in the last days, feeling lighter for short periods of time. As positive as that is, there are tendencies observed which obviously still delay the Event right now and have delayed it up to now. As laid open previously in some posts here, the high contamination of big parts of humanity is a problem which right now hinders and delays general measures like such energy infusals and the Event itself. General measures are a problem because the cabal will inevitably profit by them at the moment. You could say the chimera prepared for it and they will profit more from some kinds of general measures than the hostages and innocent population. They even used the energy of these tests partly to gain more control over the innocents and create harder attacks towards key lightworkers. So general measures will continue to be a problem for some time as the cabal can and will use the main part of the surface population to siphon these energies for their goals. There are tendencies which point to the event becoming more selective in respect to those people who are not serving the cabal (even subconsciously) only. Those tendencies stem from to heavy imbalances in fulfillment if cabal servants of any kind would receive. All of that still results in a delay but the Event will be much better for the people who actually worked for and are part of the liberation -lightworkers and Starseeds - as well as for the innocents and the resistence among humanity. The cabal will thereby be completely stopped from profiting from the Lightforces presence and actions for the surface which is desperately needed for a true liberation from the cabal. This measure will also counteract the cabals plans to exclude key lightworkers and Starseeds from the good effects of the Event as far as they could. Though the cabal would not be able to ascend with humans elevated by those energies, they want to still influence enough humans and entities to block those humans and hostages which need the liberation most from ascending. What they want is again to continue their absolute torture towards those already  most sabotaged lightworkers, regardless of the Event and the advancements of the Lightforces and intensify that problem by making all other humans profit from those energies while key lightworkers would not. The cabal are already gathering more demonic entities around those key lightworkers to cancel every positive effect that could be established by those energies which they analysed so far. This is of course not possible with a more selective event which then would first secure a safe ascension for those key lightworkers whom the cabal wants to put aside from the liberation or recruit at all costs. So these are still pretty much some of the core reasons why the Event could not happen yet.
  • Creation of bodies to travel to the Earth surface, which are actually the Goddess herself adapting to the biosphere, are proceeding. Supporting the selective help described above, those bodies will soon be descending to the surface to create actual and graspable support by the Lightforces and the Goddess herself. This process is difficult as well as some bodies actually grew slight malformings according to chimera influence. Their influence can be seen as a gradual contamination of life energies which then results in subtle negative mutations in some bodies with different ingredients tested. It was unknown for many how far that maleficient influence of the chimera reaches even into the purest energies. However a few key persons will soon be able to welcome the Goddess herself on Earth as special portions of her soul will ensoul those bodies. They are currently learning to live like humans, they are growing up in ‘fast forward’ to actually be able to interact in a non-disturbing and comfortable way with humanity. There will be bodies for several purposes and several races coming then as soon as they are stable enough both in structure and behaviour. Needless to say, the chimera already wants to intercept and rape those bodies, which might delay their descent, as this operation needs to be absolutely fail-safe - we do not need any more hostages.


  1. Bonjour , Seb merci pour les infos ,je te confirme il devient compliqué de travailler ils essaient de saboter mes méditations , me rendre folle avec mes terrestres mais je tiens bon on tiendras tous bon VOLF ♥

    1. Thank you for keeping your ground.
      Stability is much needed in ghis phase, your process will help those who will have to go through the same after you.

  2. I want to encourage those life who struggling with low feelings such as blood,fear,betrayed,…and do it again and again and again……like slaves …why they are so Insistence and obstinate with those low energy things.
    I suppose because it is the only card they can see, it is the only card they think they have and struggling in their hands……it is the only thing they can feel , they are lives …when they do those low energy things…
    it is such sorrow!!!…what they experienced !!!
    I want to encourage them. their card is not the only way to feel alive and exist… actually have millions millions millions ways waiting they to try!! millions millions millions cards waiting they to explore! far more happy joy with turely tears ……
    I want to send they brave ! brave of trust , brave of change, brave of something new, brave of everything !
    It is time to try something new way!
    the universe never abandoned they!
    I want to tell them.
    what a fool! we love u! even they do so many cruel thing in thousands years on earth…what they experienced in they soul! ( ;_;)
    I suppose meditation send they to the Galaxy center is one way to let they understand
    quarantine them and healing them drops by drops is a way too
    and at the sometime free all normal people on our planet.

    Love age is coming.
    All life is one Family


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