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Thesis: Every expression in any kind of language (as a method of communication between two or more conscious beings) -is- suggestion.
If any being tries to or communicates with you, all it actually does is suggesting you something (maybe it is telling you part of its perceived reality or something it wants you to know or to believe).
You have been trained in school and/or in the society you live in to associate certain informational chunks like words, ideas, etc. with your intellect.

In the western world, if somebody tells you "don't think of a pink elephant" he/she/it actually suggests you to think of a pink elephant and will succeed with that for most people. Even worse, you might even have a notion of the pink elephant popping up in your imagination immediately. If you meet someone who is immune to thinking of the pink elephant he/she/it certainly had a very special training in deprogramming the common intellectual fundament and you should probably marry him/her/it immediately.
So actually there exists no negativity in suggestive communication - clearly visible with the pink elephant example. People who tell you they hate something are actually (consciously or unconsciously) steering their imagination and the imagination of those listening to them right into that idea.
Ever asked yourself why news mostly tell about negative things and are regarded as extremely important so everybody is up to date?
And there are of course suggestions which are easy to decipher and some which are much more complex so most people are unable to ever find out what they were suggested.

An intuitive overview of the hierarchy of suggestions from low abstraction (reality or almost reality) to high abstraction (hard to decipher suggested and potential future realities) would be:

1) Your own experience

  • ranging from now - being very real - to your past

2) Behaviour of people (incl. all sorts of language - words, mimics, gestures, etc. )

  • ranging from known/close to you to unknown/far from you

3) Images

  • ranging multiple or sequences (movies) to single images
    and from realistic (photos, realistic paintings/animations to more abstract images)

4) Symbols (including logos as a simpler form)

  • ranging from simple to complex (or combinations of symbols)

5) Symbolic images (some forms of art/photography/etc.)

6) Symbolic 'reality'
  • meaning what some people describe as experiences on drugs, consciousness manipulations, synchronicities (symbolic coincidences described by C.G. Jung), etc.

7) The whole system of your experience

  • your impression of the world/universe as a whole

(Also see the diagram)

Important to notice is that suggestions on a higher hierarchy of abstraction may have an enormous effect on lower levels although most people won't consiously understand them. Just think or people who had an experience of meeting extraterrestrials - although they could never really say if it was just something or a drug which messed with their consciousness, they would be pretty much impressed by the realness and take it immediately down to their reality - although it would be on level 6. Also some people being shown the right movies in a news program will definately go out and tell everybody how bad the world has become although it would be on level 5.
If 'god' would come to earth and bring justice - for example by destroying the city you live in, this would probably change your impression of the world you live in immediately. This is the point where the suggestive force and your reality cannot be separated anymore and it changes the whole system of experience by modifying your own experience immediately and permanently. That is the suggestive potential of level 7 if combined to level 1 - the snake biting its tail.

As said, anyting negative - images, spoken word, etc. - just creates that notion inside of you. You see the pink elephant no matter if it was just meant as critcism or not. That kind of negativity gets implanted into your worldview so to say.
So, what happens if a human (or any living being) gets bombarded with negative suggestions? Yes, most people get sick from it - psychological responses, 'shock' and panic effect on bad news, even psychosomatic responses. Some people will commit suicide or give up their will to live if you suggest something severe, i.e. their wife has died convincing enough.

In an ideal world, which would be interested in good for all living beings, there would almost exclusively exist communication about desirable experiences/things for all people included in the communication (personally I like to think of advanced extraterrestrial beings to communicate like that - although it is of course open to discussion if extraterrestrials exist at all). Additionally the full meaning of more abstract suggestions like images and symbols would be understood instantly by all inhabitants of that ideal world, so that no-one accidentally 'buys' bad suggestions (and has to deal with the consequences later on) just because of a misunderstanding.

But what are symbolic meanings and how were they 'constructed'? The more complex a communication or suggestion gets, the more it relies on complex blocks of other suggestions often consolidated into symbols or higher hierarchy  suggestions. Most building blocks for suggestions are 'charges'. To stay on the symbol-level, we have usually quite complex suggepstions, most of the time charged by those who 'invented' them (namely culture or society, in rarer cases single persons). These people created the symbol with an idea in mind of what it should represent.
For an example of a heavily charged symbol: many people in the western world think the pentagramm per se is a symbol for satan or satanism. People with deeper knowledge regarding symbolism would probably say that only the pentagramm pointing down symbolizes satanism - the 'goat' face with two horns on top, ears left and right and the face to the bottom. Some less educated people would probably even confuse it as a symbol for lucifer although lucifer is in many teachings opposite to satan, bringing the light (luc) to help deciphering (cipher) a lower world (the angel which falls down).
In this example one easily sees that there are different charges for symbols, different charges in the perceiving society and even different individual charges depending on education in this case - all separating people. So this complex process of charging symbols and other suggestive levels takes place all the time. The more people think or rather believe in a certain way about a symbol, the more the symbol represents that way for that group of people.

Best example for a heavily modified charging: The Swastika. In older cultures like india etc. it represented luck until it was abused during the holocaust era and from then on represented nationalsocialism, racism and facism for most people. Maybe you might want to look up if the swastika Hitler abused was left- or right-turning though (sometimes like with the pentagramm, such details make a difference in more educated spheres - although the Swastika is of course deemed to be racist in any way at this time).
This charging of symbols therefore may lead to severe misunderstanding between people/culture (imagine an uneducated indian travelling to germany and painting swastikas).
Different charging of higher level suggestions in different parts of the world actually parallel the different spoken languages of different cultures and may result in people hating each other just by different 'charging'. Thought further this might very well be one severe cause for wars - one group of people getting shown images they immediately associate with evil while another group associate it with good. Even worse if used in form of propaganda - news for one people being shown images of other people with negative charged symbols (or suggestive chunks) while the news of the other people are shown the first group of people with negative charged suggestions out of their view. Those who were in doubt about the immense power of symbols and complex suggestions might be surprised what is possible just by this kind of charging done by powerful persons trying to manipulate the world as a whole in their favour.

Benevolent beings knowing of these mechanisms would of course try to disable any negative charge and instead present all beings possibly only positively charged suggestions.
Actually the 'better' meaning more intense and pervasive the charging, the more certain the realisation of the potential will be for the being affected. The suggested being can of course support certain suggestions itself, carrying on a good suggestion by ignoring negative suggestions which interfer with the desired suggestion.
The suggested being is being capable of charging suggestive chunks as well depending on the consciousness/understanding it has developed of this process.
A perfectly charged suggestion would be a suggestion which on itself discharges all interfering suggestions on its way from potential to final realisation for the suggested being.

This text may of course be treated as an suggestion - but I would like it to be treated of a suggestion to think of how much of your reality is suggested, what you experience as real and what you want to experience / would suggest yourself.


  1. Hi,

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