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Cabal interference and the human body

Though stemming from a pure pretty much Pleiadean source, the human species has been subject to modifications up to DNA level by nearly every single alien species in the chimera/NAA hierarchy. They blatantly indicate that they do so even in the Bible by telling us that we were made 'in the image of God'. What it means is that they implemented mechanisms which then allows those evil alien invaders to actually control humanity in general in a swarm-intelligence type of way and also individual humans through the adaptions they made in the derivation of God they used for the creation of humanity. As I wrote before, they implemented majority decisions on Earth only when they were able to control the majority sufficiently. This happens partly through programming like the mainstream media, partly through direct manipulations and direct influence upon key persons of society and partly by a swarm-intelligence like system most humans are accessible through. While it looks like it is a fair, democratic system to the outside, the important decisions that really lead to a change were never decided by the majority but by the NAA who manipulate human opinions from broad masses to minute detail. For the chimera/NAA, humans are just collectors they set up to collect soul energy, which they then harvest (the energy is named loosh oftentimes). This harvesting feels for humans like a 'normal' life feels, a lot of let downs, it is most rarely as successful and happy as people think or even want to be and also permanent happiness seems to be impossible for most humans. That IS the NAA/chimera sucking the soul energy from humans, that is how it then looks and feels in a human life but this degree of negativity was established on Earth as normal. Like a solar-panel collects energy by being directed towards the sun, the human form itself, being 'borrowed' from God, naturally collects this kind of soul energy. The soul energy is one of the highest energy forms in the known universe - so it is pretty desirable for the NAA. The human body has a subscription of this soul energy and what parasitic alien species like those in the chimera-hierarchy do then is well known to some here already. This collection of soul energy is not to be confused with the ensoulment or the size of the soul connected to the human itself though. While the collection of soul-energy happens due to certain requirements met by the human body (basically automatically), the size of the soul is something completely different. That harvesting of soul energy is the sole reason why these alien invaders changed the DNA etc. and want to stay in control of what happens on the Earth at all costs - the cabal is dependent on that energy.

As I mentioned before, the body-/soul-ratio is very low for most humans and that is that way by design of the cabal. If the soul was bigger, the cabal would have problems collecting/harvesting the soul-energy from 'their cattle' because those humans would suddenly fight the cabal instinctively. So they try to keep the souls small and the body which attracts the soul energy most intact to the form needed to perfect detail to create that kind of energy-attraction. That way, their hostages remain in a victim-state that is impossible to solve - humans can neither escape being harvested nor use their own higher body functions which 'the prototypes' still had. The cabal switched down the 'fun'-functions of humans with every adaption, while keeping most of the soul energy attraction-mechanisms intact - the perfect cattle for those parasitic aliens. What happens now in liberation and ascension is that some humans get back the higher and certainly god-like body functions. The chosen members of humanity to ascend have been given the mercy by the Goddess to actually be repaired in our DNA so that we one day could be similar to the God we actually stem from. Once we are through with liberation of Earth and our own ascension, we will finally live in a society that works harmoniously and have a life that actually has the potential to work out as well (without dying/degenerating all the time due to parasitic influences) in addition to actually being able to leave the Earth at will easily. The problem though is that humans cannot really grow their soul size. While they can attract supportive soul-energy in big amounts (which is actually the goal of the NAA/cabal), it is hard and takes enormous amounts of time to grow as a soul itself through this experience on Earth right now. And that is the part where the healing planets mentioned by many accompanying the liberation come into the process, to which big parts of humanity will have to be transferred. As they simply cannot really change their body-/soul-ratio at all, they will not be able to cope with the real ascension or the Event by staying on Earth as a human being. With that low ratio, most humans are unable to 'carry' even their own body and that problem was created by design - most unfair. While most people realize that they are not their body, nor their mind, they are unable to realize how small their ensoulment actually has been kept. And this ratio makes it so easy for the cabal to control humanity as a whole and brainwash them with mainstream media, to make them for example take vaccinations which are partly designed to cut them off even more higher body functions and the list goes on endlessly. If they had a higher ratio, they would certainly wake up - as some who know about the upcoming Event did already - and they would also fight naturally against the cabal. As most people are still even unaware of the NAA/cabal, only a very low percentage of humanity fights them to this very day. It is a shame that the knowledge of the Goddess, which Cobra ( brought to the Earth, still has such a low popularity, given that it is the very connection to the liberation of all of humanity. That lack of popularity of the truth is actually why the cabal laughs at the liberation, being sure of their successful continuation and the reason of why it takes so long - they really do control a big part of humanity to the degree that they even send their people and mix them among the lightworkers covertly to sabotage Cobra and any other emerging lightworkers and Starseeds. And while these saboteurs, many unconsciously being the cabal's minions, look like random people, having something very rational and plausible, even smart things to comment, they will inevitably attack the truth with that. Some of the people on the portal blog by Cobra or in the Facebook group realized that there seemingly are some people just coming for covert attacks. Though it obviously remains hard to put a finger on them. Meanwhile the cabal makes fun how dumb and unaware we are of their people constantly damaging the truth put out by Cobra and some others already. And although we certainly should stay away from attacking those invaders and saboteurs directly, as attacks usually are redirected to 'real' people then being hurt instead of the saboteurs, we should probably positively protect those spreading the truth to the highest extent.

If someone for example questions the truth by Cobra we should take immediate action against the cabal influence at least. The cabal will even pick a few lightworkers and Starseeds which they will favour and send attention to, while they will spare the really big ones who actually could change something, that is how vile and insidious their more detailed plan is. They are sure they can invade and bring down liberation with that (at least regarding the spreading of true information about liberation). They will flag some of us as disinformation, scapegoat us, make us seen as not spreading the love (they prepared this with their new age spirituality) etc. while they will favour some others, just to bring enormous imbalance into the lightworker and liberation community. The cabal will be giving alot to those who might deserve less and they will be smearing those who really could change something with problems, just to bring more instability to the liberation itself. They might even attack some of the Starseeds and bigger lightworkers with a massive amount of haters and or try to numb down everything these people publish to extinguish all emerging lights that were started by the Goddess and Cobra being her messenger. They certainly laughed at me personally making it clear that they will do everything to extinguish every piercing of the veil I am capable of - like the piercing for example this post might create. They try to hinder me to write this blog and even state their plan to completely cut it off from being read while they already blocked it on Facebook and other popular social media sites right from early posts on. They cannot do this to Cobra anymore as it would get too obvious, but they certainly want do it with all emerging lights, lightworkers and Starseeds who publish the truth in concordance with Cobra. So usually their tactic is to ignore those sources of truth, but if they are seen and designated as positive, the cabal immediately try to extinguish this designation of positivity by sending one of their haters, rationally stating something that takes the positive 'drive' from it again. What that looks like practically is something like this:

You see a first positive reaction, then it is immediately retaliated by a random person (mostlikely not even aware of what he does himself) by trying to suck the positivity away and flagging it as disinformation or illegit fast. Also interesting to note is that (in the example shown) he tries to cancel light with light, he cites Cobra himself to use him against my blog, not just flagging the post as disinformation but moving on to defame my whole person. It is a diversion of positive energies of the post and of Cobra being directed by this random person against my post, my blog and me in person. The cabal loves to use the light against the light, to cancel out one lightworker against the other and so on, dragging down both.

That is what will happen all the time. If they cannot ignore the posts/links/content of lightworkers, they try to discredit them most fast. That random human would have never written that reply if it was not first flagged as positive. Though there could be of course rational foundations in the form of that the second reply is based on the fact that the poster might really see my blogpost that way, it nevertheless IS engineered sabotage by the cabal. If they were not that successful with flagging the truth as disinformation and extinguishing positive articles with such criticism, they would not invest that much energy in keeping people away from waking up. If someone pierces the veil, a veil that hides the cabal and how they work, that is exactly what the cabal will do to stop that piercing. 

And due to the majority of humanity having a very low Soul-/body-ratio, this is quite easy to do for the cabal and might just intensify while we approach the Event. They will at least try to send the majority they still have under control against the ascendants - the Lightforces will hopefully prevent that. And they already do so with those people whose higher body functions were taken over during the raging last battle on the surface. Personally I feel a lot more people attacking on the astral and etheric and these additional attacks really do stem from humans who have lost control due to the NAA engineered takeover of their higher body parts. The intensification of attacks towards key persons, lightworkers and Starseeds happened because a lot of the 'normal' people do not care and subconsciously (or even consciously) join the cabal in these last moments. Basically these humans are losing their whole future as a human being and becoming one of the humans who will leave to the healing planets, as they are unable to ascend from the point of joining the cabal and not getting aware enough to actively oppose the cabal. Due to the low soul-/body-ratio it is an easy 'game' for the cabal, to collect those unaware humans just as they planned long in advance to do in case Earth is 'being threatened' (from their point of view) with a serious liberation. It is like their bad sense of humour to use humanity itself against its own liberation.

We will hopefully never see what they planned to use the masses and the majority of humans for in case of liberation. The Lightforces will counter that by transferring many of those who would oppose the ascendants to healing planets hopefully even without much disturbance of safety during the ascension.

Victory of the Light.


  1. your blog has always been on point, overlapping with my own experiences. you are a great inspiration for me, and iā€˜m wholeheartedly thankful for your service šŸ˜ pls continue your work and when all is done, iā€˜d love to discuss and explore our experiences šŸ„³

  2. last comment didn't go through, so again:

    love your blog, always on point, overlapping very precisely with my own experiences.
    thank you for your service! after all is done, i'd love to discuss our experiences, it's been hard but so transformative

  3. I felt very early on that the masses were programmed before hand, especially during sleep, to go along with the 2020 reset covid agendas. I felt like they went along with the agendas in real time like like it was supposed to happen, like it was part of an agreement they made.

  4. With the grandness & admiration to you Sebastian. Kudos to what you have Created and presented of your inimitable following. Love your work. How would you if i presented my own findings on many things as we progress with an abundance and sovereignty to humanity understanding many things in order to there awaking of our two diversities of reality! Its just a choice .

    Kindest Regards


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